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A message about KThxBaiNao


  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited December 2016
    Seippo said:

    Is Nexon serious?KThxBaiNao was the only employee to actually interact with us...We're all doomed now,R.I.P.
    Unfortunately unlike the man himself, most Nexon America decisions are final.
    Lucsean99 said:

    Sam016 said:

    Maybe related to this?

    Either way if Nexon got rid of him, it's the worse decision they could do...
    That website has a lot of irrelevant illegal activity that Nexon(NA) doesn't want any part in with. So in other terms he overstepped his duties, but in all honesty it was a trust issue. "You can't spread our devs info onto any 3rd party site", I highly doubt he would ever spill devs codes to 3rd party sites.

    We know who's paranoid.

    MapleStory reddit isn't illegal at all, it still follows certain guidelines so Nexon America doesn't take action against them (such as flipping the reddit to be against MapleStory because of Nexon America).

    It's that being unwanted attention of Nexon America's possible practices with MapleStory which can be a reason why KThxBaiNao was let go. To us he interacted with the community beyond the required expectations of his job but Nexon America probably didn't like that, as you said he overstep his duties. But he didn't break his NDA where I would see it.

    KThxBaiNao posted a unofficial, personal closing statement on his twitter:

    While it may not have been my decision, I respect Nexon and wish everyone there nothing but the best. I've grown and learned a lot during my time at Nexon, and it's been an honor to represent the community of a game that I grew up with.

    I'm grateful for all the people I've been able to meet, talk to, and befriend over the past year working as MapleStory's CM. Even though I'm no longer working at Nexon, I'll always be available as a friendly face and as someone you can laugh and hang out with. I will miss working for you, but this isn't the last we'll ever see each other. It's just bye for now :^)

    And as always -- Happy Mapling,
  • AK712AK712
    Reactions: 1,840
    Posts: 116
    edited December 2016

    History repeats itself yet again...

    You jerks grab your pitchforks and torches EVERY TIME the CM changes. You say the old CM "was the best" and they "can't replace him", yet every time the new CM is someone you like. GET IT TOGETHER. You've been wrong every time, so I think it's time you shut it and let Nexon do what it does.
  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited December 2016
    AK712 said:


    History repeats itself yet again...

    You jerks grab your pitchforks and torches EVERY TIME the CM changes. You say the old CM "was the best" and they "can't replace him", yet every time the new CM is someone you like. GET IT TOGETHER. You've been wrong every time, so I think it's time you shut it and let Nexon do what it does.
    It's true to an extent. You can't change the past or history so you can't technically replace someone in those parts.

    However that doesn't mean we should just be quiet and "let Nexon do what they do". We have the right to criticize them since WE ARE THE PLAYERS OF THE GAME. The only thing that we can't do is over-step our boundaries of the Terms of Service or Code of Conduct.

    With all being factored in the execution of the V Patch was a disaster for GMS. And we all know who forward a majority of the issues to the team.
  • TubaTuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited December 2016
    Umm I just logged on the forums today and seeing this actually shocked me, because despite my experiences with him which weren't pleasant, I don't think it was fair how you guys put so much responsibility on him. He was just one person and communicating with virtually everyone on the game probably isn't easy. So maybe you should hire more people so your small staff doesn't get so overwhelmed.

    AKradian said:


    I'm just so sad now I cannot follow KAY THANK YOU GOODBYE NOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA STREAMS AND LIKE ALL HIS POSTS RELATED TO MAPLE OR ANYTHING FUNNY ABOUT HIS PERSONAL LIFE(WHICH NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW) WHAT AM I GUNNA DO NOW? DO I RELLY HAVE TO GO BACK TO GRADING MY CHILDRENS TEST PAPERS AND CORRECTING THE MISTAKE NAO FOR NOW GIVING THEM A -2 PTS PER LINE AND GIVING THEM ANOTHER -2 POINTS FOR SAYING BYE "BAI"? SOUNDS LIKE BAE? HM. such a shame such a huge shame, shame, shame. I mean even though he never got back to us with anything he still was cool 2 follow on twitta and reddit and cray stuffz like that. didn't help me one time. in fact had a lot of issues with him, but not that hes not a twitter GOD I'm so over him LF> new Korean idols
    We get it.
    You want a middle-aged white guy who's never played MapleStory, but can dish out the corporate double-speak in perfect formal English. A father-figure who would make you feel secure and looked-after, even when you're ignored as Nexon has always ignored us.
    I have no idea what kind of "management" you expect a CM to do to the community. Herd us?

    Personally, I don't like memes and I found Michael's videos cringeworthy, but I can see beyond that to the actual work he did.
    A CM has very little power. He's just an ambassador. A go-between the company and the community. His ability to solve our issues with the game is extremely limited. KThxBaiNao at least understood what those issues were, and was able to assign them priorities and explain them to the dev team. For issues internal to NexonNA he did more than that. He helped many people who were wrongfully banned or had other personal customer-support issues, get those issues actually looked at instead of brushed off. He rearranged the forums and added the "forwarded issues" lists to help with transparency. He got items on sale in the Cash Shop that we asked for (for example, right now we have the Mix Dye Coupon added, that was suggested on this forum). True, he can't fix servers and he can't fix bugs and when he gets incorrect answers from the devs he passes them on unknowingly, but no other CM could do any better in those regards. And yeah, he couldn't keep up, but none of them ever did. The workload is too much for one person.

    Anyway, I don't know why he got fired.
    It may be because he pushed too hard for everyone else in the company to do their jobs and fix the game or treat the players fairly.
    It may be because he was unable to be in California and therefore unable to do parts of his job (most notable, or at least most visible: he was unable to stream the V update, so those two clowns had to, resulting in a PR disaster; and he could not provide us with updates during the long night maintenances, so OneLetter had to do that).
    It might even be something stupid like some high muck-a-muck calling a meeting and firing Michael in a fit of pique when he couldn't physically attend.

    But regardless of the reason, I still feel he was one of the best CMs we ever had, and definitely cared the most about the game and players. And I fear that, if that was the reason he was let go, then our next CM is sure to be an apathetic bureaucrat.
    Are you really bringing race into this? Race has nothing to do with this we literally had a white CM and he left so I think you need to take that race bs somewhere else because it's not cute. Nexon is just a bad company and they have no morals. I'm pretty sure Hime got fired as well from what I heard on the internet. They will let you go regardless of skin color.
  • TubaTuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited December 2016
    Maryse said:

    ... #bringbackhime
    YESSSSS #ImWithHime2016
  • InvulgoInvulgo
    Reactions: 4,620
    Posts: 544
    edited December 2016
    Hey guys

    Us the VFM will still be here forwarding topics, issues, bugs and feedback. Also during the upcoming holidays. Unfortunately staff changes aren't that uncommon in the video gaming industry. I will admit that the timing is slightly inconvenient, however I have a super positive outlook and will not take any sorrows in advance.

    Please refrain from speculating excessively, it doesn't make anything better. We should respect his privacy and thank him for everything he has done for us. Thank you Michael, it was a pleasure.
  • ArlongArlong
    Reactions: 4,645
    Posts: 424
    edited December 2016
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited December 2016
    Tuba said:

    AKradian said:


    I'm just so sad now I cannot follow KAY THANK YOU GOODBYE NOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA STREAMS AND LIKE ALL HIS POSTS RELATED TO MAPLE OR ANYTHING FUNNY ABOUT HIS PERSONAL LIFE(WHICH NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW) WHAT AM I GUNNA DO NOW? DO I RELLY HAVE TO GO BACK TO GRADING MY CHILDRENS TEST PAPERS AND CORRECTING THE MISTAKE NAO FOR NOW GIVING THEM A -2 PTS PER LINE AND GIVING THEM ANOTHER -2 POINTS FOR SAYING BYE "BAI"? SOUNDS LIKE BAE? HM. such a shame such a huge shame, shame, shame. I mean even though he never got back to us with anything he still was cool 2 follow on twitta and reddit and cray stuffz like that. didn't help me one time. in fact had a lot of issues with him, but not that hes not a twitter GOD I'm so over him LF> new Korean idols
    We get it.
    You want a middle-aged white guy who's never played MapleStory, but can dish out the corporate double-speak in perfect formal English. A father-figure who would make you feel secure and looked-after, even when you're ignored as Nexon has always ignored us.
    I have no idea what kind of "management" you expect a CM to do to the community. Herd us?
    Are you really bringing race into this? Race has nothing to do with this we literally had a white CM and he left so I think you need to take that race bs somewhere else because it's not cute. Nexon is just a bad company and they have no morals. I'm pretty sure Hime got fired as well from what I heard on the internet. They will let you go regardless of skin color.
    I was talking to Kyle. I said that Kyle wants that white father-figure. I never said Nexon does. Nexon America probably prefers Koreans because they have a better chance of being able to communicate effectively with the mother company.
  • KingStarfireKingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited December 2016
    Tuba said:

    Umm I just logged on the forums today and seeing this actually shocked me, because despite my experiences with him which weren't pleasant, I don't think it was fair how you guys put so much responsibility on him. He was just one person and communicating with virtually everyone on the game probably isn't easy. So maybe you should hire more people so your small staff doesn't get so overwhelmed.

    AKradian said:


    I'm just so sad now I cannot follow KAY THANK YOU GOODBYE NOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA STREAMS AND LIKE ALL HIS POSTS RELATED TO MAPLE OR ANYTHING FUNNY ABOUT HIS PERSONAL LIFE(WHICH NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW) WHAT AM I GUNNA DO NOW? DO I RELLY HAVE TO GO BACK TO GRADING MY CHILDRENS TEST PAPERS AND CORRECTING THE MISTAKE NAO FOR NOW GIVING THEM A -2 PTS PER LINE AND GIVING THEM ANOTHER -2 POINTS FOR SAYING BYE "BAI"? SOUNDS LIKE BAE? HM. such a shame such a huge shame, shame, shame. I mean even though he never got back to us with anything he still was cool 2 follow on twitta and reddit and cray stuffz like that. didn't help me one time. in fact had a lot of issues with him, but not that hes not a twitter GOD I'm so over him LF> new Korean idols
    We get it.
    You want a middle-aged white guy who's never played MapleStory, but can dish out the corporate double-speak in perfect formal English. A father-figure who would make you feel secure and looked-after, even when you're ignored as Nexon has always ignored us.
    I have no idea what kind of "management" you expect a CM to do to the community. Herd us?

    Personally, I don't like memes and I found Michael's videos cringeworthy, but I can see beyond that to the actual work he did.
    A CM has very little power. He's just an ambassador. A go-between the company and the community. His ability to solve our issues with the game is extremely limited. KThxBaiNao at least understood what those issues were, and was able to assign them priorities and explain them to the dev team. For issues internal to NexonNA he did more than that. He helped many people who were wrongfully banned or had other personal customer-support issues, get those issues actually looked at instead of brushed off. He rearranged the forums and added the "forwarded issues" lists to help with transparency. He got items on sale in the Cash Shop that we asked for (for example, right now we have the Mix Dye Coupon added, that was suggested on this forum). True, he can't fix servers and he can't fix bugs and when he gets incorrect answers from the devs he passes them on unknowingly, but no other CM could do any better in those regards. And yeah, he couldn't keep up, but none of them ever did. The workload is too much for one person.

    Anyway, I don't know why he got fired.
    It may be because he pushed too hard for everyone else in the company to do their jobs and fix the game or treat the players fairly.
    It may be because he was unable to be in California and therefore unable to do parts of his job (most notable, or at least most visible: he was unable to stream the V update, so those two clowns had to, resulting in a PR disaster; and he could not provide us with updates during the long night maintenances, so OneLetter had to do that).
    It might even be something stupid like some high muck-a-muck calling a meeting and firing Michael in a fit of pique when he couldn't physically attend.

    But regardless of the reason, I still feel he was one of the best CMs we ever had, and definitely cared the most about the game and players. And I fear that, if that was the reason he was let go, then our next CM is sure to be an apathetic bureaucrat.
    Are you really bringing race into this? Race has nothing to do with this we literally had a white CM and he left so I think you need to take that race bs somewhere else because it's not cute. Nexon is just a bad company and they have no morals. I'm pretty sure Hime got fired as well from what I heard on the internet. They will let you go regardless of skin color.
    Hime left on her own.

  • Kylehell007Kylehell007
    Reactions: 1,295
    Posts: 142
    edited December 2016
    Tuba said:

    Umm I just logged on the forums today and seeing this actually shocked me, because despite my experiences with him which weren't pleasant, I don't think it was fair how you guys put so much responsibility on him. He was just one person and communicating with virtually everyone on the game probably isn't easy. So maybe you should hire more people so your small staff doesn't get so overwhelmed.

    AKradian said:


    I'm just so sad now I cannot follow KAY THANK YOU GOODBYE NOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA STREAMS AND LIKE ALL HIS POSTS RELATED TO MAPLE OR ANYTHING FUNNY ABOUT HIS PERSONAL LIFE(WHICH NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW) WHAT AM I GUNNA DO NOW? DO I RELLY HAVE TO GO BACK TO GRADING MY CHILDRENS TEST PAPERS AND CORRECTING THE MISTAKE NAO FOR NOW GIVING THEM A -2 PTS PER LINE AND GIVING THEM ANOTHER -2 POINTS FOR SAYING BYE "BAI"? SOUNDS LIKE BAE? HM. such a shame such a huge shame, shame, shame. I mean even though he never got back to us with anything he still was cool 2 follow on twitta and reddit and cray stuffz like that. didn't help me one time. in fact had a lot of issues with him, but not that hes not a twitter GOD I'm so over him LF> new Korean idols
    We get it.
    You want a middle-aged white guy who's never played MapleStory, but can dish out the corporate double-speak in perfect formal English. A father-figure who would make you feel secure and looked-after, even when you're ignored as Nexon has always ignored us.
    I have no idea what kind of "management" you expect a CM to do to the community. Herd us?

    Personally, I don't like memes and I found Michael's videos cringeworthy, but I can see beyond that to the actual work he did.
    A CM has very little power. He's just an ambassador. A go-between the company and the community. His ability to solve our issues with the game is extremely limited. KThxBaiNao at least understood what those issues were, and was able to assign them priorities and explain them to the dev team. For issues internal to NexonNA he did more than that. He helped many people who were wrongfully banned or had other personal customer-support issues, get those issues actually looked at instead of brushed off. He rearranged the forums and added the "forwarded issues" lists to help with transparency. He got items on sale in the Cash Shop that we asked for (for example, right now we have the Mix Dye Coupon added, that was suggested on this forum). True, he can't fix servers and he can't fix bugs and when he gets incorrect answers from the devs he passes them on unknowingly, but no other CM could do any better in those regards. And yeah, he couldn't keep up, but none of them ever did. The workload is too much for one person.

    Anyway, I don't know why he got fired.
    It may be because he pushed too hard for everyone else in the company to do their jobs and fix the game or treat the players fairly.
    It may be because he was unable to be in California and therefore unable to do parts of his job (most notable, or at least most visible: he was unable to stream the V update, so those two clowns had to, resulting in a PR disaster; and he could not provide us with updates during the long night maintenances, so OneLetter had to do that).
    It might even be something stupid like some high muck-a-muck calling a meeting and firing Michael in a fit of pique when he couldn't physically attend.

    But regardless of the reason, I still feel he was one of the best CMs we ever had, and definitely cared the most about the game and players. And I fear that, if that was the reason he was let go, then our next CM is sure to be an apathetic bureaucrat.
    Are you really bringing race into this? Race has nothing to do with this we literally had a white CM and he left so I think you need to take that race bs somewhere else because it's not cute. Nexon is just a bad company and they have no morals. I'm pretty sure Hime got fired as well from what I heard on the internet. They will let you go regardless of skin color.
    OF COURSE HE HAD TO BRING RACE INTO THIS! when in doubt pull the race card DUHHHHH!!! every failure does that in history of being a loser with a invalid point/debate just butt hurt one of his boyfriend's on staff got fired for being incompetent and extremely under aged/therefore most likely unqualified/FOS "M.O.D." I could honestly name a handful of appropriately educated/sufficient aged mapler friends who'd do the job like a serious civil duty, not just some HYPEBRO

  • KingStarfireKingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited December 2016

    OF COURSE HE HAD TO BRING RACE INTO THIS! when in doubt pull the race card DUHHHHH!!! every failure does that in history of being a loser with a invalid point/debate just butt hurt one of his boyfriend's on staff got fired for being incompetent and extremely under aged/therefore most likely unqualified/FOS "M.O.D." I could honestly name a handful of appropriately educated/sufficient aged mapler friends who'd do the job like a serious civil duty, not just some HYPEBRO

    Dude, Michael is 22. Now I'd advised you to stop posting because I'm a sure you are very close to braking a few rules on the forums. Also, part of his job was to hype the game up.
  • Kylehell007Kylehell007
    Reactions: 1,295
    Posts: 142
    edited December 2016


    OF COURSE HE HAD TO BRING RACE INTO THIS! when in doubt pull the race card DUHHHHH!!! every failure does that in history of being a loser with a invalid point/debate just butt hurt one of his boyfriend's on staff got fired for being incompetent and extremely under aged/therefore most likely unqualified/FOS "M.O.D." I could honestly name a handful of appropriately educated/sufficient aged mapler friends who'd do the job like a serious civil duty, not just some HYPEBRO

    Dude, Michael is 22. Now I'd advised you to stop posting because I'm a sure you are very close to braking a few rules on the forums. Also, part of his job was to hype the game up.
    oh forgive me for HIM personally admitting he was 19 as hired onto staff, yeah if I was him id say I was 3 years older at least to make a vague attempt at proving at least I got an associates degree. hes not 22. that's false he is 19 if not then maybe now 20 he confirmed this basically day he was given post, defend a dead horse if you must, I'm not breaking any rules actually I'm just stating my personal unbiased un-racial opinion unlike others on this thread have broken boundaries in defense mechanism
  • GreenSoap1GreenSoap1
    Reactions: 1,070
    Posts: 31
    edited December 2016
    There goes the only guy at Nexon who actually played the game .-.
  • KingStarfireKingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited December 2016



    OF COURSE HE HAD TO BRING RACE INTO THIS! when in doubt pull the race card DUHHHHH!!! every failure does that in history of being a loser with a invalid point/debate just butt hurt one of his boyfriend's on staff got fired for being incompetent and extremely under aged/therefore most likely unqualified/FOS "M.O.D." I could honestly name a handful of appropriately educated/sufficient aged mapler friends who'd do the job like a serious civil duty, not just some HYPEBRO

    Dude, Michael is 22. Now I'd advised you to stop posting because I'm a sure you are very close to braking a few rules on the forums. Also, part of his job was to hype the game up.
    oh forgive me for HIM personally admitting he was 19 as hired onto staff, yeah if I was him id say I was 3 years older at least to make a vague attempt at proving at least I got an associates degree. hes not 22. that's false he is 19 if not then maybe now 20 he confirmed this basically day he was given post, defend a dead horse if you must, I'm not breaking any rules actually I'm just stating my personal unbiased un-racial opinion unlike others on this thread have broken boundaries in defense mechanism
    Let me correct myself, he is 23 not 22, but still have you even checked his profile?
    Birthday: February 6, 1993
    here is his profile @KThxBaiNao now can we end this stupid fight?
  • MaryseMaryse
    Reactions: 6,640
    Posts: 531
    edited December 2016
    Pardon my French, but dafuq?
    "Explanation" - longer version
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited December 2016
    Maryse said:

    Pardon my French, but dafuq?
    "Explanation" - longer version
    Why is that surprising?
    He's under NDA, and even if he wasn't, he wouldn't want to burn bridges.
    What did you expect him to say?
  • XenomataXenomata
    Reactions: 2,595
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    edited December 2016
    Maryse said:

    Pardon my French, but dafuq?
    "Explanation" - longer version
    I can barely understand most of my own language, and even I can understand more in that one word of french than I can in literally anything else being said right now.
  • MaryseMaryse
    Reactions: 6,640
    Posts: 531
    edited December 2016
    AKradian said:

    Why is that surprising?
    He's under NDA, and even if he wasn't, he wouldn't want to burn bridges.
    What did you expect him to say?
    I'm surprised by the fact that he was let go. That's what's surprising.
    I didn't expect him to say more than what he said, I completely understand he's not really supposed to say anything other than that right now.
  • KjelleKjelle
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 26
    edited December 2016
    "Let's fire the only guy the community likes!"
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited December 2016

    OH SO PUBLICALLY AND VIBRANTLY INTRODUCING HIMSELF AS A GARUNTEED 19 YEAR OLD OVER AND OVER FOR THE FIRST FEW WEEKS OF HIS POSTING TIME IS JUST SOME CON LIE??? you know who fakes there ages? either people who are messed up in the head insecure or have something dark to hide idc who you are that's just a fact of life and is true with many adult ages. in no way do I even give the thought that he changed his age to 23/22 to "attemptively" keep up with the most common generation of ongong maple players. sounds like a good plot if I was in his position too, heck id be embarrassed talking to everyone knowing that the majority is years older then me. maple is a 14 year old game 19-14=5 so basically he began playing as 5 years old if you wanna bring true age compilation into the picture. I began playing when I was 12. I had a semi-developed brain by then. I was not some child who's memory is as basic as an ants, and I want a CM manager even remotely educated in multiple platforms of working in a big company who knows some generic if not advanced code/has some business background/ + knows how to work and appease a demanding company line/. who talks with correct grammar, who doesn't give us false hopes or fake date times to count on which eventually never end up coming through
    Source, please?

    This is his first thread in the old forums: http://forum2.nexon.net/showthread.php?1513612-Your-New-Community-Manager-Has-Arrived&p=12362556&viewfull=1#post12362556

    He said right there, "I'll be 23 on February 6th."

    Where and when did you see him say he was 19?