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Stuff for next ‘A Better Maple’

Reactions: 2,720
Posts: 376
edited March 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests

Here some stuff I would like to see in the next ‘A Better Maple’ patch:

Familiar summoning - Add option to key bind a specific familiar. Also allow to summon it after getting hit.

Sweetwater weapons&armor - Allow to use 'Platinum Scissors of Karma' to make those items tradeable for one more time.

On-screen Gadgets (maple points, kaiser ui, luminous ui, etc..) - Make the game "remember" where the player last time placed it when login.

Pets Ignore items skill - Add untradeable and events related items to the list of items.

Princess No - Make Princess No more accessible by removing key requirement or increasing the drop rate.

Hide player messages from chat (Mute) - Add option to when we Right-click player we be able to choose "Mute" so we won't see his messages in our chat. This specially needed because all of the Mesos sellers spam in free market.

Pendant of the Spirit - Who can stay up for 2 hours+ without disconnection or game crash? Please let it give the full potential (30% exp) from the moment we equip it.

Pets Items pouch skill - Allow us to key bind on/off.

Hard Hilla - Remove the restriction for two players or more in party to go in.

Change Equip - Make it possible to change equip after getting hit.

If someone have stuff to add.. pls!
SesomSlayerTanyaJettLuvsUFennekinIts2Sharp4UStarrySWolfIvangoldMekRikNLYonaxand 24 others.


  • SiegelSiegel
    Reactions: 1,090
    Posts: 8
    edited March 2017
    These are good ideas but maybe it can be refined like this:

    sweetwater equipment the items can have a number of times that it can be tradeable using psoks.

    pendant of spirit Acumulate hours per character per day, for example you've been playing for 2 hours but got dced, then after log in again the hours still working.

    These are my ideas.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited March 2017
    Server Time:
    - Choose one timezone for the servers and stick to it for all content.
    - Make content and events that depend on time-of-day available around the clock, or in 3 time slots suitable for America, Europe, and Australia.

    Nexon Launcher:
    - Give Nexon Launcher the ability to switch accounts without restarting the client.
    - Make "change character" go to the character selection screen, not world selection (and have a "back to world selection" button on the char selection screen).
    - Make the world selection screen remember what world the account last used, and have it selected as default, so pressing "enter" will select it (this is how it worked in GameLauncher).

    V update increased maximum inventory size, and made some items stack higher. These were welcome and sorely-needed improvements, but there is still more to be done to relieve the ever-building pressure.
    - Make everything stack higher in inventory. This includes, but is not limited to: crafting materials (crystals and Magic Powders), event/reward boxes (including monster collection), exp/drop coupons (even though they expire. Figure it out and do it), coins, and so on.
    - Change most, if not all, "untradeable" items to "tradeable in account".
    - Add more bag types and allow more bags to be used simultaneously.

    - Allow the Giftbox notifier to display more than 15 items.
    - Allow item guard to be used on non-equipment items (such as chairs).
    - Increase the maximum number of damage skins that can be saved.
    - Allow Cash Shop inventory to have at least the same functionality as in-game inventory (primarily the ability to see more items at once, move them around and sort them).

    That should do for a start.
    JulyFennekinIts2Sharp4UStarrySWolfMekRikNLJettLuvsUArgentPonPonPhantomMasterThiefand 10 others.
  • TanyaTanya
    Reactions: 1,230
    Posts: 91
    edited March 2017
    I like this list, especially the key binding for specific familiars - great idea!

    I'd also like to see some improvements in the next better maple - I specifically have wishful thoughts about our harvesting system :P
    It would be great if the number of hits it takes to harvest a vein/flower was lowered, and if the harvesting lag that prevents you from harvesting was fixed.
    Make special harvesting items like wrenches & rakes repairable, or remove the durability on them all together.
    I'd also like to see the imp system improved by allowing imps to eat etc. items in stacks & for the imp rewards to be updated to include more useful items for crafting, such as herb & ore sacks and the fatigue drinks.
  • EnepttasticEnepttastic
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 11
    edited March 2017
    My additions:
    - Better way to hit up different areas of the Maple Guide. I'd recommend dragging functionality but pretty much anything would be better. Scrolling is far too slow on it.
    - Allow us to filter out various system messages from chat. Maple Tips, Quest notifications, Event spam(Dear god this), Smegas(wishful thinking there), etc.

  • FennekinFennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    edited March 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Nexon Launcher:
    - Give Nexon Launcher the ability to switch accounts without restarting the client.

    Already doable. Click your profile name in the launcher and choose, "Logout." Sign in with different account.

    Pretty sure he means without closing the game. Your method requires us to close and restart the game right? Or are you actually able to switch accounts that way with the game client still running?

  • EnepttasticEnepttastic
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 11
    edited March 2017
    Oh yeah derp. I'll edit my post.
  • TwizzzlersTwizzzlers
    Reactions: 2,235
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    edited March 2017
    I think they should have a try on item in shops. The item that the person is selling you can try on the item first to see how it looks before you buy it. It would be easier for the maplers to see if they want to buy it or not. I did this many times and I didn't like the item but I was stuck with it.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,580
    Posts: 1,087
    edited March 2017
    Boss Queues

    -When boss queueing, party leader positions doesn't get handed to the person who joined the new party
    -Be able to queue to boss without having all the party members be the same channel
    -Boss queueing for Arkarium should take the party outside the altar instead of Crack in Time

    Boss Content

    -Remove Physical Attack Immunity on Arkarium's summons
    -Allow infinite entries, but 1 clear per day for most bosses
    -Remove auto respawns on bosses with death counts
    -Remove fire upon defeating Chaos Crimson Queen

    Items and Equipment Changes

    -Increase stats of the Kritias Set, Boss Accessory Set and Meister Set's equipment as well as their set bonuses
    -Allow Crystal Ventus Badge to be enhancable and pottable
    -Include Arkarium's rings and its Meister counterparts in the Boss Accessories rather than a 2 piece ring set each (as well increase their stats)
    -Remove PSOK and SOK requirements on Dominator Pendants, Mechanator Pendants, Chaos Horntail Pendants, Horntail Pendants, Zakum and Chaos Zakum Helmets
    -Redesign Scarlet and Lucky "Joker" Equipment so it can truly substitute in any set the player desires instead of the highest set ID
    -Allow Proton Suits and Boots to be wearable by all classes
    -Allow Rakes, Wrenches, Golden Pickaxes and Shovels to be repairable
    -Remove recipes for Timeless and Reverse Equipment, LVL 110 and 100 equipment present in Root Abyss Boxes

    System Changes

    -Under "Sound," break "SFX" into "Game SFX" and "Skill SFX"
    (EXAMPLE: Vellum's roar will be treated differently from a skill's sound effect)

    -In areas with 3 private channels like Cygnus and Union Trade, display which private channel the player currently is in as well as other party members
    (EXAMPLE: Daxterbeer/ Arcania/ Private Channel 1, Snacktime/ Arcania/ Private Channel 3)

    -Remove mastery level decay for crafting levels greater than 10
    -Have Reward Points be deposited directly to the player's cash shop instead of manually claiming and redeeming every 10 separate occasions (The meter would be present to count how many points you got for the day)

    Here are some suggestions I am offering to the community aside from the Additional Options (forgot to mention it), Nebulite Revamp and having the Reward Shop have Fusion Tickets and Bonus Potential Cubes.
    FennekinIvangoldJulyJettLuvsUArgentPonPonPhantomMasterThiefruth02mjgj96link37890and 6 others.
  • StarrySWolfStarrySWolf
    Reactions: 1,155
    Posts: 73
    edited March 2017
    I'd like to see codex book fixed please and also a way when monster collecting to get elites more easily if possible pls
  • IvangoldIvangold
    Reactions: 2,985
    Posts: 588
    edited March 2017
    They could remove the Hilla's cage too you know, it's annoying that we have nothing to do about it but take it and if your job is lucky you can actually resist once or twice in battle.
    I'd like to see codex book fixed please and also a way when monster collecting to get elites more easily if possible pls
    I prefer they revamp Crusader Codex like JMS, beying able to summon multiple ones and multiple sets, besides uptating to more sets/cards to get.

    They could also make the Cash Shop and pic screen like the KMS's one, it would not only make the game less buggy, but the cash shop clean and new again(and overall seens more clean) i don't mind the GMS one, but i know it would help.
  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited March 2017
    Daxterbeer wrote: »
    Boss Queues

    -When boss queueing, party leader positions doesn't get handed to the person who joined the new party
    -Be able to queue to boss without having all the party members be the same channel
    -Boss queueing for Arkarium should take the party outside the altar instead of Crack in Time

    Boss Content

    -Remove Physical Attack Immunity on Arkarium's summons
    -Allow infinite entries, but 1 clear per day for most bosses
    -Remove auto respawns on bosses with death counts
    -Remove fire upon defeating Chaos Crimson Queen

    Items and Equipment Changes

    -Increase stats of the Kritias Set, Boss Accessory Set and Meister Set's equipment as well as their set bonuses
    -Allow Crystal Ventus Badge to be enhancable and pottable
    -Include Arkarium's rings and its Meister counterparts in the Boss Accessories rather than a 2 piece ring set each (as well increase their stats)
    -Remove PSOK and SOK requirements on Dominator Pendants, Mechanator Pendants, Chaos Horntail Pendants, Horntail Pendants, Zakum and Chaos Zakum Helmets
    -Redesign Scarlet and Lucky "Joker" Equipment so it can truly substitute in any set the player desires instead of the highest set ID
    -Allow Proton Suits and Boots to be wearable by all classes
    -Allow Rakes, Wrenches, Golden Pickaxes and Shovels to be repairable
    -Remove recipes for Timeless and Reverse Equipment, LVL 110 and 100 equipment present in Root Abyss Boxes

    System Changes

    -Under "Sound," break "SFX" into "Game SFX" and "Skill SFX"
    (EXAMPLE: Vellum's roar will be treated differently from a skill's sound effect)

    -In areas with 3 private channels like Cygnus and Union Trade, display which private channel the player currently is in as well as other party members
    (EXAMPLE: Daxterbeer/ Arcania/ Private Channel 1, Snacktime/ Arcania/ Private Channel 3)

    -Remove mastery level decay for crafting levels greater than 10
    -Have Reward Points be deposited directly to the player's cash shop instead of manually claiming and redeeming every 10 separate occasions (The meter would be present to count how many points you got for the day)

    Here are some suggestions I am offering to the community aside from the Additional Options (forgot to mention it), Nebulite Revamp and having the Reward Shop have Fusion Tickets and Bonus Potential Cubes.

    Very very great suggestions! I hope they apply all.

    That fire around the character at chaos queen.. its just like the stones that keep falling after killing chaos von bon, which got fixed.
  • MekMek
    Reactions: 1,170
    Posts: 92
    edited March 2017
    Daxterbeer wrote: »
    Boss Queues
    -Remove mastery level decay for crafting levels greater than 10

    Nu, nu,nu. That decay is a great way to increase diligence faster.

  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited March 2017
    Mek wrote: »
    Daxterbeer wrote: »
    -Remove mastery level decay for crafting levels greater than 10
    Nu, nu,nu. That decay is a great way to increase diligence faster.

    Doesn't work anymore.
  • MekMek
    Reactions: 1,170
    Posts: 92
    edited March 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Mek wrote: »
    Daxterbeer wrote: »
    -Remove mastery level decay for crafting levels greater than 10
    Nu, nu,nu. That decay is a great way to increase diligence faster.

    Doesn't work anymore.

  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited March 2017
    I think they should have a try on item in shops. The item that the person is selling you can try on the item first to see how it looks before you buy it. It would be easier for the maplers to see if they want to buy it or not. I did this many times and I didn't like the item but I was stuck with it.

    oh there a website that let you test cash shop item covers (and some none cash shop stuff) on a maple mannequin.
    but im not sure if i can post the link here.
  • RikNLRikNL
    Reactions: 2,605
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    edited March 2017
    Daxterbeer wrote: »
    System Changes

    -Under "Sound," break "SFX" into "Game SFX" and "Skill SFX"
    (EXAMPLE: Vellum's roar will be treated differently from a skill's sound effect)

    Please this I would love to hear the login sounds and event sound but not my attacks as an mage the sound horrible over everything.
  • KlaraKlara
    Reactions: 3,485
    Posts: 245
    edited March 2017
    Please give us the ability to accept and complete quests within dipq and evo lab. These are great places to farm event drops and it's a shame we can't finish off an event if it's able to be completed multiple times a day e.g. 10 times for the bun buxx.

    Within Kritias, make it possible to:
    -use boss queues
    -use the telerock to teleport to and within the area
    -use maple guide to teleport between the frozen, burning, and permeating completion hotspots
    -use the maple guide to teleport out to a different location
    -teleport out during invasions (e.g return skills, maple guide, telerock, etc)
  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited March 2017
    Klara wrote: »
    Please give us the ability to accept and complete quests within dipq and evo lab. These are great places to farm event drops and it's a shame we can't finish off an event if it's able to be completed multiple times a day e.g. 10 times for the bun buxx.

    Within Kritias, make it possible to:
    -use boss queues
    -use the telerock to teleport to and within the area
    -use maple guide to teleport between the frozen, burning, and permeating completion hotspots
    -use the maple guide to teleport out to a different location
    -teleport out during invasions (e.g return skills, maple guide, telerock, etc)

    oh those stuff will make our maple life so much better! +1 for those suggestions!
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,580
    Posts: 1,087
    edited March 2017
    Additional things to add to the list :o

    Boss Content
    -Add Hekaton, reducing number of participants if necessary

    Item and Equipment Changes

    -Remove EXP decay from Kritia's Inverse Codex
    -Remove expiration dates on Owls of Minvera so that could possibly stack
    -Give more rings that are craftable the ability to be enhanced and receive potential
    -Increase drop rates of Primal Essence and Confusion Framents

    Additional Content
    -Other areas not included in our version of World Tour (Nightmarket, Neo Tokyo or was it Neo City?) (Kinda confused here)

    NPC Shop Changes

    -Reduce number of Kritias coins required to buy Kritias Equipment and Tyrant Gloves
    -Include Owl of Minervas in ALL generals stores including androids that have a NPC shop function (maybe include it in the FM entrance?)

    Other Changes and Additions

    -Make an icon for daily quests such as the Kritias, Root Abyss keys, etc. or make an icon for each area offering daily quests
    (Scrolling down to find the quest "Frozen Anxiety" or "Gnarled Wooden Key" among quests concerning abilities, Riena Strait, Fly in the Sky! is an eyesore)
    -To allow faster map browsing, right clicking while being in Arcane River should eventually change maps to Temple of Time, and eventually, Maple World
    (Example: Chu Chu Island Region Map>> Arcane River World Map>> Temple of Time >> Maple World)

  • sparebladespareblade
    Reactions: 1,220
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2017
    Event Hall:
    Place Gaga and Cassandra in their own buildings inside the Event Hall.
    (Alternatively, make sure there's at least a coin shop available in Henesys and/or Leafre)

    Cash Shop:
    Bonus Cubes in the Rewards Shop.