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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Maplestory has stopped working Issue
I've recently posted this issue, and i might have found a solution: wait out the 2 nexon and the wizit intros, skip the job character intro. Once you get to the region select wait around 5-10 secs before clicking your region don't press anything during this wait time and it should work. So far this method has launched my game properly 15 times in a row and before from my other methods ill be lucky to get into character select from 20 tries
Sadly, Nexon team tries to provide with possible solutions which nothing resolves the game client crash issues.
They should provide with more details like this but I'm afraid they refuse to do so...
The first time, I SUCCESSFULLY made it as far as punching in my pin number, but as soon as it tries to log me in with my Scania main, it crashed. That was the closest I've ever gotten. X_X
The next few times after that, wouldn't let me go past choosing a server and channel.
Mind that I did these attempts with the "waiting at least 5-10 seconds before selecting region" method and it still didn't work XP