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Choco Buff (Nerf)

Member Drakeos99
Reactions: 1,625
Posts: 169
edited February 2017 in General Chat
So now made impossible to enjoy game and made my shade weak :( i was really enjoying the current buff but nerfing crit and bossing :( RIP progression


  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited February 2017
    How is this "abuse"?
    This is how the event was designed. It's not even a case of people discovering a special strategy to get the buff. It's the main function of the event and it happens pretty much by itself when you collect combo orbs in the course of normal training.

    What's so bad about people soloing bosses easily?
    Enjoy the feeling of power for as long as it lasts.
  • Member Lilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
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    edited February 2017
    Yep what @AKradian said enjoy the power hunger.
  • Volunteer Forum Moderator Neospector
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    edited February 2017
    I want to be able to solo Empress for once, thank you.

    Ever since Reboot, our Valentine events have been extremely generous (the events in Reboot having given enormous amounts of mesos). There may be a nerf if something gets out of hand (as there was last time with the meso sacks), but the buff's power is not (to my knowledge) considered as such.
  • Member Drakeos99
    Reactions: 1,625
    Posts: 169
    edited February 2017
    Yet 50% damage increase for a day (reset aka goes away) then repeat ... means constent easy one shot carry CRA/Dojo/Tower/Lotus/Damien/Lucid/Hard mode bosses ?
  • Nexon bumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
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    edited February 2017
    Drakeos99 wrote: »
    Yet 50% damage increase for a day (reset aka goes away) then repeat ... means constent easy one shot carry CRA/Dojo/Tower/Lotus/Damien/Lucid/Hard mode bosses ?

    And this is bad how?
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited February 2017
    Drakeos99 wrote: »
    Yet 50% damage increase for a day (reset aka goes away) then repeat ... means constent easy one shot carry CRA/Dojo/Tower/Lotus/Damien/Lucid/Hard mode bosses ?

    It's just 50%, it's not 50x.
    It's not going to make anyone 1-shot anything that they couldn't 2-shot before.
    Also, all these bosses have tricky mechanics, they're not just damage sponges. If someone has mastered these mechanics but kept running out of time with the boss under 33% health, this gives them a chance to taste victory at last.
    I don't see how that's a bad thing.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
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    edited February 2017
    Courtesy of a dude on Reddit:


    This isn't OP, stop whining.
    Keyan the Evan
  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
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    edited February 2017
    bumbertyr wrote: »
    Drakeos99 wrote: »
    Yet 50% damage increase for a day (reset aka goes away) then repeat ... means constent easy one shot carry CRA/Dojo/Tower/Lotus/Damien/Lucid/Hard mode bosses ?

    And this is bad how?
    Muh Merching, Muh overpriced gear now is going to be "worthless"

    that's all OP is whining about, and extremely exaggerating the effects. No one is going to be one shotting Damien Norm/Hard, Lotus norm/hard, or Lucid Norm/ Hard, I dont even think Chaos Zak will get one shotted.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
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    edited February 2017
    Catooolooo wrote: »
    bumbertyr wrote: »
    Drakeos99 wrote: »
    Yet 50% damage increase for a day (reset aka goes away) then repeat ... means constent easy one shot carry CRA/Dojo/Tower/Lotus/Damien/Lucid/Hard mode bosses ?

    And this is bad how?
    Muh Merching, Muh overpriced gear now is going to be "worthless"

    that's all OP is whining about, and extremely exaggerating the effects. No one is going to be one shotting Damien Norm/Hard, Lotus norm/hard, or Lucid Norm/ Hard, I dont even think Chaos Zak will get one shotted.

    Sounds like the same guy who wanted Hellux buffed when 5th jobs came out so that it would still be nigh impossible for most people to do so he wouldn't lose his source of income from selling superior belts and pendants
  • Member Its2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
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    edited February 2017
    Drakeos99 wrote: »
    Original Title: People abusing Bossing with New Chocolate buff ??

    For real nexon NOW people soloing CRA/HMAG easy with this buff can we please nerf it ASAP or put a timer on it ?

    These are the people that want to keep a majority of the people at the bottom. It's not abuse, it's temporary power creep.

    This doesn't give instant-kill powers and it's an event, it won't last forever. Everyone who participates benefits, maybe aside from those who sell on the market.

    Sounds like the person complaining about Nebulites being "too-accessible". The majority are not favor of a nerf, whining is only going to make you sound more like a selfish person.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
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    edited February 2017

    Looks like you got what you wanted OP. You cried too hard and ruined it for everyone else. Hope you're happy. You are why we can't have nice things.
    and 3 others.
  • Member Maryse
    Reactions: 6,640
    Posts: 531
    edited February 2017
    Not abuse.
    God forbid people actually try out bosses they would otherwise not be able to do.
    But good job, now you can keep all of the boss drops all to your selfish self.
  • Member genji123
    Reactions: 1,120
    Posts: 140
    edited February 2017
    Not abuse. And it's barely going to affect the economy when CRA and hmag is already a joke, anyone could already carry a full party per boss run, Hellux dropping sup Pendants is rng. But hey, i solo'd hmag within 20 seconds and Cvellum in 2.5 minutes, and my Lotus and Damien party killed it within 2 minutes.

    This buff makes people who can already beat those bosses just much quicker. That's all there is to it.

    And no, it won't affect Dojo placements that much assuming all the players are using the same max buff.
  • Member Its2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited February 2017
    Congratulations on getting something temporary a nerf by over half.

    This is proof why we can't have nice things, it always gets nerfed. Even with Suggestions making the game better and etc. this is the change that was most important to Nexon out of everything else.

    You people seen it here first.
  • Member Drakeos99
    Reactions: 1,625
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    edited February 2017
    lol too much salt but 50% little OP but 20% is okay
  • Member, Private Tester Fennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    edited February 2017
    Ughhh, dangit, knew it was gonna get nerfed. Shoulda dojo'd last night lol.

    Let's be real - a free 100% damage (vs bosses) buff is pretty OP lol. Even now, you're still getting a free 70% damage buff (25% crit, 25% boss, 20% damage - not sure if 1% crit damage = 1% damage with 100% crit rate?).
  • Member RonRon
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 10
    edited February 2017
    good job m8. what's your next complaint? people leveling too fast with new chocolate buff? xD
  • Member Arwen
    Reactions: 2,030
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    edited February 2017
    Drakeos99 wrote: »
    For real nexon NOW people soloing CRA/HMAG easy with this buff can we please nerf it ASAP or put a timer on it ?

    Abuse what? Nexon gives you a chance to be able to kill bosses. What's wrong with that? U mean that we should not kill bosses? Besides, you can only kill CRA and HMag like once a week. What the heck wrong with you?

    The event is only a short time and not permanent...OMG!!

  • Member Booberpuppy
    Reactions: 3,415
    Posts: 322
    edited February 2017
    Nexon LOVES LOVES LOVES to nerf us. Just more proof here. They probably get off on reading our complaints after they do it. Based on their display of priorities, they seriously don't seem to give much of a damn about what the loyal players of this game really want and how we think. They give us a day or two, a taste, a tease of an actual GOOD event, and then rip the whole carpet out from right underneath our feet and ruin the remainder of it with this flavor of sour BS.

    Having that temporary OP buff was just FUN! It was FUNNNN and the event T E M P O R A R Y, as in NOT a gamebreaker. That buff as it was gave us a nice look at what we could be and what we could do in the future if we persist in working toward those higher damage numbers through all those upgrades we work our butts off for.

    Nexon obviously hates to see us having fun. Thanks a lot.

    Drakeos99, you IDIOT.
  • Member MakazeKiba
    Reactions: 1,800
    Posts: 224
    edited February 2017
    I find the term OP to be a purely subjective term, since the availability of the buff is the same for everyone, and it was rather easy to get.

    It helped people take down bosses that they couldn't before, bringing people just a bit closer to end-game.

    Perhaps it was OP in it lowered the difficulty curve, working against Nexon instead of for it?

    Perhaps it was OP to gear monopolists, who wanted to keep profits high for themselves?

    Perhaps Drakeos99 wanted to just watch the world burn.

    In all honesty, I find myself experiencing a mixture of amusement, cynicism, and disappointment from this affair.

    While I can feel for what feels like the majority of player losing out on this awesome buff, it was one of those "too good to be true" things.

    The original buff had me spit-take, since Nexon is never quite this generous with buffs, so I feel as though this was an eventuality.

    Remember the Shining Santa Box coin nerf?

    Best to walk in with low expectations. Less stress that way.