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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Maplestory has stopped working Issue
this always works for me across all windows versions 7/8/10
you can check to see if the servers up or down here
when its back up
restart your computer
in start menu click device manager
go down to wireless
im propertys turn off the setting to let the computer turn it off
in start menu type cmd right click run as admin
then type netsh winsok reset
press enter
restart your comp when your promped
turn off your antivirus until restart < avg free is bad for dcing >
go into maplestory folder
right click
pretty much all the exe
and go into compadability and run as admin FOR ALL USERS
and change them to compadability win 7 at same time< only if ur on win 10>
then start the game when your on character selection screen
press alt + tab + delete together
go down to task manager
find maplestory.exe in processes
and right click
set afinity
here depending on your computer
start at above avrage
if u have a beast of a comp then go realtime or high i usually go high but thats me
see if that helps at all