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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Dear Nexon Team,
These letters need to be added to the filter so ppl cannot use them for bad words in their IGN's. (example: DîckWhipGuys) "I already reported him/her to GM Tonyra"
Here are the letters: à á ä â Ç ç è é ë Ê ê ì í ï î Ñ ñ ò ó ö ô ù ú ü û
Also here are some words that aren't cencored (meaning they can speak it but cant use on ign) "Ass" "Cum" "Hoe" I believe these words need to be added to the filter aswell to help make maplestory a better place for children / young teens.
From a mapler,
also a Hoe is not just the street term for.. , it's also a gardening tool