Please for the love of Rhinne give us the FULL set of patch notes for V. None of this compressed nonsense. V is a huge patch, containing many many changes to every part of the game, from the UI to skills, to stats, to leveling, to mobs, to fighting, to quests etc..... I'm asking this now because the micro site was released today. We deserve to get the full patch notes on everything coming in this patch. Please don't leave anything out. Please add numbers when talking about skills (ie cooldowns, %damage, any buff effects, duration of buffs, MP use etc.... Hopefully for both the min and max level of each skill). Please give examples of what some of the changes mean for us, teh palyers, (eg the changes to defense and status resist, an example of two of how this will change boss fights/training would be extremely helpful as not everyone reads Max's blog and even of those who do, not everyone completely understands how the new formulas will work in game). Please tell us which areas had their upper level limit removed instead of just saying "Some areas had their max level limit removed". Please tell us what mobs, if any, are changed and how they were changed (again, numbers). Please tell us about the new equipment, how we can obtain it and power it up. Please explain in detail how we can get V cores. And anything else I missed. Please just give us the FULL patch notes of everything that was changed. This update is just so big and so important. We, as players, deserve the right to full patch notes, at least this once.

and 10 others.
The decision to make patch notes shorter wasn't a good idea...
The recent batches of patch notes have actually discouraged me from doing events, since I can't accurately weigh if those events are worth while. Crucify me if you must, but I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into for what rewards.
When someone translates a book, there is a separate copyright on the translation, besides the copyright on the book. Same with web notices or any other text.
This worth the attention of the community manager @KThxBaiNao right?
I really don't care spending a week reading the notes.
Paging @KThxBaiNao - Can you guys please do better for the rest of the released in the V update?
For example. @Aletai didn't even mention that your Hit rate won't matter anymore, you will always hit the monster, but now your damage will be decreased by 2% for every level you are below the mob. He didn't mention that DEFENSE got a new cap, or that the formula for it was changed (meaning that it now actually does something, well at least it does according to the KMS notes for this patch). I mean these are just 2 examples, but the notes are still missing almost everything that I requested be added to them for the sake of us players.
Odd thoughts:
Perhaps, at this point, Nexon is relying on the players to figure it out ourselves. In it's own dementedly logical way, the quest for such knowledge is content in and of itself.
However, they have made it clear in their ToS that we cannot data-mine for details regarding content... I actually question the legality of -Removed- due to this.
On another note, perhaps the vagueness of the notes is in respect to people who tend to find such notes and use them to make new schemes for themselves (usually with content patches with coin shops).
Even this doesn't seem to hold water, since this could easily be solved by releasing the patch notes to the tune of mass push notifications to the emails of users. Timing wise, you could even release the notes at server start-up (as much as we would all hate it).
Maybe it is how we behave as a community. Perhaps they dread how we would react to very specific tweaks. Perhaps they would like the space to backpedal and adjust if certain methods of balance did not function as desired.
... "Introductory Sweetwater Drop Rates", anyone? Sure didn't stop them before.
I suspect the vagueness in the patch notes is intentional, to foster attention to the patch release itself, to force us all to go in and find out for ourselves, dangers and damages be damned.
Not that I agree with this. Somethings, such as the previously capricious nature of boom-chance scrolls from events in the past have literally caused losses of items worth hundreds if not thousands to players (in terms of time and actual money spent making them). At least Nexon had the sense to now make it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR if items will explode on failure for some scrolls, while others had the boom-chance removed.