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Look of the Month Contest April.

Reactions: 4,620
Posts: 544
edited April 2017 in Vault
Hi Maplers!

It's another Look of the Month contest!


We will be looking for the best outfits, costumes, and flair from each of your in-game characters!

Here's what we are looking for in specific:

A picture of your character dressed in your favorite MapleStory outfit. This can be your training gear, outfits from events, clothes from the Cash Shop, anything! We prefer if you take a picture of your character for this month. After all, this is the Look of the Month contest.

Creativity based around the time of the year is something we consider as well. In months that have the possibility of themes (like October with Halloween and December with Christmas, for example) we may pick two winners if we see multiple entries in both categories.

Participants should write a short description of what your character is wearing and what sort of look you're going for.

Make sure to include your IGN and World
This is just the basic template of what you should have in your entry:




Short description of what your character is wearing:

What look you're going for (theme):

You are free to modify the template on however you want it to look like, but it has to include all of the criteria that are listed there.

No multiple submissions

No plagiarism

No inappropriate content (Definition of inappropriate is left up to the decision of the judges)

The use of sites such as BannedStory to simulate environments and character outfits is NOT permitted.

Entries must be submitted within the submission time limit which will run from the time of this post to April 25th, 2017 at 12 PM / Noon (Pacific Time).

Any breach of these rules is grounds for disqualification

All decisions of the judges are final

Players that have been banned in the game are not allowed to win this contest.

Look of the Month Contest April - Official Rules


Look of the Month winner will receive 35,000 Maple Points
3 Runner Ups will receive 10,000 Maple Points

The winner will have their character spotlighted on the MapleStory Forums for the month following the event.
The winner will be chosen no later than April 28th, 2017 at 11:59:59 pm Pacific Time. The Maple Points prize will be distributed within the coming week after the announcement.

We will choose only 1 winner for this month of April:
Which is for your character dressed in your favorite MapleStory outfit!

We can't wait to see how fashionable your in-game characters are! And if you have any questions about this contest, feel free to ask!

Best of luck!

- From the MapleStory Volunteers



  • TwizzzlersTwizzzlers
    Reactions: 2,235
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    edited April 2017

    IGN: Knoebels

    World: Scania

    Short description of what your character is wearing:


    - Space Pirate Open Helmet
    - Raccoon Mask
    - Floral Print School Uniform
    - 2nd Unwelcome Guest Earrings
    - Stormcaster Gloves
    - VVIP Member Medal
    - Butterfly Flower Effect Ring
    - Soft Jelly Shoes
    - So Delish Ice Cream ( Face Accessory )
    - Pink Bean Label Ring
    - Sparkling Bluebird ( Nx Perm )
    - Dancing Fireflies ( Nx Perm )

    - Moon Bunny Bell Wig ( Nx Perm )
    - Frosty Frozen Face ( Face Accessory )
    - Cat Monster Outfit ( Nx Perm )
    - Naughty Boy Backpack ( Nx Perm )

    What look you're going for (theme): I'm going for a Spring / Easter Theme on my character. If you put the two together it creates a beautiful image of Spring time and Easter.

    A little Spring poem that I created :

    Flowers oh Flowers come out and play
    April is here and then its May
    Bright blue skies on warm sunny days
    We can finally say Spring is here to stay Hooray!

    Happy Easter Maplers

  • PharrettPharrett
    Reactions: 940
    Posts: 44
    edited April 2017
    Image: http://imgur.com/meyCsRL

    IGN: Aran

    World: Khaini (Broni)

    Short description of what your character is wearing: Aran's Helmet, Maha The Polearm, Penguin Slippers, Blizzard Cape, Blizzard Gloves.
    Android: Winter Aran, Winter Aran Suit (Female) , Winter Aran Cape, Winter Aran Boots
    Pets: Lil Aran, Lilin,and Silver Husky as Ryko
    Familiar: Wolf Underling also as Ryko

    What look you're going for (theme):
    So I think I was trying to go for a Shade theme but I forgot what that was....

    Anyway so obviously I'm all about Aran and always have been since they came out. I combined all the different Aran themed items into one super look, found the perfect background and walla.


  • MicromanagedMicromanaged
    Reactions: 410
    Post: 1
    edited April 2017
    Image: Imgur Link

    IGN: Micromanaged
    World: Windia
    Short description of what your character is wearing: Absolab Bandit Cap, Secret Shade Suit, Absolab Knight Cape, Black Markintz, Blade (AoT Crossover Event), Head Bandage

    What look you're going for (theme): Witch Hunter! Or Steampunk/Gothic hunter. I was also inspired by the CWKPQ Boss Rellik! As soon as I saw the Absolab Thief hat, I knew I had to make an outfit that centered around it. Definitely one of my favorite hats in game right now. The Lv. 90 Pirate boots were just high enough to cover the rest of my legs exposed from the short pants on the Secret Shade Suit.

    Edit: Formatting
  • PerceptivityPerceptivity
    Reactions: 2,820
    Posts: 239
    edited April 2017
    Lets do this :D

    Image: https://gyazo.com/f87558622d3df664d1f3705ecfb13db1

    IGN: Perceptivity

    World: Luna

    Short description of what your character is wearing: Bunny Top Hat, Black Cardigan top, Black Checkered Shorts, Dark Devil Gloves, Schwarzer Coat and Blue Phoenix Weapon.

    What look you're going for (theme): Im going for an god turned evil look, my class is a bishop (should save people) im going for the oposit namely "I am here to save you but when it all comes down i might not save you at all"
  • DangsterDangster
    Reactions: 1,350
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    edited April 2017
    Image: https://gyazo.com/29f5ecc5ad0fa62c07376dca70a98401

    IGN: Dango
    World: Luna

    Short description of what your character is wearing:

    Forest Fairy (face)
    Green Rain Cap (hat)
    Leaf (face accessory)
    Nerdy Glasses (eye accessory)
    Cutie Raincoat (top)
    Underpants (bottom)
    Red Landcell Pack (cape)
    Rainbow Boots (shoes)
    Transparent Earring, Glove, Knuckle

    What look you're going for (theme): My theme will be ''Another rainy day'' because it's spring and there can be a lot of rain during the season. Therefore it is important to wear good clothes for the rainy days, just like my character does!
  • inukiroyainukiroya
    Reactions: 880
    Posts: 63
    edited April 2017

    IGN: Kirøya

    World: Chaos

    Short description of what your character is wearing:

    Black Puppy ears
    Black puppy tail
    War marks
    Medical Eye Patch
    White Ghostly cloth
    Black Forte Boots
    Sailor Outfit
    Wings of Courage
    Absolab Katara

    What look you're going for (theme):

    Im trying to go for a hero theme you see in anime, (my ign used to be InuKiroya since chaos release but i wanted to try and see how my normal name looks and i think InuKiroya fits my character better since i've worn Permanent Black puppy ears and tail was released in cs many years ago, just looking for a chance to buy name change coupon) I always liked the sailor theme in anime and this overall fit my image the best since its my favorite and wear it 90% of the time and reminds me of the ocean. (like the oceans that become free after the ice melts aka spring time ;D)

    Edit: posted link, idk how the image button works, tried pasting image url in that picture icon but nothing happens?
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited April 2017
    inukiroya wrote: »

    The judges can't look at your computer's C: drive. You're going to have to upload the image to some image hosting site (like imgur.com) and post a link here.
  • _Cas__Cas_
    Reactions: 1,160
    Posts: 46
    edited April 2017


    >> Please Click For Album <<

    IGN: iimes

    World: Luna

    Short description of what your character is wearing:
    - Midnight Bloom (Hat)
    - Rose (Face Accessory)
    - Flutter-Sleeve bell suit (Overall)

    What look you're going for (theme): Evening Summer Romance - Adorable evening outfit with elegant hat; rose added for extra romance appeal.
  • jennijenni
    Reactions: 1,300
    Posts: 7
    edited April 2017

    IGN: GummiBeär

    World: Luna

    • White hair-band
    • Bunny Disguise
    • Octopus T-Shirt
    • Puffy Puff Dress
    • White Day Heart Balloon
    • Reinforced Golden Chick

    With my outfit, I'm celebrating Easter as an Easter Bunny. I'm trying to express love and joy through my outfit and the colors of Spring.
  • NukkaNakkiNukkaNakki
    Reactions: 760
    Posts: 5
    edited April 2017

    IGN: NukkaNakki

    World: Luna

    Short description of what your character is wearing:
    Orange Cat Beanie
    Octopus T-Shirt
    Silver Clover Pants
    Chicky Pile
    Moon Bunny Gloves
    Lord of the Carrots

    What look you're going for (theme):
    This is a spring/easter theme. I’m wearing bright spring colours (yellow, green, pink) with a bunny weapon and a chick cape. Also I love all kind of bunny stuff so my hair is shape of bunny ears. Lastly, my sparkling eyes represent the joy of the spring.
  • IchiteIchite
    Reactions: 575
    Posts: 5
    edited April 2017

    IGN: Ichite
    World: Luna

    My character is wearing:
    - Cat Hood
    - Bloody tears (Blood of Jesus)
    - Bunny Love T-Shirt
    - Ripped Jeans
    - Penguin Slippers
    - Strawberry Label Ring
    - Lollypop
    - Freesia Blossom
    - Androit Evasion Gloves

    I think this is supposed to be some kind of Easter theme, since i love Easter and chocolate eggs! I have a lovely bunny on my shirt, and a cute red ribbon. A yellow Freesia blossom on my back, which is very lively colored and suits Easter! And sparkling eyes because Spring is here and my birthday too, which is why i love spring and Easter even more! It's such a lovely Spring time and we all should enjoy it, in maple and in real life! Happy Easter to everybody!
  • AmbrosialAmbrosial
    Reactions: 260
    Posts: 5
    edited April 2017

    IGN: Arnt
    World: Luna

    My character is wearing:
    - White Beanie
    - Facial Powder (Red)
    - Green Suspenders
    - Cowboy Shorts
    - Fairy Flora
    - MVP Label Ring (Diamond)
    - Rest transparent
    - Pink Bean Slayer Medal
    - Steamed Bun Savant title

    My characters beauty parlor:
    - Blonde Super Antenna (Hair)
    - Piercing Gaze (Amethyst) (Eyes)
    - Normal skin

    The theme of the look is NX perfection. Nice combination with cowboy shorts (IMO best bottom) and the nice male hairstyle.
  • Kradian_SouthKradian_South
    Reactions: 1,015
    Posts: 9
    edited April 2017

    IGN: Synaura

    World: Luna

    Description: My character is wearing:
    • An Ink-and-Wash Thought Bubble Ring
    • An Ink-and-Wash Painting Name Tag Ring
    • A Sweetwater Sword (its look was anvilled onto an all-class Blazing Sword)
    • A Cross Wing Hair Pin
    • A Sweetwater Tattoo
    • A pair of Traveler's Wing Glasses
    • An Umbral Attire
    • A pair of Umbral Boots
    • A Will o' the Wisps earring
    • A pair of Nero Gloves
    • A Light of Azwan medal
    • A Force Shield of Extremes (its look was anvilled onto a VIP Magician Shield)
    • A pair of New Veamoth Wings

    I was aiming for a Gothic take on a Fallen Angel when designing my Battle Mage, due to how the class's skills, colour scheme and overall appearance give off an aura of darkness and death; Condemnation, Dark Genesis, and Aura Scythe are the perfect examples to showcase in relation to this idea. Due to this, I settled on a design that would feature a lot of black, since black is often seen as the colour of such themes. I personally feel that the slight addition of yellow, white and blue complements the large amount of black present in the look rather beautifully, and add a splash of colour to what would otherwise be an achromatic design. These considerations have all been taken into account to create, what I feel is, a minimalistic look that keeps with the desired appearance and is quite pleasing to the eye.
  • lolatverololatvero
    Reactions: 1,380
    Posts: 25
    edited April 2017

    IGN: Oujo

    World: Scania

    Short description of what your character is wearing:
    Bunny Top Hat, Dollish Pink, Single Earring, Contemporary Chic Outfit, Goddess Wristband, Fluffy Snow Bunny, Sheep Label Ring

    What look you're going for (theme): Edgy but cute bunny look
  • SilverswornSilversworn
    Reactions: 1,440
    Posts: 31
    edited April 2017

    IGN: Silversworn
    World: Bera

    Short description of what your character is wearing:
    - Hat: Mihile's Silver Helm
    - Top: Eagle Eye Warrior's Armor
    - Bottom: Trixter Dunwitch Pants
    - Shoes: Silver War Boots
    - Gloves: Ecletic Hermosa
    - Weapon: Tempest Katana
    - Face: Treasure Hunter Jack's Scar
    - Ear: Single Earring
    - Cape: Antique Demon Cape

    I am a Knight of Cygnus. With my sword, I draw upon the sun and the moon and use their powers to destroy evil.

    My character looked very uncoordinated before I settled on this look. My only goal was to find items that matched the Warrior CRA armor and make a coherent outfit, so I came up with this. I unintentionally turned my character into an ordinary-looking Cygnus Knight in the process, but when I realized Hayato's skills look very similar to those of Dawn Warriors, I grew to embrace this Cygnus Knight identity and made it part of my character. I am now a Dawn Warrior.
  • CielliCielli
    Reactions: 455
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    edited April 2017

    IGN: Cielli

    World: Luna

    My Character is wearing:
    - Lucid's Silk Hat
    - Lucid Dream
    - Dancing Fireflies
    - Transparent Weapon, Face & Eye Accessories, Shoes
    - Butterfly Label Ring
    - Lucid Butterfly Ring

    - Purple Lucid Hair
    - Red Lucid Face

    - Dreaming Lucid Familiar
    - Lucid Soul Summon

    What look you're going for (theme): Not really much of an original theme nor is it related to the current season, but as a Lucid fanatic since her release, this look with the summons is a tribute to the brilliant character that Lucid is. The Dancing Fireflies cape adds a touch of sparkle that matches well with the dreamy aura of the Lucid Butterfly Ring. I guess I would name this theme Lucidception.
  • TubaTuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited April 2017
    Cielli wrote: »

    IGN: Cielli

    World: Luna

    My Character is wearing:
    - Lucid's Silk Hat
    - Lucid Dream
    - Dancing Fireflies
    - Transparent Weapon, Face & Eye Accessories, Shoes
    - Butterfly Label Ring
    - Lucid Butterfly Ring

    - Purple Lucid Hair
    - Red Lucid Face

    - Dreaming Lucid Familiar
    - Lucid Soul Summon

    What look you're going for (theme): Not really much of an original theme nor is it related to the current season, but as a Lucid fanatic since her release, this look with the summons is a tribute to the brilliant character that Lucid is. The Dancing Fireflies cape adds a touch of sparkle that matches well with the dreamy aura of the Lucid Butterfly Ring. I guess I would name this theme Lucidception.

    This is great LOL
  • PonPonPonPon
    Reactions: 1,265
    Posts: 53
    edited April 2017

    IGN: zBlackwing

    World: Galicia - GRAZED

    On my character:
    - Hat: White Beanie.
    - Overall: Stylish Layered Plaid
    - Gloves: Luxury Wristwatch
    - Shoes: Tyrant Hyades Boots
    - Ring Label: G Clef Label Ring
    - Face/Eye/Weapon/Shield/Cape: Transparent Cash covers

    On my beloved Orchiroid:
    - Hat: Orchid's Black Wing Hat

    On my lovely Jr. Orchid:
    - Pet Accessory: Orchid's Hat

    My Theme:
    I decided to take my character on a cool-guy appearance. It looks realistic, simple and represents the season's specialty: cold breeze yet warmth in the air. I would not forget to include my biggest idol Orchid (her Android and Jr. versions) following me everywhere -satisfaction intensifies-. There's no way for me to pass this Contest because my idol is on the banner : ]
  • LohdyLohdy
    Reactions: 1,660
    Posts: 28
    edited April 2017

    IGN: Lohd

    World: GRAZED

    Parfait Cupcake Hairpin (hat)
    Splash Choco Girl (overall)
    Bunny Slippers (shoes)
    Dancing Fireflies (cape)
    Pink Bean Chocolate Label/Char ring
    Black Cute Honey Hair (hair)
    Sapphire Harin Face (face; comes with a cute blush and smile)
    Sitting on Pink Bean Ice Cream Umbrella chair with NPC Sugar.

    A sweet and Sugar(y) (haha see what I did there?) theme. Eye candy to satisfy your sweet tooth in preparation for all those delicious Easter sweets. April is also the beginning of spring, so why not enjoy it outdoors while sharing sweets with the cute npc Sugar?

    [P.S. Am I allowed to include NPCs in my submission? I've scoured the rules and there was no mention of NPCs.]
  • AznWarriorAznWarrior
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 2
    edited April 2017



    Hat: Button-a-holic Toy Cap; Hair: Blue Evan Hair (M)
    Top: Padded Vest
    Bottom: Plaid-cuffed Jeans
    Shoes: Midnight Steps
    Face: Transparent Face Accessory; Piercing Gaze
    Eyes: Transparent Eye Accessory
    Weapon: Enraged Warrior Rose
    Glove: Candybear Watch
    Cape: Dancing Fireflies
    Label Ring: Slumbering Dragon Island

    Spring Blues...
This discussion has been closed.