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santa boxes and V coins

Reactions: 1,190
Posts: 144
Member, Private Tester
edited December 2016 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
before this maitenaince we could get unlimited coins there
now it was limited to 10 coins daily. is this a jk?
really how they espect we get any item that cost 200 coins + to no speak the people that weren't able to enjoy the boxes before maitenaince
my sugestion: put boxes how they used to be before maintenaince and limit the quantity on the shop (like u only can buy 1x per week)
  1. should santaa boxes be like used to be bf maitenaice and shop limited?61 votes
    1. yes
       90% (55 votes)
    2. no
       10% (6 votes)


  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited December 2016
    well to be fair there were several Player made warnings in the forums that a limit was going to happen
  • AramyAramy
    Reactions: 1,190
    Posts: 144
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    or simply drop the shop items prices
    rly 800 coins for a chair/item is ridiculous with the current coin limit
  • AramyAramy
    Reactions: 1,190
    Posts: 144
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    limit can happen but is ridiculous limit to 10 coins on a sops that have items that cost 800 coins
    or drop those coin costs or limit the items we can buy but dont make impossible to people get most of items like mounts and chairs
  • BlissfulBlissful
    Reactions: 875
    Posts: 23
    edited December 2016
    The people who push the decisions truly do not listen to their community. I mean, what the -? Are you for real, Nexon? I came back from a long break to check things out, and they are still the same company as they began. How the hell can I obtain some of the items, even if I commit farming everyday? Some of the costs are atrocious. This game is meant to be fun, but it is not.
  • AsylumAsylum
    Reactions: 880
    Posts: 63
    edited December 2016
    You can farm 10 coins a day for the rest of the event and you'll only have 200 coins total from this event before the shop closes. You can buy exactly 1 damage skin with that amount of coins. There are more than 15000 coins worth of items in the shop. Either the other events realistically have to give out thousands of coins in 19 days, the coin costs of items slashed dramatically or the limit has to be raised thirty fold to give players any meaningful buying power.
  • Skyfall1989Skyfall1989
    Reactions: 1,255
    Posts: 60
    edited December 2016
    I know this could happen and it did happen. How mean it is!!!!!!
  • EddieFoxFoxEddieFoxFox
    Reactions: 940
    Posts: 34
    edited December 2016
    Currently the max coins you can get a day is 40 So in 3 days you'll have 120 in 30 days 1200 So You need to play for 30 days to get the ring. Without missing a day or anything. I don't really think they thought it through. God forbid you want other things in the shop as well since all of them are untradable it's hardly worth farming other characters coins to try getting other items.
  • AndromedyAndromedy
    Reactions: 1,720
    Posts: 68
    edited December 2016
    I think the biggest issue here, is that the players of Reboot take the biggest blow from this. A lot of Reboot players didn't/couldn't take advantage of capless coins, for many reasons. As it stands, farming with low funds on Reboot can be difficult without the right character or knowledge of where to farm most efficiently, and quite frankly, have now been utterly screwed over.

    1200 coins for the ring. One thousand and two hundred V coins. At 40 coins a day, WHICH only last's until the 15th, at which it'll be 10 coins a day. TEN! If we couldn't take part of farming endless hours to get the ring yesterday(the 7th of december) we're now, totally boned. The main servers get their ring for 10, and can upgrade for 60 coins each time. So at least they can get the ring and actually have SOME sort of stats on it. People in Reboot, who haven't gotten the ring by (lets be real) blatantly abusing what I would assume to be an oversight, are now 110% S.O.L (Unless of course you do this so called glitch.)

    It's literally CHRISTMAS TIME the season of Joy, Peace, Happiness, and Giving. And so far we've had Lag, Dc's, Boss's breaking, and our butt's thoroughly lubed for the giant middle finger Nexon inserted when limiting Santa box's to 10 coins a day. TIS THE SEASON~
    sparebladeMechJesusKlaradetexKimKumLeePhantomMasterThiefBigZidPetalmagicAkizuZexceedand 1 other.
  • Nightcrawl3rNightcrawl3r
    Reactions: 1,140
    Posts: 64
    edited December 2016

    I think the biggest issue here, is that the players of Reboot take the biggest blow from this. A lot of Reboot players didn't/couldn't take advantage of capless coins, for many reasons. As it stands, farming with low funds on Reboot can be difficult without the right character or knowledge of where to farm most efficiently, and quite frankly, have now been utterly screwed over.

    1200 coins for the ring. One thousand and two hundred V coins. At 40 coins a day, WHICH only last's until the 15th, at which it'll be 10 coins a day. TEN! If we couldn't take part of farming endless hours to get the ring yesterday(the 7th of december) we're now, totally boned. The main servers get their ring for 10, and can upgrade for 60 coins each time. So at least they can get the ring and actually have SOME sort of stats on it. People in Reboot, who haven't gotten the ring by (lets be real) blatantly abusing what I would assume to be an oversight, are now 110% S.O.L (Unless of course you do this so called glitch.)

    It's literally CHRISTMAS TIME the season of Joy, Peace, Happiness, and Giving. And so far we've had Lag, Dc's, Boss's breaking, and our butt's thoroughly lubed for the giant middle finger Nexon inserted when limiting Santa box's to 10 coins a day. TIS THE SEASON~
    Yup, you're right the coin limit now basically ended the event.
    But hey you can now buy more nx and get bonus nx AFTER you've already spent a ton of money on the marvel machine because why would you put those "events" into an order that seems normal for human brains ...

    well to be fair there were several Player made warnings in the forums that a limit was going to happen
    and if you now actually think about how many people use these forums compared to how many play the game
    do you really expect people to come to the forums every single day looking through all the posts to maybe get some information like that?
  • BooberpuppyBooberpuppy
    Reactions: 3,415
    Posts: 322
    edited December 2016
    What about those who love the game but can only play a handful of hours a week, or only on the weekend? Those who love to grind for hours and farm for hours? Now reason to do that is gone. These daily limits make no sense, and 10 coins/day from those boxes IS a joke. it's downright insulting to the player base.

    This is a piss poor move on behalf of Nexon, and they f-ing KNOW IT. One of the worst I've seen yet. Who ever made this decision is being expremely spiteful toward us players. They just completely stripped the joy, the main reason to play this christmas event, directly from their players. There is NOTHING special left over to do now, so why bother logging in? I've seen some whoppers come from them the last few years, but this one is a VERY BAD move. I can not express this enough- Shame on you, Nexon.
  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited December 2016

    and if you now actually think about how many people use these forums compared to how many play the game
    do you really expect people to come to the forums every single day looking through all the posts to maybe get some information like that?
    I know there are far too few people that read the forums or even know that there are forums but it's one way to stay on top of the news and happenings.
  • Onyx1990Onyx1990
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 2
    edited December 2016
    I came home from work yesterday thinking I could farm v coins through those Santa boxes and what not, only to find we had been screwed by another update to top the never ending server merge lag that's killing the server.
    Can't do any PQ cause we lag out, can't boss because the delay in using heal pots, can't do the dimensional invasion cause it lags and monsters over spawn and fail.
    Way to set everything up to fail, suck the fun right out of playing.
  • gamechangergamechanger
    Reactions: 3,460
    Posts: 506
    edited December 2016
    Andromedy said:

    I think the biggest issue here, is that the players of Reboot take the biggest blow from this. A lot of Reboot players didn't/couldn't take advantage of capless coins, for many reasons. As it stands, farming with low funds on Reboot can be difficult without the right character or knowledge of where to farm most efficiently, and quite frankly, have now been utterly screwed over.

    1200 coins for the ring. One thousand and two hundred V coins. At 40 coins a day, WHICH only last's until the 15th, at which it'll be 10 coins a day. TEN! If we couldn't take part of farming endless hours to get the ring yesterday(the 7th of december) we're now, totally boned. The main servers get their ring for 10, and can upgrade for 60 coins each time. So at least they can get the ring and actually have SOME sort of stats on it. People in Reboot, who haven't gotten the ring by (lets be real) blatantly abusing what I would assume to be an oversight, are now 110% S.O.L (Unless of course you do this so called glitch.)

    It's literally CHRISTMAS TIME the season of Joy, Peace, Happiness, and Giving. And so far we've had Lag, Dc's, Boss's breaking, and our butt's thoroughly lubed for the giant middle finger Nexon inserted when limiting Santa box's to 10 coins a day. TIS THE SEASON~
    Everyone was shat on with this change, not just the people playing reboot...
  • BigZidBigZid
    Reactions: 790
    Posts: 15
    edited December 2016
    Maybe they just forgot to add a 0 on the end of that 10 huh..
  • Celeste123Celeste123
    Reactions: 840
    Posts: 34
    edited December 2016
    hi guys, I don't usually even come on to forums, but for this I had to come express an opinion! I do not like this change! I can see a lot of discussion about it so I am here to suppoert the cause.

    I only came here to maplestory again after a year or so being gone because I like christmas events of the past of this game and I thought at first this was going to be a good time because that store looked like a lot of fun prizes to win. Like the poster above Onyx1990 I also came back after 1 days of playing the events to see that my santa coin boxes were strangely not giving me the coins they were when event started! I do not like this, and I do now even know if I am to play again right now. because this makes me sad.

    I vote to nexon to change this back to the way it was or give us more coins than 10 a day on these boxes so we can have fun! thanks
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited December 2016
    Honestly...with all of the price tags on the items...How do we get these dang items with such pitiful coins...
  • Cartoondude135Cartoondude135
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 54
    edited December 2016
    Do we have to do this every time an event like this arises?! Never (and I do mean NEVER) mention or say ANYTHING (on the forums or in the maple chat) about coins coming out as infinite from event boxes! I worked hard 2 days ago to gather 900 V coins each for my 9 characters! Now I gotta wait til I'm able to get the trait potion AND the master cubes from the V coin shop due to the limited v coins per day! If you do see an infinite amount of coins appearing from boxes, drop whatever the heck your doing and get farming on the double! I don't care if your making a YouTube video or making a Mario Maker level! (Even bring your breakfast/lunch/dinner to your PC desk!) Every second you dilly dally means your at greater risk. And this is where time IS money! Speaking of coin limits and reduced drop rate on boxes, how much harder does Nexon expect us to work to get these coins?! Like, I have 9 characters (a Mechanic, an Angelic Buster, a Corsair, a Cannon Master, a Zero, a Xenon, a Phantom, a Beast Tamer (whose very fragile to enemy attacks), and a Wild Hunter) whose stats all need to be upgraded! Thats like more kids than Octomom needs to feed! And it took me an ENTIRE DAY to feed almost all of them! Plus, I have a full time job! I work 8 hours a day! So yeah! I need unlimited event coins! Nexon, if your reading this, some people have other IRL things to do like feeding their family! So we NEED unlimited coins! How else am I suppose to net 900 coins by the end of the months? By the time I have enough coins, the event is over and the shop is gone!
  • BigZidBigZid
    Reactions: 790
    Posts: 15
    edited December 2016
    i can understand them not wanting coins to be unlimited but with the new limit its PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to get some items (mainly the reboot ring) question is did any consideration go into the changes or was it just a panic cap to stop excessive spending because thats really poor form especially this time of year and during the "biggest update in about 8 years" it just puts a downer on the whole thing now.
  • WarameWarame
    Reactions: 675
    Posts: 24
    edited December 2016
    Any GM can give an answer to this thread?
    We want to know WHY did you put items in the V Coin shop costing an absurd amount of coins that are literally IMPOSSIBLE to get with the new coin limit?
    Are you listening to us?
    Let me make myself clear again.
    Got it?
    How about you give us some information on what you are planning to do now?
    Because right now the event is not working properly, ok?
    I really hope you understand that.

  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited December 2016
    Warame said:

    Any GM can give an answer to this thread?
    We want to know WHY did you put items in the V Coin shop costing an absurd amount of coins that are literally IMPOSSIBLE to get with the new coin limit?
    Are you listening to us?
    Let me make myself clear again.
    Got it?
    How about you give us some information on what you are planning to do now?
    Because right now the event is not working properly, ok?
    I really hope you understand that.

    they are not planning to do anything, and to them the coin event is working properly now that they instated a limit on the santa boxes