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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Nexon NA Doesn't listen to us Players At all !!!!
What's the point of having a forum if NexonNA is still doesn't listening to us.
Every bug/glitch/suggestion has been swept under the rug and got no answer or a fix and etc,,,,,,,,,,,
for example: i have reported a bug for the several 2 Years now, and it's STILL hasen't been fixed! 2 YEARS LATER!!!!
then i ask you fellow players, why should i keep playing Global MapleStory if nexon doesn't give an F about US the players, why should we spend our hard earnd money on a game that even doesn't do BASIC THINGS RIGHT AND HAS A TON OF BUGS/GLITCHES/ETC.....
I've made similar threads in the past on the older forums which are probably now gone. This game is constantly being driven into the ground again, again, and again. Most of the players who would either come back from a break or join quit the game due to the severe mass of bugs that hinders game play of functions or stability. It's to the point where it's either massively lagging, or certain content is harder/impossible than it should be.
I've made a similar thread (not the first person, nor the last).
I've made a rant thread about V Patch too.
Here are a few bugs that I've reported in the past:
- GameLauncher - Having to click the "Login" button repeatedly
- Kerning City Portal mix-up
- Quests that count kills cause lag
- [RESOLVED] Dual Blade: Blade Ascension after Flash Jump
- Non-Mysterious Herbs/Veins in Training Areas
- Normal Vellum Missing Animation Frames
- Unable to buy back items with durability from NPC
- [RESOLVED]Black Heaven cut-scenes swapped
- FriendStory playing the wrong opening scene
- No description for Gollux Queue Buff
- Kritias Invasion - Meteors spawning without Magnus
- Chryse Party Quest Disappearing Shrubs
- Certain Ring effect temporarily disables skill use
- Luden's Gift cannot be completed
- Damage Skin Crit/Non-Crit displaying incorrectly.
- Android sometimes vanishes when changing maps
- Using Owl of Minerva requires multiple attempts
- [RESOLVED] Storm Growth Potion stuck in inventory
- Kritias Invasion Contribution not properly aligned
- [RESOLVED] Certain Ring effect disables character functions
- Normal swaps to Chaos Horntail run
Note: I had to figure out on my own which are resolved so I have little to no idea on all of the bug statuses.
I've made a few suggestions too:
- Change certain boss resets from 24 hrs to daily
- Ranmaru Lobby Allow Familiars to stay summoned
- Hide familiars during cut-scenes
- Add Bonus Cubes & Fusion Tickets to Reward Shop
- Allow Badges the use of Spell Traces
- Let DROP Coupons survive disconnection
- Keep Spell Tracing selected based on scroll
- Add a "Not for Sale" option for Free Market Shops
Most of these "suggestions" are literally repeats of what many others have said in the past.
My honest opinion is that there needs to be change for this game that helps out the community and company. At this point even the Cash Shop disgusts many people. That's pretty pathetic if even the shop doesn't attract people.
My point isn't the amount of posts that I've made, but how little has changed because of these posts. It's quite a disappointment that this game has been a mess for the past decade. If Nexon wants Global MapleStory to survive, they need to at least to put a decent amount of effort into not only compensating us for downtime.
They need to make the game better so things such as this doesn't happen again, and neither does the poor sense of game/server stability.
These threads I've linked aren't comprehensive either. This is just the tip of the ice berg. Things such as bugs for Dragon Rider Party Quest, Event Hall, and lesser bug reports exists. Same applies to suggestions such as increase from 15 to 25 Star Force, Additional Options/Flames of Rebirth, safety nets for RNG events and scrolling, royals, cash shop, etc.
Just going to leave this right here....
they listen to the things that we DO NOT want!
But yea most of us still keep playing this game duo friends, nostalgie and having somewhere deep inside a spark of hope that they eventually will listen/care about us.
Let's start saying we don't want things then lmao. WE DON'T WANT THE GAME LAUNCHER KAPPA.
I got a response to my ticket within 24 hours, and after a few back and forth messages had my issue resolved in 48 hours.
(I've been having a Paypal billing issue since 2008 which in the past they ignored my tickets or robo-responded with a scripted "sorry it looks suspicious we can't do squat to help you" response).
It's because when it comes to money nexon will almost always try to help you no matter what.
Not true, as I stated they refused my requests to be unrestricted for years.