As we all know, a large part of MapleStory is the customization of our characters. Some players spend a lot of money, or time, or both, in an attempt to make their characters look exactly as they want them to be.
Some people like a flashy look, and some like a minimal one. And some like to look flashy while they're strutting around town, but have as few visual distractions as possible when fighting bosses. Especially in the case of endgame bosses tackled by parties, people want no visual elements on the screen that don't absolutely have to be there, while still using all their gear.
A year and a half ago, in
v.166, the "Equipment Effect System" was introduced, allowing us to hide the effects of certain equipment, especially certain huge totems, when desired.
This was very helpful, but there is still much more to be done for those seeking an uncluttered look, for either aesthetic or practical (boss fight) reasons:
1. Make the "effect" button apply to summon effects (in particular Sylph Ring, Angelic Blessing rings, and Lightning God rings)
Edit: and to Cash weapon cover effects.
2. Allow hiding androids, either through the "effect" button or through some other means (such as a "transparent android" cash item - after all, all other visible equipment items can be hidden with transparent covers).
3. Allow hiding familiars.
4. Allow hiding pets.
5. Allow hiding class-specific elements such as Kanna's Haku, Cannoneer's Monkey, Evan's Mir, Luminous' Orb.
6. Allow hiding own/others' damage numbers. The feature that allowed that, "remote effect", was removed and replaced with skill transparency. While skill transparency is useful as far as it goes, it does not affect damage numbers, which fill up the screen and make it really hard to tell what's going on.
and 10 others.
And you can't turn the effect off with the "EFFECT" button? I'd be inclined to report that as a bug, tbh. Of course EFFECT should work on them.
I'm quite sure you can't, it always irritated me. I'll have a look at it tomorrow.
I see.
That's pretty inconsistent. Other cash items can have "extra" effects disabled. I'll add this to the opening post.
As I'm maining an Evan I also have a big dragon flying after me, and I think that should be eunogh.
Alternatively they could put the following pets & android behind the player instead of in front, that would remove some of my concerns.
good perspective, makes you pay attention to detail.
sadly super disappointed that we couldn't
KMS also recently introduced this, which I am truly hoping GMS gets this:
Transparent windows while in combat
When they forward this to team they mean "oh man heres another guy complaing about something we cant do. I'll just leave a comment,
saying we will forward to our team."
Dude, none of us can suggest anything directly to KMS.
We suggest things to Nexon America, and they forward our suggestions to Nexon Korea.
All the suggestions that were implemented so far were implemented by the programmers in Korea.
I don't think we need to preface every suggestion with "please ask KMS to" do whatever we're requesting.
hope so.
How do you know whether the people at Nexon actually knows that we want some of these things? Remote effects was literally one of the best things they took out just cause KMS did as well.
I don't know that they know. That's why I'm telling them.