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From what I remember, we haven't had a World Leap since late 2015. With the Meso Market being added to normal servers and a big content update coming up, I think it's a great opportunity to free up some of the space in Reboot and liven up some of the less populated servers.
I also understand that in KMS' last world leap, they didn't allow transfers out of Reboot, but we've had things done in GMS that weren't done in KMS in the past (KMS also has a second Reboot world, so they don't suffer nearly as massive server issues during big patches). Anyways, a Reboot character is essentially a non-Reboot character that was geared without trading and with a skill that gives %dmg per level that can be removed from (or simply disabled for) characters transferring out of Reboot. There isn't any real advantage from leaving Reboot beyond whatever equips you could carry (none of which being exclusive to the server) in your pockets when you make the transfer.
My friends and I, with the introduction of the Meso Market, are starting to see less and less reason to stay in Reboot. The only things really keeping us there are our mains. While we are definitely a minority, I think getting as many people out of Reboot before a big patch would be only beneficial to the server, and more populated servers are great for the longevity of the game.
Yes, I know you can also get legendary gear on non-Reboot worlds without spending any money, but the process would take WAY longer, like years long.
There's still bpot that's unavailable in Reboot that people coming from would want to cube. This is only even kind of a problem amongst the highest percentage of Reboot players, who probably like the system enough to stay.
Why not let people out of Reboot? I genuinely can't think of a good reason.
Not to mention cash shop items can be bought for mesos on Reboot. So a rich player could buy a ton of cubes/scrolls, transfer and then flood the market. Not ideal.
Even then there's the fact that Reboot has higher exp gain, and you'd be bumping down players on the specific regular World ranking.
You wouldn't let a regular server player transfer into Reboot either because of the differences between the two servers.
The reason you wouldn't let someone transfer in to Reboot is because a character coming into Reboot has a distinct advantage if they have, say, a Frenzy Totem, or any event/marvel machine gear that was unavailable in Reboot.
Tbh though, if it was such a problem that they had to wipe non event/nx gear, I'd still probably take that route. However, I do not believe that it'd be a problem if they gave no warning of the event coming, as a lot of the things that could be problematic are mostly only issues if there's enough warning to those who'd abuse it.
And yes, regular server players would have distinct advantages in reboot if they were to keep their items and it's just as wrong. They'd be strong as hell, but have forfeited the market value of their items.
Reboot players would have the distinct advantage of bringing in good-decent-godly gear that came from "nothing" essentially. Now those items are suddenly worth something more. Be that meso or real money on the black market. That's how botters or people looking to cash out would have an easier time doing so by abusing the transfer event. As it is now they'd have to just sell the entire account and that's more of a risk for a buyer, not to mention individual items are probably easier to sell than an entire account. If the same items were made in regular servers, they would have drained meso or NX from the market already. And making them without any of that (just by crafting cubes from material you've farmed yourself) would have taken way longer than it does in reboot to gain meso for cubes.
What I'm saying is that the servers are too different for there to be crossovers. If it's from one market to another, sure, cause then you take value from one server's market and utilize it elsewhere for marginal profit and there will still be balance, but reboot lacks a market. It'd just be an influx of new items that have suddenly gained full value in a market.
I'm no expert on this stuff, but that's my take on it.
Just as people who decided to move to Reboot when it came out, had to start over, so anyone who wants to move to a normal server after playing Reboot will have to start over.
I also highly doubt that accounts are harder to sell than items, seeing as accounts only have ip to trace (which is easily explained by moving), and items have the trade that occurs in game (but hey, that's just speculation, I have no idea how Nexon monitors trades, so they could both be equally easy or hard). I have no intention on looking at the current going rates for Reboot accounts vs normal server accounts, but considering the fact that Reboot is more populated, progress is seen as a badge of honor because it's seen as "harder" by the general Reboot population, and the fact that good gear takes billions of meso to craft, which can take tens of hours of straight grind on specially made characters per piece of gear (not even considering the grind it takes to get the specific piece of gear, which can be months for certain items), it feels like a everything being sold on Reboot on the black market would be valued higher than if it were sold on normal servers. Especially when I go to a normal server and consider how cheap everything is using the Meso Market as a guideline.
It doesn't matter whether it's just the top 1% of Reboot. If they come to the other servers and compete with the top 1% of those servers, it's not fair.
If you can level up and make money so much faster in normal servers, why are you even trying to transfer in? Just start over, it'd be much easier than waiting for Nexon to consider the idea and, even if they do implement it, months down the road, they might do so in a way you don't like.
What I mean by easier is that there are more people buying gear in regular servers than there are people who are interested in buying entire accounts on reboot.
It's easier to strip it down and sell the parts, and you'd likely profit more that way too.
And it doesn't matter how many mesos it takes in reboot to make the gear, the fact is that you have higher meso rates and that cubes go for meso. Bringing the equips to regular servers would be like me printing money. Or pulling a diamond out of an alternate universe where diamonds grow on trees.
The concern is about bringing these items into a real market when they've previously held no value.
If you recall the time Nexon accidentally misspriced gachapon tickets and people were pulling high value items out of "thin air" in the sense that these items would not have existed in such bounty if the gach tickets had been properly priced. That's why they temp banned everyone to assess the situation. Ultimately they had to let people keep the items despite the impact on the market because of the outrage. That, and gach is mostly filled with junk anyway so the impact wasn't that huge.
I sympathize with you, but you're gonna have to start over if you want to join regular servers.
Reboot character's can't do world leap events to regular servers, maybe if a REboot 2 is released then they can leap between Reboot and Reboot 2 as long as Reboot 2 is also on the NA servers.
Lets not forget that characters that are made on reboot have certain passive skills that would make world leap way more complicated because the service of world leap was not made to handle changing and removing of character skills, on top of other reasons, some of which have already been mentioned.
there's also the issue of "if people are allowed to transfer out of reboot with their characters, then I should be allowed to transfer into reboot with my characters" because it really wouldn't be fair if a person funds themselves on reboot and gets boosted levels and then decides they want to keep their 200+ character with all their freely cubed gear and transfers over but if we want to be on reboot we have to start all over. If you're allowed to transfer with all your items and progression then I should be allowed to transfer with all my perm pets and other equipment.
Lets also not forget the purpose of reboot is not just to only be a non-P2W (or Less P2W) server, it's also meant to serve as a server that works somewhat like a Classical RPG (despite the "broken" drop tables for Reboot in GMS, if they were to "fix" them we would have no familiar cards in any server) and give you basic forward progression through drops and not buying your way up from others or through in game services and no trading to other characters (including your own). that is what you sign up for when you play in Reboot. If you come to the conclusion you don't like that or that it's not for you, you have to start fresh on a normal server, just like if people still don't like the normal servers for how P2W they can be they have to start fresh on Reboot.
I still hold that it'd be fair to let people out of Reboot, but I don't feel that it's really within my abilities to articulate further or convince you guys. Regardless, it wasn't a post to the community, it was just really a shot in the dark with a prayer attached. Nexon has acted against popular opinion in the past, and this is just one of those occasions where I'll sit in the minority and hope that if anyone from Nexon managed to see this, they saw the points that I tried to make and sided with me.
I just don't think I can really contribute anymore to this thread beyond what I've already said. I love you all, and hope you have a wonderful day.