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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Black Friday Big Spender Event
Hi. I noticed that for the black friday big spender event you get a tyrant armour and Fafnir weapon at random from the boxes. Its not fair that you give these out at random in Reboot since we can not trade with others or in the account. I don't want to get a Fafnir for spending my own money that i cant even use because it's not for my class. Please make it so you get a Fafnir weapon and tyrant armor from the boxes for your class instead of one at random in REBOOT world only please. Thank you.
It's not an event like the MapleWatch thing, where it doesn't take NX to participate. This event was only open to Cash users. In this event you were told: pay real-world money and get a Tyrant, and if you pay more you'll get both a Tyrant and a Fafnir. That's very clearly against the principle of Reboot.
The Reboot server is supposed to give no advantage to paying customers. It's not just about enhancement, it's also about the clean Best-in-Slot gear itself.
I agree that Nexon should have said so from the beginning. But they're too greedy, and just keep looking for ways to get pay2win into Reboot.
I also qualified for the Tyrant gear but it was me going ham over style boxes mostly oops.