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Closed BFF event exp is unfair
The exp from the monster park section of this event should be considerably nerfed. It is unfair.
People are abusing this event to gain levels far too quickly.
The damage has already been done, though. Short of a rollback, there's no way to fix it.
It's Mr. Lee's Airlines all over again.
Can't you people just not piss and moan about stuff for one week?
but you dont complain about botters ? and how they ruin the market ? ohh wait thats oke with you .....
If the Choco thread didn't teach people anything about wishes about nerfs, oh boy.
And again. This is one of the several reasons why we don't have nice things. This is just the tip of the ice berg.
I'm sure that whenever i will log it will already be nerfed thanks to people who complain about it. While u can just go enjoy it yourself rather then wasting time to complain about it? Lolz
Owell what i still don't get is that If it benefits the players, why is that even bad? Just enjoy that nexon is giving u a chance (intended or not) to get this massive benefits/exp etc.
I made a thread specifically against botting and how it's damaging the game.
Don't make assumptions.
How am I being a hypocrite?
Ok, then why not have nexon just release an event that automatically levels your character from 1 to 200?
Oh what's that? That's insane? But it's a "good" thing, why are you complaining?
The long and short of it is that the exp from the event is excessive and allowing players to level far far too quickly than was ever intended. There's something wrong if you're able to get from 226->230 in under 24 hours.
I've lost all faith in this community.
You're all spoiled and care nothing about balance in the game.
I truly cannot believe there are so many people like this playing this game.
too be fair that is the ultra burning project in a nutshell, allowing characters to level up quicker.
Also If i'm not mistaken the general consensus is that the rankings don't exactly matter anymore, which leads to the idea of what exactly is the problem with people leveling quicker? I see this as an opportunity for people who don't normally get to play that often to get some levels while they can in order to access new content. Lets not forget they released new high level areas over in kms that a lot of us need to level up for, so think of this event as a blessing
I've lost pretty much all my faith in this community too. Because every single little thing causes someone to piss and moan and whine and complain on the forums. None of you are happy with anything anyone does. Nothing anyone does will ever be good enough.
Who leveled from 226-230 is 24 hours and where's your proof?Actually don't answer that, it's against the ToS to name ppl. But if you say the rankings, I just want to point out that the rankings do not update in realtime(meaning if i gain 20bil exp today it might take more than a day to update). No one knows how accurate the ranking system. And 226-230 in 24 hrs is do-able under the right conditions. So idk why you're making such a big deal out of it.This is why you're a hypocrite ~~> http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/comment/25135/#Comment_25135
Also, don't presume to know what my response would be if Nexon released an event that "automatically" levels my character from 1-200. Granted, I already have 40 characters lv 200 or higher. However, I would gladly accept a free lv 200 character without complaining. We have had more than enough issues with Maple to start complaining about Good things. All you're doing is ruining this great opportunity to make up for lost time caused by lag, disconnections, maintenances, updates, and the lack of 2x events.
How could you have lost faith in this community when it seems like you just joined in December? You can't lose something you don't have and you don't know what this community has had to offer in terms of "balance" to Maplestory. If you did, you would have more than 20 posts.
Anyways, I'm getting too sucked into this thread. You seem to be trolling.
It's a matter of degrees. It is not broken to allow people to work to obtain event coins to buy untradeable expiring slates in quantities greater than 5.
It is broken to allow people to level every 30 minutes-hour in the 220s and 230s when other sources of exp won't get you anywhere near that amount.
It's not hypocritical of me because you're comparing apples to oranges.
And I'm not trolling. What is it with you people and accusing anyone with a different opinion of trolling?
I think this event is unbalanced and should be appropriately rebalanced.
You guys have dog piled on me for daring to question balance issues so long as it's tilted in favor of players, because how dare a player think some things in the game shouldn't be so easy or so fast...
Oh, and I've been around since 2009. I signed up for the forums much later. I don't recall when, but don't bring seniority into this. I've been around long enough to gauge the overall maplestory community.