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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Your top 3 Maple memories!
1. Old/ Pre BB Maplestory (nuff said)
2. Destroyed NLC (because nebulite boxes had a super high drop rate during the first week)
3. Bullet hell airplane segment
Close runner up: Masteria through time
I'm going to remember the game like a flower or a sand castle on the beach. We should enjoy the nice things while we can because their time is limited but maybe the moral of the story is them being temporary could be part of what makes them more valuable?
Also some Power rangers because of the original Omega sector and for the music but my list of 3 is already full.
Other thing i really miss is the more active party play, people used to boss more in pt, train more partyies, now it's now worth to go in pts, the nodes and symbols aren't anyway shared, so people can lose drops with pt and less exp; bosses generaly aren't good in party(like cvell, cvon bon or gliches that happen more often in party....), party play really need to change, specially in trainning.
Also i kind miss how you needed quests and pt to get some 4job skills, they could make besides node-crafting, make quests and party quests that give skills to all jobs.
Anyway, in no particular order:
1. Soloing Hard Magnus for the first time.
2. Messing around with friends over voice-chat and raiding Henesys with a 9+ man party of Jetts.
3. Doing Cross World PQ and all of us getting excited after beating the #1 record.
Been playing since '06, so it's hard to pick just three. Though a lot of my fun Maple memories come from the times I've spent playing my Hayato.
2. Unlocking Snipe on my Marksman and hitting near the 200k damage cap every 5ish mins lol.
3. Getting the Lotus Leaf Chair from the Cake vs Pie coin shop and having people offer me huge sums of mesos whenever I sat on it lol (it was untradeable though)
Ughh, there're so many others though lol. Like all the days doing LPQ/KPQ (sometimes CPQ), clearing GPQ for the first time with the best guild ever, getting my first job advancement at lvl 12 cuz I didn't know any better, and omg, I LOVED starting fresh on a newly-opened server. I think I started a bit after Broa came out and all my middle school friends were playing that world so I joined them. Played again when Bellocan came out, then moved to Mardia when that came out, then quit til Galicia came out. Something about starting over in a new server with everyone on the same footing just felt great lol. Too bad there probably aren't any new servers coming out soon.
More recently, MMF and Secret Stories come to mind. Maybe Heroes of Maple. Hitting the damage cap pre-V, getting 2m-2m range, soloing CRA/hmag... the last few achievements don't excite me as much though lol. Probably cuz they're still fresh in my head. I felt the adrenaline for a few seconds watching cvellum's health drop to 0, but after that, I'm like great, another thing I have to do every week.
2. Stalking the leader for Kerning PQ.
3. Farming on Windraiders to get to 3rd job.....
Good times man...
One of the most fun and overlooked areas/quests in the game before it was closed down. And I can only hope the revamp won't turn it into another linear piece of trash like Kerning Tower is now.
I remember spending hours just sitting somewhere in the Silo map listening to the BGM.
2. Exploring Hidden Street maps
The didn't serve much purpose but they were fun to discover.
3. My first lv.200 character
2: Maple Table 2 on youtube
3: Maple Table Rush on youtube
You might can tell i have a running theme going on here XD.
1~ When Pirate {Brawler} class came out
cause i dont like &/or relate to any class at all before and after
the brawling & martial arts based fighter came out sadly nexon ruined the class but thats for another post
2~ when i managed to reach the old cap of 2,147,483,647 damage with a single punch in game
3~ when i found someone with nearly unlimited will power to keep up stalking me through a lot of the hardest paths in the game for nothing in return
I'll admit that I was obsessed about traveling through Sleepywood. The soundtrack of the forest in the center of Victoria Island with various monsters. It was quite an experience. That does include the Jump Quest.
2. Ludibrium (Area & Party Quest)
This was one of the first areas that I remember being released. I would say it was quite overwhelming and quite the exploration. Another good start for my adventure. I was obsessed about travelling Deep Inside the Clocktower. Since I was a Fire Poison Wizard at the time Magic Guard (where I learned how to use it at Level 50) made it a bit easier.
3. Dual Blades
This is where I made a new main character. Sticking with it throughout the years has kept me at bay from making a new main character that is any other class. This was also the rise where I experienced all sorts of bosses but that was probably due to potential and Big Bang.
I remember having a mage and spamming magic claw. The skill was so Op.
And when I reached lvl 30 after some months I turned into priest but than deleted the char.
2.Orbis tower and kerning city.
I always leveled at the octopus in kerning.
And i loved being in the orbis tower because of the Ost.
3.Social talks and exploring
I loved chatting with people but now most people are silent.
Also it was awesome exploring henesys or elinia.
Second biggest memory would have to be when ny cousin took me to explore the dungeon for the first time, was a scary experience for me. Drakes had me terrified i didnt want to die XD.
3rd memory would have to be pirates, i just remember the massive amount of beginners sitting outside of nautikus before it opened is burned into my memory .
Ima cheat and add 1 more memory, finally hitting 200, was a big moment for me
2. Actually finishing pq's, making friends.
3. Grinding at LHC, getting a bishop, my first character, to 4th job.
1. Hitting 200 together, and Someone's special smega for me.
2. APQ'ing together, and then sitting and talking for hours in the APQ exit map, with our wedding ring effect pulsing between us.
3. Someone collecting the hundreds of etc's needed for me to upgrade my Hog to a Silvermane, despite hating farming, because I was too lazy to do it myself, and Someone wanted us to have matching mounts.
We're still good friends but Someone quit Maple years ago
1) Leveling up with friends exploring Victoria Island/Orbis and Ludi when monsters were not listed in the map legend.
2) Being a Jr Master in a guild joining expeditions and party quests with my guild-mates
3) Beating Zakum before the implementation of Boss Raids.
There are so many memories I don't know where to begin. Not sure if these are the best" but kinda funny.
1. Someone proposed to me randomly in Kerning City when I was passing by. For some reason I accepted it, because why not see what happens lol! We got married right away! A few hours later...
Him: How old are you?
Me: uuh 19, you?
Him: 12...
Me: Oh...
Him: ...
Him: You are too old for me.
Me: This is awkward.
Him: I want a divorce!
Me: Okay, but I’m keeping my ring!
2. When the curse filter was updated so harshly we could barely communicate, it lead to some hilarious decrypting jobs for sure! I can't find the screenshots at the moment, but my shop was basically only ******** and a few letters XD.
3. Hitting 200 for the first time was a magical memory and feeling. I was surrounded by good friends
2) When u see a hayato with 500% dmg
3) When u see the said hayato hitting 10b lines
Good ol' memories...
2. Playing cleric and letting people die in Ludi Maze PQ. I'm a sadistic healer. Kekeke~!
3. Creating my first character. I was so proud to have the ign "coolhippi" x'D
I found it so amazing how they threw around green sharks and transformed into stylish, blue dudes with spiky hair.
I even made a youtube video showcasing the skills they had (with terrible choices of music of course...).
I never made it to level 120 though, the level cap back then for cygnus knights.
2. Playing a buccaneer.
I was such a big fan of the transformation skill that thunder breakers had, that I had to play a buccaneer, except this time, I made the new character into a female character. The female sprites for the transformation and super transformation skills were really cool too, with the ponytail and all.
I also loved how buccaneers slid around backwards while elbowing monsters in the faces.
3. Reaching 4th job on a fire poison mage.
Again, I loved the skills they had.
I loved how they stared down enemies to death with their old paralyze skill animation and how they summoned frogs to belch out toxic clouds.
I loved the little "witch" theme fire poison mages had back then.
2. Extremely late night training at Wolf Spiders.
3. Getting to 200 after about half a year of being 199 on my Paladin.