I want to be able to solo Empress for once, thank you.
Ever since Reboot, our Valentine events have been extremely generous (the events in Reboot having given enormous amounts of mesos). There may be a nerf if something gets out of hand (as there was last time with the meso sacks), but the buff's power is not (to my knowledge) considered as such.
Hence why they did this but people still bashing me for it and i'm kinda getting hurt would LOVE some help on this
Original Title: People abusing Bossing with New Chocolate buff ??
For real nexon NOW people soloing CRA/HMAG easy with this buff can we please nerf it ASAP or put a timer on it ?
You claimed that it gave the potential for a lot of people to 1 shot end-game bosses. That was nowhere near true and more of a large exaggeration.
I was moderately alright for the first nerf, after it happened.
This was also one of the very few events that were not recycled and had a powerful buff. I would say it's almost twice or three times as powerful as event titles such as Destroyer of the Dark or Speed Demon.
Now on your current position after the 2ND NERF that it actually affected your range you're now complaining it got nerfed to the point it's no longer beneficial to you now. It seems a lot more like a one-sided story of jealously and how this suggestion sling-shot right back at you.
Not only should be the community be mad for that reason, but for another that Nexon actually took this suggestion to effect instead of the hundreds of, if not thousands of others on this forum. This suggestion in particular hurt the community. There were absolutely no benefits regardless funded or unfunded.
This is why so many people are unhappy and furious. They have a right to be as I outlined above.
Also, nice giant edit of your original post, I think it's too late now too edit though.
(to anyone just coming to this thread, it's previous title was "people abusing bossing with new chocolate buff" and complained about how strong it was, then it got nerfed, and he completely edited his original post and title.)
Yes, I had to go back to one of my previous posts and edit it after seeing him do this a bit ago. I think he did it because of something I said a little earlier. No guarantee this is true, but it almost felt to me like he wanted to make me look like (to any one who had not previously seen the post) I didn't know what I was talking about in reference to the original title. This also makes a lot of other people's replies look nonsensical, such as AKradian's reply immediately after, asking "How is this "abuse"?"
Had to change mine from this - "I thought from the title of your post that you didn't want the buff at all in the first place."
to this- "I thought from the original title of your post (now changed) that you didn't want the buff at all in the first place."
I really don't think edits to the original post's text and title should be allowed by the OP this much later on, especially considering that the entire thread's discussion was built around the original and somewhat click-baity title which garnered thousands of views and several pages of replies.
I want to be able to solo Empress for once, thank you.
Ever since Reboot, our Valentine events have been extremely generous (the events in Reboot having given enormous amounts of mesos). There may be a nerf if something gets out of hand (as there was last time with the meso sacks), but the buff's power is not (to my knowledge) considered as such.
Hence why they did this but people still bashing me for it and i'm kinda getting hurt would LOVE some help on this
Well..your tongue is fire
The event gives a chance for unfunded ppl to be able to bossing. The economic didn't affect so much. If u were worry about the economic, u should worry more about Maplehood event. The Choco buff event just a temporarry and ppl happy to be able to finish quest and do quest to get RP.
Hence why they did this but people still bashing me for it and i'm kinda getting hurt would LOVE some help on this
For what it's worth, I agree with your original post that the original buff was OP. Free 100% damage vs bosses lol. It's not that I'm complaining about not being able to sell boss drops, it's just that a 100% damage buff (that persists through deaths and logins) is a little much, IMHO.
But dang, you sure did a 180 after this nerf lmao.
Hence why they did this but people still bashing me for it and i'm kinda getting hurt would LOVE some help on this
For what it's worth, I agree with your original post that the original buff was OP. Free 100% damage vs bosses lol. It's not that I'm complaining about not being able to sell boss drops, it's just that a 100% damage buff (that persists through deaths and logins) is a little much, IMHO.
But dang, you sure did a 180 after this nerf lmao.
It was only 50% damage, but meh, I don't mind it's nerf.
There was no abuse but the buff was op. When 5th job came out and there was a bug where crit damage was 10000%, people could solo Lotus and Damian in seconds. That is abuse. The nerf nerfed Chocobuff is still much better than the flat 30 attack buffs from other events.
So many dumb people in this thread. If you were close to solo'ing hmag/cra/empress you can do it with Chocobuff, congrats. If you could solo those bosses before, you can kill them a few minutes faster. Which is pretty significant. Some people in here making it out like some 300k range could now start soloing Lotus lmao OMG ABUSE IT'S OP!!!
Would like a Nexon Staff to lock and close this thread ASAP
Are you regretting posting this in the first place? What's said is said, bro. Pretty much every one that is active on this forum has read your original post and responded accordingly.
No one that I know of really wanted this nerf to happen. The first adjustment was sort of OK and admittedly understandable from a certain perspective. However, the second nerf was just, in my opinion, a d**k move toward the players. In other words, they took it too far.
Backpedaling TWICE to our detriment with changes to this live event just reflects poor judgement and a lack of understanding of the game's balance and mechanics on behalf of the company, if you ask me. We, the players, are the ones who suffer the effects and disappointments as a result of that. They should have been more sorted and gripped than this before the release of the event so that we would not have had to taste such manna from heaven, only to have it abruptly swiped from our grasp (and then have salt poured in the wound later on) because of Nexon's poor judgement. People do not like that.
In my opinion, the only thing left for you to do now is to issue an apology if you sincerely regret posting about it with such a disapproving tone. Honestly, I get it. It seems that you released a hound upon the community and did not understand the full consequences of that action. I've been guilty of it myself. Gain some honor and admit to your mistake instead of trying to have it wiped off the records. You can't erase digital permanence.
Hence why they did this but people still bashing me for it and i'm kinda getting hurt
They're not bashing you personally, but based on your original position with the Choco Buff!
You claimed that it gave the potential for a lot of people to 1 shot end-game bosses. That was nowhere near true and more of a large exaggeration.
I was moderately alright for the first nerf, after it happened.
This was also one of the very few events that were not recycled and had a powerful buff. I would say it's almost twice or three times as powerful as event titles such as Destroyer of the Dark or Speed Demon.
Now on your current position after the 2ND NERF that it actually affected your range you're now complaining it got nerfed to the point it's no longer beneficial to you now. It seems a lot more like a one-sided story of jealously and how this suggestion sling-shot right back at you.
Not only should be the community be mad for that reason, but for another that Nexon actually took this suggestion to effect instead of the hundreds of, if not thousands of others on this forum. This suggestion in particular hurt the community. There were absolutely no benefits regardless funded or unfunded.
This is why so many people are unhappy and furious. They have a right to be as I outlined above.
He changed the first comment and the tittle.....
Well..your tongue is fire
The event gives a chance for unfunded ppl to be able to bossing. The economic didn't affect so much. If u were worry about the economic, u should worry more about Maplehood event. The Choco buff event just a temporarry and ppl happy to be able to finish quest and do quest to get RP.
For what it's worth, I agree with your original post that the original buff was OP. Free 100% damage vs bosses lol. It's not that I'm complaining about not being able to sell boss drops, it's just that a 100% damage buff (that persists through deaths and logins) is a little much, IMHO.
But dang, you sure did a 180 after this nerf lmao.
So many dumb people in this thread. If you were close to solo'ing hmag/cra/empress you can do it with Chocobuff, congrats. If you could solo those bosses before, you can kill them a few minutes faster. Which is pretty significant. Some people in here making it out like some 300k range could now start soloing Lotus lmao OMG ABUSE IT'S OP!!!
Are you regretting posting this in the first place? What's said is said, bro. Pretty much every one that is active on this forum has read your original post and responded accordingly.
No one that I know of really wanted this nerf to happen. The first adjustment was sort of OK and admittedly understandable from a certain perspective. However, the second nerf was just, in my opinion, a d**k move toward the players. In other words, they took it too far.
Backpedaling TWICE to our detriment with changes to this live event just reflects poor judgement and a lack of understanding of the game's balance and mechanics on behalf of the company, if you ask me. We, the players, are the ones who suffer the effects and disappointments as a result of that. They should have been more sorted and gripped than this before the release of the event so that we would not have had to taste such manna from heaven, only to have it abruptly swiped from our grasp (and then have salt poured in the wound later on) because of Nexon's poor judgement. People do not like that.
In my opinion, the only thing left for you to do now is to issue an apology if you sincerely regret posting about it with such a disapproving tone. Honestly, I get it. It seems that you released a hound upon the community and did not understand the full consequences of that action. I've been guilty of it myself. Gain some honor and admit to your mistake instead of trying to have it wiped off the records. You can't erase digital permanence.
Careful what you wish for, you can't always have things go perfectly your way.