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Coming from EMS? Introduce yourself here!


  • Member nizu26
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 8
    edited November 2016
    Hello, my name is Nina and I'm from The Netherlands c:
    I've been playing EMS since about 2007, when I was about 7/8 years old :'), I've quit a few times but came back everytime just like now (and everytime I get scared by something like the first time an Elite popped up or yesterday when I leveled up) My main is a bandit called haantje, started out when the only class you could choose from were adventurers and seen alot of changes when the years went by. (I can't find it when I log in on Luna though, still hoping the past 9 years didn't vanish lol) I'm now 17 years old studying Communication & Multimedia Design (I might go into the game design world but I'm not sure yet)
    I think my favorite memories from EMS back in the day are those monster events when no one was OP and everyone died (well, except if you had alot of exp to lose) and the christmas town event. (which I'm hoping is making a comeback pretty soon?)
  • Member BIackbean
    Reactions: 3,450
    Posts: 519
    edited November 2016
    Hello, my name is Eric and I was born in Sweden!
  • Member, Private Tester Josrev
    Reactions: 1,425
    Posts: 25
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Hello there My name's Josué and i was born in Perú, played GMS for a while in 2007 then i started playing EMS in during the christmas season that same year. it's crazy to think it soon will be 10 years playing this game for seasons when i had vacations or just after classes.
  • Member Spyro157
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 5
    edited November 2016
    Hey there, i'm from the UK and been playing...since christmas i think when Zero was makeable, i have been putting off playing for a little while since the Global Merge was happening and i was playing other games at the time, now that the merge has happened i feel better knowing we have the latest content out there
  • Member teekun
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 6
    edited November 2016
    Sup~! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ I'm Neko (ign Nekohart), 24 y old ex-Demethos player from Finland. Long gaming history, mostly from horror/fps/adventure games tho. Have played EMS for several years (4-5 or so) by now and orginally was lured in game by bestie who has been playing maple for longer. People were mostly reason why kept playing maple. Have been member of Haptic for years and now we re-created it in Luna (Guild is searching for new members so wink wink). Favorite class is kaiser and for obvious reasons it has been main ever since that class was released. Uhm what else... Love all creepy and horror like stuff, halloween events are favorite ones (Madhouse was pure enjoyement ♥). When not in game, usually spend time at work or drawing/painting ooooooor playing other games like FF7 or fooling around in WoW. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Cheers.
  • Member, Private Tester HernanDG
    Reactions: 800
    Posts: 7
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2021
  • Member, Private Tester Jetwin
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 7
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Hi my name is Jessica I have 35 years old and have been playing since 2007 EMS.
    I am from Spain
  • Member Perceptivity
    Reactions: 2,820
    Posts: 239
    edited November 2016
    NobleEvan said:


    Woop so many friends been posting ik this thread :D
    -waves to Dan-
    Heya Joyce :) feel free to buddy me if you want :D IGN: Perceptivity
    swei said:

    Hello everyoneeeee!! late intro from me oho
    I'm Tracey and returning to Maplestory casually with some friends!
    I've been on eMS since 2007 and I've mained alot of characters in that time Qu Q;; but I've settled with a corsair (Aicia).
    Most people will know me for being semi-lead of Eterna guild with my sister =u =
    I hope to see you all in game *U *!
    Heya Tracey long time no see :) send me a buddy request if you want ign Perceptivity
  • Nexon bumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
    Posts: 1,167
    edited November 2016
    ello ems players!
  • Member ForumKous
    Reactions: 1,085
    Posts: 50
    edited November 2016
    Hey guys my name is Kousuke, but people usually call me Kous! I am half Japanese/half Dutch, I am 21 years old and an ex-EMS Kradia player. I main a Xenon which is currently level 220, but will skyrocket soon as we finally have some decent maps to grind :) I really like the merge, as I am one that is always looking out for the latest content and GMS gets patches on a frequent basis.

    If you want to learn more about me then please check out my youtube channel! I make lots of content which includes bossing, commentaries and much more!
  • Member Crystalia
    Reactions: 315
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2016
    Hello, name's Crystal. I began playing KMS around the time when it was first released when I was maybe about 4. I stuck with Maple Story for several years after that, but my memory is foggy from those days. If I remember, I spent most of my days in Windia mainly struggling as a Blaze Wizard...
    After falling out from the game, I eventually joined back in a few years ago in EMS but now I've quit playing it anymore as I have a Macbook for university heh.
    Though it's been quite some time for me, I still keep up with all the content that Maple Story puts out and play the game whenever I have a PC at my grasp, so it's good to be on these Forums.
    Strangely, despite all my years playing I never grew tired of it, it's just something nostalgic to me, so that's me I guess.
  • Member Yoshumari
    Reactions: 2,175
    Posts: 130
    edited November 2016
    Greetings to all you EU Players! Welcome!

  • Member, Private Tester InfinityDusk
    Reactions: 510
    Post: 1
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Welcome all of the new European players! I certainly hope this helps the GMS population increase...
  • Member, Private Tester Landén
    Reactions: 780
    Posts: 8
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Hello everyone! :D

    I'm Jonathan, a 24 year old guy from Sweden, also called Jonte or Jon.
    I main a level 250 Luminous, and I'm also the player that reached level 250 first in Europe.
    I started playing MapleStory when beta came out in GMS. Mained an I/L Wizard in Windia, reached the incredible level of 18 before EMS came out.
    I have since then played 7 years on and off, a few months here, a few months there, before returning back completely 2-3 years ago.
    I hope that this migration will be a good thing for both communities, and if you decide to visit Luna, I hope you enjoy your stay :)
    Also, if I were to play a bit for fun in one of the other worlds, which one should I pick? (I'm leaning towards Windia atm)

    PS. It would be nice if we could get a GM list of the new GM's in Luna.
  • Member, Private Tester Yonax
    Reactions: 3,016
    Posts: 336
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Landén said:

    PS. It would be nice if we could get a GM list of the new GM's in Luna.
    There are currently no GM's in Luna unfortuanately, cause its needed!
  • Member DutchWarrior
    Reactions: 1,000
    Posts: 10
    edited November 2016
    Hey there,

    I'm Miko, im a 20 year old guy from the Netherlands.
    Most people will know me from my main Luminous IGN: Exodiaa
    So most people call me Miko or Exo, but feel free to call me Senpai ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

    P.s. i want GMChaos back! trolling around with him was too much fun :)
  • Member ASoggyRat
    Reactions: 740
    Posts: 54
    edited November 2016
    Hey everyone. *waves*

    I've been a long time mapler, since before Big Bang even, back in the day when everyone loved that music on the map near Henesys, and you could be considered funded just to have enough mesos to buy mana pots to level a magician! I've been playing on and off for quite a few years and I was decently active on the EMS forums for a while when I had to stop playing because I didn't have a pc that could even run maple. I think that was 2014 sometime. Don't know if any other EMS forum users would remember Silhouette09 from over there though, it feels like a long time ago and going back to the EMS forums and reading all the goodbye posts makes me pretty sad.

    The best part of my journey in maple (apart from meeting so many awesome people) was back when Mihile was released in EMS back in 2013. There was a 'Characters in Town With Mihile' competition, in which I was lucky enough to win a horned mushroom plush and a signed letter from GM Eirror!. In 2014 (I think?) some of our Nexon EU team put together a series of interviews with well-known players from EMS, and my Xenon, MiyabiHotaru, was picked to be the first because of my forum activity (lucky me, again :D), unfortunately the link to the page no longer exists. Wish I'd taken a screenshot of my Mushroom Talks interview now :(

    I look forward to meeting everyone from the GMS community :)
  • Member, Private Tester RikNL
    Reactions: 2,605
    Posts: 180
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    ASoggyRat said:

    Hey everyone. *waves*

    I've been a long time mapler, since before Big Bang even, back in the day when everyone loved that music on the map near Henesys, and you could be considered funded just to have enough mesos to buy mana pots to level a magician! I've been playing on and off for quite a few years and I was decently active on the EMS forums for a while when I had to stop playing because I didn't have a pc that could even run maple. I think that was 2014 sometime. Don't know if any other EMS forum users would remember Silhouette09 from over there though, it feels like a long time ago and going back to the EMS forums and reading all the goodbye posts makes me pretty sad.

    The best part of my journey in maple (apart from meeting so many awesome people) was back when Mihile was released in EMS back in 2013. There was a 'Characters in Town With Mihile' competition, in which I was lucky enough to win a horned mushroom plush and a signed letter from GM Eirror!. In 2014 (I think?) some of our Nexon EU team put together a series of interviews with well-known players from EMS, and my Xenon, MiyabiHotaru, was picked to be the first because of my forum activity (lucky me, again :D), unfortunately the link to the page no longer exists. Wish I'd taken a screenshot of my Mushroom Talks interview now :(

    I look forward to meeting everyone from the GMS community :)
    I also got that haha! Only my letter was in Dutch.
  • Member Hiero
    Reactions: 655
    Posts: 26
    edited November 2016
    why are there so many botters and spammers in GMS? if EMS could handle them, why cant GMS? this really ruins the game fast.
  • Member BIackbean
    Reactions: 3,450
    Posts: 519
    edited November 2016
    ya couple of bad players are ruining the EMS experience for ppl who are now in GMS sadly.