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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Yeah, NO, revert this immediately there is no way you just punished your players for playing the game by limiting how much money they can make this is the most absurd thing i have ever seen in my life, this really feels like you actually do not like your player base, i have no motivation to do my bosses now besides loot, doesn't change the fact that i need money to upgrade my gear but now i can't cause i just got MY INCOME CUT DOWN TO 33% OF WHAT I USUALLY MAKE. I can not fathom how anyone in game developing could think that restricting in game money is the right direction to go. I've not been play for more then a year now since og maplestory and I've enjoyed everything so far but this, i almost wanna quit playing all together cause of this, unfortunately I've dedicated a lot of time in this game the past year and i don't want to see it wasted till I've at least accomplished my goal for this game. I truly hope I'm not the only one who feels this way and hope that maybe if we start an uproar about this they will fix it.

If you are willing to put in the time and effort you should be allowed to make as much as you want.
No cap on how many you can sell, no cap on how many each character can sell.
They increased the mesos you make from normal lomien and up so you make the same mesos as before, just you fight less bosses for those weekly boss crystals. 14 crystals just makes it less awkward so people can still do hard hilla through normal lomien like they did before this patch.
If the character is stronger than this, then you got nothing to worry about.
The entire purpose of the change was for a time saving aspect, we just have Pno and Akechi which makes the early half of the bosses awkward since that is 14 bosses and not 12 bosses like in KMS.
They forgot to properly localize the change.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you said, but they did NOT increase mesos from normal lomien and up? Even Hard lomien prices remained unchanged.
It's possible it was a bad localization issue, whatever it is something went wrong, this change is atrocious
There is logic behind it. It is to save on time and keep the same mesos.
It is a bad move and a very flawed fix to try to get players to graduate from certain bosses.
What I would do is keep it optional where if you soloed a boss 10 or more times, then you can choose to auto clear and get the boss crystal, but if you want all of the boss rewards then you have to clear the boss like normal.
This has no cap to it (outside of the 180 boss crystal account cap) and no mesos changes to the boss crystals, the player can choose to either take the mesos only and save on time or do the boss fight still for the extra rewards and boss crystal.
This way players have the option to graduate from weak bosses, but does not affect their weekly/daily mesos, and for those that want to do every boss still are able to do that and not be punished for it.
[Difficulty would count as a new boss despite it being technically the same boss to be clear. i.e. Need 10 Hard Lucid soloes in order to auto clear Hard Lucid, despite having 100 Normal Lucid solos already.]
I've shared this idea around before and it's something that most people I've shared with seem to agree with. Just let me instantly get the meso for bosses I can clear easily, I don't even care about the drops.
Close enough is basically the same, but the problem with the cap is the forceful nature of it and not that it is off by a few mesos.
Where as optional instant clear after you have proven you can solo the boss at that difficulty let's the player decide how they want to play the game and what they want to do.
I wouldn't say clear easily, but clear competently and you know what you are doing - this is more for bosses like Chaos Gloom and Chaos Slime. Don't need to take down the bosses for any other reason than mesos if the rings are 22 stars already and you got level 4 of the special ring you want. Early game bosses eventually do become mindless super easy one shot bosses obviously.
A CTene Solo character would earn roughly 4.6b (Reboot) and now they will earn 4.1b.
This is almost 2b lost meso per month per character you had doing CTene.
Even if you make it the top 14 crystals like you suggest this is still only 4.26b meso, still 8% meso lost.
This is not nothing in a game where every meso counts. This matters.
This is also assuming that you solo everything. You're not considering the fact that you have to split these crystals with other players.
You are losing far more meso than these new values make up. I will take one of my characters for an example.
I do NKaling/NKalos/XLotus with a party. CTene down with a duo partner. Before this patch I earned 3.95b per week.
After this patch I will earn 3.18b per week. This is 20% of my weekly meso on this character just gone. This is nowhere near "basically the same".
This is over 3b meso per month that I have lost. If you're thinking that black mage makes up for it, you'd be mistaken. Extreme Black Mage on the old patch was worth 1.666b, on the one it is worth 2.5b. (Split 6 ways)
I'm still losing over 2b a month on this update. This is still 13% of my meso from bossing, gone.
I'm sorry, but you have no clue what you're talking about.
Look, the forceful nature is obviously bad, but "a few mesos" is ridiculous, you know it is. I am also losing about 20% of boss income, and overtime it's gonna add up to a lot of mesos. And I'm sorry I don't have full 22* and the max level special ring I want yet, if you do that's great and all, and also it seems it's gonna take me a lot longer to get there now.
That was targeted at if we get an auto-clear boss feature since Chaos Slime's purpose is for Slime rings and Special Ring boxes chance, so if you already had those things then you know are running the boss for mesos - which would be the quality of life convenience feature of auto-clear for only the boss crystal since you don't need or want the other rewards anymore.
Getting too hooked on the mesos thing, Nexon won't listen to any reasonings to "we want more", but they will if the reasoning was to remove restrictions and allow players to play how they want without being punished for it.
Nexon already knows we always want more mesos and more damage, but unless there is a real and valid reason for this stuff then they will end up ignoring it.
Where as I am bringing up just let players play how they want and coming up with another different solution that further builds off of that allowing players the freedom of choice to clear bosses as normal and/or auto-clear after X number of solo clears to only reason of the boss crystals to save on time, but get the same mesos they would have gotten as if they soloed that boss on that difficulty.
I find the weekly crystal cap to be more of a headache personally and does the opposite of be the intended quality of life.
I like just going through my bosses in order and go "Is boss dead? Yes or no?" and be nice and simple and the weekly crystal cap changes that and makes me have to really think and count out my game plan. Which will grow more and more tiring with every passing week as minour as it may seem in the present.
Nexon nerfed meso rates, it's not as if players are asking for something they didn't have, they're asking not to be kicked in the shins and have their meso taken from them.
Which is why you should be against this change as it removes the ability for players to play like they want. The autoclear would be a good addition, but removing meso and forcing players to play more bossing characters if they want the same meso should be a massive red flag to you.
It wasn't a quality of life. It was nerfing boss meso. Stop pretending Nexon did this for our own benefit.
Nexon is forcing you to play more characters if you want the same amount of meso you were already getting.
This should go against everything you claim to stand for and yet you're defending it for some reason.
If you don't want to kill the low level bosses, that's fine. But don't force me to play the same way as you.
Honestly, yeah that's a great point. Even if they implement some sort of auto-clear or some "fix" to the nerf, they're still greately limiting what we can do, by removing the reward if people want to put in more time or effort.
Which, if we think about it, it's complete bologny.
Personally I don't even care if we get this "auto-clear" or not, there are other items I want from bosses than the crystals themselves. If a player wants to put in the effort and dedicate their time into the game, they probably shouldn't be penalized for it. I mean, isn't that why the sol erda cap was removed?
KMS has different price values we do, their upper half bosses are more and their lower half bosses are less than what we have.
I agree with our approach which is make the lower half worth more to get people into the game easier, plus we have the extra 2 with Akechi and Pno which was not accounted for with the boss crystal adjustments, which makes the change even worse than intended.
People like partying with the upper half of weekly bosses anyways which makes the mesos get split up. This means the best solution is not to interfere with the higher mesos value of the lower half of weekly bosses where players are able to solo. They should just revert the weekly crystal change to how it was, but keep the blue/purple/gold crystal icons.
I was just explaining their logic and reasoning for implementing the change in the first place. I never said, implied, suggested, or hinted at that I was in favour of it.
Wanting more and not wanting less is the same thing. Both cases needs something else to make your case valid.
This change restricting and punishing how people would like to play the game is a good reason to revert the change. Then expanding on the revert to include auto-completion for a solo boss crystal would allow for that quality of life aspect and not interfere with current gameplay for those that still want to fight every boss for all the rewards including the boss crystal.