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Maplestory has stopped working Issue
netsh winsock reset
i asume you have windows 10? also you sure you compatible all exe (in maple and nexon launcher folder) files to all users to windows 7 and hit the run as administrator box? i mean that fixed it for me.
Exception thrown at 0x1B4FC6BA (nvd3dum.dll) in MapleStory.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000001C.
The program '[1096] MapleStory.exe' has exited with code -1073741819 (0xc0000005) 'Access violation'.
nvd3dum.dll is part of the graphics card, so I tried updating my drivers. That did't really do anything.
I thought the access violation might mean an issue with permissions so I disabled my antivirus, ran as admin, all that. Still having the same problem though.
The only trace I can find of the issue online of a similar issue was here: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/948360/geforce-mobile-gpus/maplestory-crash-on-nvd3dum-dll-with-geforce-gt-750m/
I also saw some similar problems with the .dll in other games. The only solutions I've come across at the moment is trying different hardware. I might try swapping out graphics cards and see if that does anything.
Nexon, why do you do this? http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/5275/maplestory-has-stopped-working-issue/p4#
sorry i was really tired and rarely come on forums since my forum name was changed
the correct command is
netsh winsock reset
make sure you run it as admin to me it sounds like your loopbacks are crashing you
go into control panel
networks and internet
find networks and sharing
in your left side should be an option to change adapter settings
open that up and disable all except the main internet connection you are using
sorry for late reply guys hope that it helps x3 to me that sounds like its your firewall / antivirus
go to start menu type in allow program though firewall
open it up and add in the whole nexon folder
but also try the loop back thing too if your dcing at the pic its not your firewall is it?
i mean its 2 different things antivirus and firewall
try disabling both
for those disconnecting at the pic disable your loopacks in your control panel> network > manage adapter settings<3
I tried another shot in the dark and disabled my second monitor to see if the .dll worked without it. Still nothing.
loopbacks is only for when your dcing after you put in the pic
and if disabling / deleting didnt help dcing from pic
its usually something needs updating
or you just need to keep trying a couple times
from my experience its usually a framework or c++ needs update
or i have in a few occasions had like a runtime error in that case i had to delete everything and reinstall after updating your comp
by using MSCONFIG as a tool to find the root of your problem is also a good idea
by hiding all microsoft programs in msconfig in start menu
then disableing everything else thats there AFTER HIDING THE ALL MICROSOFT BOX
make sure you tick the disable all microsoft box before ticking disable all
also try closing the launcher and running the Nexon game launcher as admin after if it works we know its a program / not the comp or connection
also guys when you download the game MAKE SURE YOU DISABLE THE ANTIVIRUS Before you download
this also helped me as my antivirus was deleting it before it even saved
So if it helped anyone be sure to let others know by giving me #ThumbsUp