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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
So do baccaneers still have the laser skill?
I saw a baucaneer use transformation and a short ranged laser skill, but someone on gamefaqs told me they got rid of transformation or something.
Yessssss!!!!! I'm gonna make one tomorrow with my new character slot!!!!!!!!
Oh I see. I remember they said it was a mount now. They should've made it to an on/off skill.
Yep. They also changed for Corsair the Ship to a Mount and the skill to a spawnable NPC that shoot. This sucks.
At least they get to keep baccaneer blast. Mechanics and cannoneers lost their laser skills, which really sucks.
Nope. In the video u can see how he shoots the laser at 2:10
Oh so it's just like any other mount. But at least you can still briefly transform.
Transformation mount - I forgot how I got it but it's male regardless of your characters gender.
Laser - still have it. Short when not charged, as long as sharkwave when charged.
Trans and skills - doable via 5th job "meltdown" skill. It transforms you and you can use laser during said transformation. That or shoot two balls of fire. Looks pretty neat when you use POU while transformed
Oh okay thanks! How does the charging thing work? And is there a cooldown to it?
I feel like we should post a poll and ask the CM's to talk to someone above them to revamp corsair and bucc.
I agree. They should make it so that bucc's blast is usable again by having a constant wide range laser beam attack instead of a short range one, and also, make it so it doesn't consume energy, just mp. This is like a less effective version of mihile's former 3rd and 4th job laser beam skills. I'm just playing buccs cause they seem pretty cool.
I don't like crosairs cause you have to use bullets. Jetts are actually the worst class since they're just a reskin of buccs and crosairs with a mix of mercedes. I'm glad they brought kana and hayato to gms over from jms and I'm glad they kept the japanese voices for the two classes in game.
Oh I see. Thanks! Also, is it confirmed that familiars are permanent now?