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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Of Wondroids and Jump Quests
I hate Jump quests. Hate them. This new event finally gives me an opportunity to get an android heart for my Android. Oh but guess what, its a giant Jump quest. -insert angry profanity here- WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME T^T I just want a perm heart for my android...but I don't want to cry myself to sleep just to get it.
I can't JQ to save my life.
So this event, which is blocked by this giant jump quest, is completely inaccessible to me.
I mean, I could get the coins from the daily "hold this" quests and buy some 2x coupons or something, but that's hardly what I was hoping for.
I'm sure we're not the only ones.
The last two attempts, I have literally thrown my Wondroid out of pure seething rage.
Yeah, so much agreement here.
It still took hours and it was still damn hard. A jump quest shouldn't take this long.
Just to clarify, did you get your heart and droid from clearing the jump quest or did you buy it?
Clearing the stages gives you access to buy the android. Even if you have enough coins for it, you cannot buy it without finishing. After finishing you get access to investigation map (which is bugged at the moment). This map had mobs in it which also drops coins for the event. Buying the heart is no problem but you cannot use the android until you clear B4 through B1.
I'd also like to add : this event sucks and what sucks even more is that I don't think they're gonna do anything to make this event easier. The Emilia's quests were too boring, and now this event is too hard. Two super bad events in a row that I absolutely dislike.
I honestly want to give up on the event because It took me all day to get to B1 and one DC brought me back to B4. So many things in this event need changing.
you have to level a beast tamer from lv 60-100 I think and then collect the rewards and hope you get the heart btw its a silver heart it only gives +60 defence
Im kinda...in Reboot...no trading :T
and what sucks the most is that unless you're umeployed you probably won't rescue all androids, i only got free time on weekends why can't do this ***t jq enough time to make up for the lost weekdays. its always like that with daily events.. really hating nexon lately.
whats the bug? i'm having no problems accessing those maps
What would have rather had instead?
What is fun to you?
Fun to me...would be doing stuff with my friends, like playing these mini games. Fun is where I can use my characters skills and capabilities to train or hunt bosses. Fun is not doing a repetitive, and insanely cruel jump quest, its only frustrating to me.
Good luck completing the jq then.