Hey MS forums.
So recently looked at the MVP rewards and just wow. I don't feel like nexon is actually giving us anything for spending so much nx. I mean seriously.
no disclaimer, i know everyone is going to post, well they didn't have to give us MVP rewards in the first place. Well they did and the rewards are insanley cheap. Especially Diamond reward. 900$ for it.

Okay now here are the requirements if you did not see them.
MVP Bronze Tier Lifetime Amount of NX Spent
I 10,000 NX – 99,999 NX
II 100,000 NX – 199,999 NX
III 200,000 – 299,999 NX
IV 300,000 or more NX
MVP Special Tier Amount of NX Spent Within the Last 3 Months
Silver 300,000 – 599,999 NX
Gold 600,000 – 899,999 NX
Diamond 900,000 or more NX
Now listen the tier I Through IV is Lifetime amount spent. Not bad but not good since the rewards expire.
Here is a little reward we get.
MVP Special members receive a discount when enhancing items using Star Force. Discounts are given to enhancements for 1 -17 stars. Superior-ranked items are excluded from the discount.
MVP Special Silver: 3% discount
MVP Special Gold: 5% discount
MVP Special Diamond: 10% discount
Why are Super Ranked items excluded???
Also this isn't anything just a tiny discount probably 300k or 1mil. It costs like 45m to Star Force a tyrant cape. Anyway not worth it.
MVP Special members receive benefits when using the Auction House (in non-Reboot worlds only). All MVP Special members will automatically receive 10 additional Listing and Purchase slots, allowing them to buy and sell more items at a time. The sales fee will also be reduced to only 3% of the final auction amount
This isn't bad but a lot of people don't even know about the Auction house or know how to use it. When i mean a lot. i mean about 50% of Population.
All MVP members receive a daily gift package containing one to four random items depending on your MVP level. The gifts can be claimed on one character per account. To receive the gifts, click the ‘Daily Pack’ button on the MVP Service UI within the Cash Shop.
No clue on what the rewards are for this. Also probably expire like everything else.
Now lets get into the Tier Rewards...
Okay, Superpower Buff: 3 Day Duration. Hmm expires... Very useless just Mag + Att 30+... : Doesn't mean anything to me or my lower level acconts.
MVP Recovery Potion (x30): 3-day duration. When used, each potion grants MaxHP/MaxMP: +10,000. Tradeable within account. Oh WOW! Recovery potions. That expire....
MVP Plus EXP Buff: 3-day duration. When used, gives EXP +50% for 30 minutes. Seems like the only good thing... 50% exp for 30mins okay cool. Rather buy EXP Coupon for 4k.
MVP Bronze Megaphone: 3-day duration. Untradeable. Hmm.... 3 day duration.
MVP Special Silver Gifts: MVP Silver members will randomly receive two of the items below, per account per day:
MVP Superpower Buff: 3-day duration. When used, gives Weapon ATT/Magic ATT: +30 for 30 minutes. Tradeable within account.
MVP Recovery Potion (x50): 3-day duration. When used, each potion grants MaxHP/MaxMP: +10,000. Tradeable within account.
MVP Silver Megaphone (x3): 3-day duration. Untradeable.
Unity Training Center Entrance Charm: 3-day duration. When used, lasts for 3 hours. Untradeable.
MVP Plus EXP Atmospheric Effect (Silver): 3-day duration. When used, gives EXP +50% for 30 minutes. Untradeable. : Another cool item but not for the price.
Hyper Teleport Rock: 1-day duration. 5-minute cooldown. Untradeable. : Wow a 1 DAY teleport rock! WOW very cheap. 5 minute cooldown added? Seriously...
MVP Mu Lung Dojo Entry Coupon: 3-day duration. Tradeable within account.
Silver Monster Park REBORN Coupon: 3-day duration. Tradeable within account. : This is alright but i rarely monster park anymore. Due to exp lack.
Hmm... A lot of other useless stuff, Except Mung Lung dojo..
MVP Special Gold Gifts: MVP Gold members will randomly receive three of the items below, per account per day:
MVP Superpower Buff: 3-day duration. When used, gives Weapon ATT/Magic ATT: +30 for 30 minutes. Tradeable within account.: Same thing as above.
MVP Recovery Potion (x50): 3-day duration. When used, each potion grants MaxHP/MaxMP: +10,000. Tradeable within account.: Same thing as above.
MVP Gold Megaphone (x4): 3-day duration. Untradeable.: Same thing as above.
Unity Training Center Entrance Charm: 3-day duration. When used, lasts for 6 hours. Untradeable.: Same thing as above.
MVP Plus EXP Atmospheric Effect (Gold) (x2): 3-day duration. When used, gives EXP +50% for 30 minutes. Untradeable.: Same thing as above.
Hyper Teleport Rock: 1-day duration. 5-minute cooldown. Untradeable.: Same thing as above.
MVP Mu Lung Dojo Entry Coupon: 3-day duration. Tradeable within account. : Same thing as above.
Gold Monster Park REBORN Coupon (x2): 3-day duration. Tradeable within account. : Same thing as above.
Okay now the only thing is after awhile you can get 1- 4 items a DAY from this. All useless but seriously 900$ for the same thing as Silver and Gold tier? Everything expires. nothing good and cooldowns on probably the only thing useful. Hyper rock but expires in 1 day -_-.
Hmmm MVP Silver. Expires at end of month Wow Another expiration date behind a lot of cash.
Okay 3,000 Maple Points. Cool should've been 10k since all we get is 3k. Even for events and Hot time and Maintenance rewards...
Wow MVP Label & Chat Ring!! COOL IT EXPIRES LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE. End of month expiration. Make this perm and maybe i'll buy.
Hahaha Damage Skin that expires at end of month LOL! CANNOT BE SAVE ON STORAGE SCROLL! Lmfao this had me dieing. You give me a crappy damage skin for 30 days? Definable not worth it. I'll stick with ToT Quest Dmg Skin.
Here is the MVP Special Damage Skin:
Okay same thing as above. Everything expires. except 2 more things are added!!! BUT OMG Wait they EXPIRE!.....
Lmfao almost the exact same thing as above but wait A CHAIR????? YAY for all those chair hunters!!! Oh wait sorry, were here to inform you that it EXPIRES!!!! Sincerley nexon!!
Also THE ONLY GOOD THING IS MVP Diamon Shop but it still expires. Okay understandable kind of. But wait for 900$ you get a 30 day shop! CONGRATS!!!
Wow nexon seriously showing your players some love.
Make most of those items Perm and i will seriously go to the store and buy 900$ worth of nx.
The chair, Medals, Maybe the shop, Damage Skin, Chat & Quote rings.. Like cmon. Nothing IS PERM! not even the crappy potions like WHAT?? POTIONS EXPIRE?
Also, it's not that you pay $900 for the crappy expiring rewards. You pay $900 for whatever you wanted to buy with that money: cubes, surprise boxes, philosopher's books, etc. The rewards are in addition to that.
I agree it's very greedy of Nexon to make everything expire. They're basically saying that, while they appreciate you for spending a lot on them, they will instantly stop appreciating you if you don't keep spending at the same rate.
As always, caveat emptor.
I personally don't care about add-ons they do for p2w.. and if they do we should thank them.
Well it is a scam in my case, they want you to spend NX on flashy rewards but if you don't read everything you won't notice they all expire. Even the potions like cmmon....
Also 900$ for whatever i want. I don't need anything. I'm an Item collector, Chair collector, & Title collector. I need those but cannot recieve them because they all expire. Spending 900$ on about 5 things is cool if they were perm. I want the chair title and those chat rings.
I would spend 900$ right now if they changed those to perm. No problem.
That is true but still like can you just make one thing perm? Diamond maybe. 900$ for un perm items and expires in 1 month for a 3 month Spend 900$ on the game is stupid.
Who comes up with these ideas? Who comes up with these ideas, presents it to their boss/ think tank then their boss/think tank signs off on the idea and they spend time coding this in game.
I'm so salty right now.
I mean, personally I'd just say don't spend that. They're extra rewards for spending, not mandatory.
That is incorrect.
If you spend $300 over the course of a year, for example, that will make you Bronze IV but won't bring you any closer to Silver.
Even if you do spend $300 in one month, 3 months later you will no longer be Silver, and spending one more cent - or anything less than $300 - won't make you Silver.
Hell, even if you spend $1000000 in one month, 3 months later you will no longer be Diamond, or Gold, or even Silver, and spending anything less than $300 again won't give you any Special rank.
Yeah i know its just more rewards for buying nx. That's not the point im going to though. Everything expires.. Why? I am a CHAIR, Item, NX, and Title collector. I need those items to be perm. I don't spend nx other than anvils. Other than that i don't purchase nx. If those items were perm. I would literally spend 900$ on it just to get those few items.
Exactly. Like i think thats a total ripoff. 300$ a month just to get silver for a month.
Not worth it.
That's the point though. I would sink shitton of heaps of money to get the Chair, Title, and Nx items perm. Also maybe the Mushy and damage skin lol.
Reminds me of the game, pre-big bang when it was a lot more social and there'd be a group hanging out in HHG or in Kerning and then there'd always be that fool that wanted to brag about how much money he had or spent and would do stupid stuff like smega'ing the alphabet one letter at a time.
people still do that