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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
WHY has trying to load Maple 4-5 times with constant crashes and run time errors suddenly become the "norm"?
It's become increasingly annoying that it's becoming the norm.
It's also pretty much happening on every pc I own... And there's 5 at my peril to use.. All various specs too.
It's ever since the V Patch. It as fine before... But ever since that patch, it's killing the fun of maple.
Also another rant, seriously... FIX EVENT HALL/HELL!

1. Clean the Cache and history from browser
2. Run CMD as admin, and type: ipconfig/flushdns (Enter) and netsh winsock reset (Enter)
How to do a FUlly Shut Down?
4. Start your computer again and star the game.
PS: It's just help me a bit from Crashing to log in to Maple. But it doesn't help me with the lagg in Event Hall.
Pretty sure none of this will help the game launch any better. Browser cache and DNS have nothing to do with the client crashing (DNS can only play a part in disconnections). It's a problem with the coding in the client itself, hence why it's only really a problem when you first launch the game, most likely it crashes as a result while connecting to either region's servers, I'm not a coding expert of course. Sometimes the client just suddenly stops working until it crashes before you even get into the game. Yes, restarting the computer after a patch is a good thing to do, as is when you install a new program or change system settings. But, not entirely necessary.
If you feel your connection is part to blame, which is always a possibility, you need to reset your router or unplug it for a minute before replugging it in. If you have multiple devices connected to your router, you need to go into your router's configuration settings and make sure the "lease time" or reset schedules are set to a time late at night when the devices are usually off so you can help prevent IP conflicts. If your connection has a history of being poor, and you mostly get the "connection is unstable" error, you should always check the connection before launching MapleStory, hard router resets are good to do if your router's soft resets aren't cutting it. Otherwise, there isn't much anyone can do about the crashing, it's not a player's problem to fix.
There are days where the client crashes endlessly and makes it hard to get into the game, and there are days I can successfully launch the client on the first couple tries and leave MapleStory up for hours afterwards with no issues. It's not predictable, it's random, and sometimes the client stops using CPU before it ever gets to the log in screen, until it crashes. And it being random makes it more than apparent that the coding when they implemented the region select, made connecting to the servers unstable, then again even in-game there are random crashes even if they're fairly rare, I'm sure it's also server-related. Pretty sure it started having the problem a bit before then too, albeit it was a rare occasion and mostly on the character select screen, which is why I believe it to be a server and client coding issue. But, nothing quite this bad. It affects most players, some are quite lucky and barely have to deal with the problem. Then again those may mostly be people that have the habit of leaving the client open and AFKing.
Opting out of closing the client unless you absolutely have to is unfortunately one of the only options to avoid most of the crashes.
1st pull... its just a waste of time and does nothing
2nd pull... it sputters and coughs a moment yet, nothing happens
3rd pull... it's sputters to to life misfiring a bit, black smoke.. hopes are up and... it's dies
4th pull... it spits and sputters knocks and smokes but, somehow... its runs !!....
.... only to run out of gas and die again once you thought it started for good.
It doesn't matter how good of gas or oil (computer or internet connection) you put in it.. it's engine (core of game) is just a worn out, old pile of crap.
This is the best way I've ever seen someone describe Maple Story. You are on point with this.
And don't get my wrong, I love Maplestory. It is my favourite time waster, it's cute and easy to play..... IF it works.
The fact that is is so fundamentally broken, on many levels, is what grates me to my core. Having observed the decline, over the many years, while being sold 'It's new and improved!' is insulting to those that have been around long enough to watch the decline but, at the same time, just as insulting to new people who are helping to prop up the game and keep it alive but, being told, 'deal with it' or, since they are not privy to the history, being lied to and told they just need a better PC to run this, what could be, a flash based game. When the truth is, you need a monster computer to deal with the garbage coding of the game.
If I can run a fairly heavy 3D game title and stay at/above 30fps.... there is NO, None at all!, excuse a simple, pixel art 2D game should demand nearly 100% cpu usage, max dedicated video card GPU usage and lock a computet to just stand in a room (event hall) doing nothing.
Except bad programming and not caring about the user base (the people keeping the company alive). JMO though.
I think it's time people started quitting this game on masse, as it's really pissing me off taking 7 tries to log in.
Coming back on the forum to read this has seriously made my day! It's hilarious and so on point too!
Now bear in mind, I still have the same issues of maple randomly crashing, but at least it's now only 2-3 times... Not 7+ times...
Wait fully for the logo screens to finish, you can skip the big cinematic intro, then wait 15 - 20 seconds on the realm screen before choosing. I read it from someone else and it worked for me so far.
But it still happens...