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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Closed What happened? LVL 10-200 in 1 hour 14 mins!
How do people play this game anymore?! the instant gratification is ridiculous! Reboot or not this is insane!
I miss the slow leveling & the comradery you shared with people so much! A lot of us do immensely...
Players who've been around this game for a very long time & have watched Maplestory form into what it is now.
Please elaborate on why you're still passionate in playing & your true motivation for sticking around MapleStory in it's current form?!
I'm not trying to be disrespectful whatsoever, i'm just being 100% honest, How could any old school player come back to this after a near decade of dormant activity?
LVL 10 to 200 literally took "Years" of hard work to achieve! not weeks,days & certainly not hours!!!
Wild Hunter PowerLevel 10-200 in 1 hour 14 mins!:
This is not what an average player looks like leveling, and he has already set up several other characters (including a Zero, which means he's been playing at least since the last time Zero was released) to use for link skills.
Moreover, the leveling curve was reweighted in the V update. The leveling curve from level 200-250 is an extremely difficult grind, with KMS only releasing one new area at a time.
Edit: Also, this is Bera, not Reboot.
did you also note that he's using a collection of exp boosters that most people do not use/ will not use, some of them are NX and others come from playing a long time, some also stemming from the event items from the event coin shop.
sure you can get it in 1 hour if you have the right conditions and all the right exp multipliers at your disposal but the average player doesn't and that's the point. This is also why it's called "Power Leveling" and not regular training.
"He's getting to level 200 in an hour"
I understand where you're coming from, the grind wasn't fun at all, hence is why you did PQ's with party's, socialized with people whilst killing monsters. That slow paced gaming atmosphere screamed player interaction beyond belief, also even though it was more difficult to level back then the sense of achievement was far more superior. If you were a level 70, you were by definition a "god" in the Maple world. A lot of people say it was just too hard back then to level up. Well, we can say it's just too easy to level up now, listen that's just the way it is, you have people who are fine & content with the way MapleStory is right now. Then you have people who want to play the old MapleStory again, & everyone has to understand something. This community has a foundation to stand on where Oldschool Maplestory players do not, hence is why you have people mentioning the game & requesting for it to be brought back on all corners of social media. People have to understand it's not a nostalgic trip that is temporary, "I" & many others are genuinely itching to play this game again long term but we just don't like present MapleStory. Why would any of us in the same vote be seen in our numbers if we don't even have a foundation to stand on so Nexon can hear our voice? I've spoken to countless people who get completely emotional about this topic & start tearing up because they miss old school MapleStory so bloody much. You guy's have your world to play on, so why can't we just have ours back? & we'll leave you alone, we will become your friends & will help you with anything you'd like. We're in this together regardless of which game style we choose we're here to have fun. Why would anybody ever want to pass up thousands of old school players coming back to the game even if it meant throwing everything into it but the kitchen & sink to get the server started. Start a global poll on the main page, get feedback from players, set goals. If we get X amount of votes & feedback this will happen, if we get to this point, this will happen, so on & fourth. just give us a fighting chance for us to show you it's worth it for Nexon to invest in us old school players & you'll have the response you were looking for. We've always been here waiting, we've just been waiting for a familiar voice to call us all back home so we can once again reunite with our fellow comrades in what a lot believe to be the golden era of MapleStory. Thank you.
He is achieving level 200 "TWO ZERO ZERO" "IN AN HOUR!" nothing else has to be said about this, i would defiantly elaborate on it but i don't need to.
Again "This person is achieving level 200 in an hour & 14 minutes in change"
Most of Old MapleStory's leveling curve was due to the fact there was a lack in content. So of course it was meant to be hard to get to Level 30, 50, and 70. However, trying to convince players of the new MapleStory era simply won't cut it, it just doesn't work. We've dealt with countless threads about this topic, not to mention it's currently banned for discussion.
Sure there may be thousands of people who will be willing to play Old MapleStory if it was brought back. But at most from the previous thread from the old forum that is now gone by our old Community Manager we haven't seen those thousands of players. At most we may have seen a dozen or two at best, but those "thousand of people" are not a stable reliability. They seem more like fragments from a time long ago that hasn't been reunited and just lingering there.
I don't think Nexon will spend their resources to promote something that doesn't have a stable ground. If anything the only chance at this point is for those people who want to put this into a reality, is by gathering those people and rethink how it can happen.
This isn't the first time this topic has been brought, but I haven't seen much progress for each time someone mentions about it.
What he's saying is that he also spent a lot of time and money into perfecting other characters. MVP Diamond status is given to users who spend ~$900 worth of NX in a given month, and that's MisusingTV (a popular streamer who has been playing Wild Hunter long before this video was ever made). No need to triple-post, we heard you the first time.
In this game you move as fast as you want to; you can't get to level 200 in an hour unless you have your mind set on getting to level 200 in an hour. When working with dailies, perfecting gear, storylines, and events, it can take months or longer to reach level 200; my Angelic Buster, which I've been leveling recently, is still only 169 at the moment, and probably won't reach level 200 for some time, and as for my main I've been stuck at level 213 for quite some time now (although clearing the Wonderroid jump quest has helped a lot).
Do you know how long it took to prepare for that speedrun?
Making all the gear he would need at every stage, making all the link skill and character card mules, collecting all the exp buffs... probably months.
So, yes, after months of preparation, you can do 10-200 in an hour.
The game barely starts at 200, now.
It's a completely different game from the one you remember. Better or worse is a matter of opinion, but it's definitely not the same game. Trying to judge it by the same standards is pointless.
The lack of individual content came later on with the evolution of the game as it grew older it obtained that content in return. Hence making it more efficient to train within the game. I was ok with the fact more training spots were implemented for players.
I haven't played MapleStory for years & years, I've only seen videos, pictures of people hitting millions of lines of attacks, leveling ridiculously, totally skipping out on the beginner to mid levels way to fast so i don't have the proper knowledge to speak about what is present.
Why would i have to make it my obligation to convince the present Maplestory players that an old school server should come into fruition for it's older audience? Does that make sense to you? Would you tell someone who's devoted to eating vanilla ice cream to just stop eating it & start eating chocolate ice cream instead?
Cause once you go black you never go back, & the same can be said for old school Maplestory players. Let me ask you something there Sharpy, cause you are sharp mentally after all correct?
Also i said this in the post you responded to pretty much, why would the old school players be encouraged to speak out about OSMS servers coming into fruition if the communication among the community, & the foundation present MapleStory players have all ready is completely obsolete for those OSMS fans who have absolutely nothing to stand on & be a global voice as a whole.
Now, that being said, do you think personally it's going to be any easier, what ever the cause may be for the topic being banned in the forums. Probably lot's of spam people not approaching it the right way having ill will towards people when they did it ETC.
To be honest with you Sharp, you're just not looking in the right places brother, Twitter covered with people talking about it, Youtube covered with it. Coppersan "A popular Maplestory player" just made a video about the 10 things in old school MapleStory old players will never forget. Oh & MapleStory on Facebook, forget about it, they posted a couple pictures pertaining to OSMS & the ludi PQ numbers. People went crazy, hundreds of comments, thousands of shares & likes.
So i know the demand is there no questions asked, they come in spurts, you'll have someone mentioning something about old school & a whole bunch of people will jump on it demanding for it to come back, happens on Reddit to.
So what it all boils down to at the end of the day, is we need our foundation back, Nexon needs to take this serious one time, one chance for redemption. They need to put a poll on the official MapleStory website. Promote it, get the word out OSMS is in the realm of a possibility & you'll have your answer.
The first bloody minute that poll goes live you'll have flocks of OSMS players coming out of the wood work to support there game & once & for all resurrecting an alleged stone age game that was never given a fighting chance again up until now.
I've been so relentless with this, responding to hundreds of people for the past few months, a lot of people would quit because it's hard.
& i know Maplestory/Nexon has so many things on there plate right now to handle but we're willing to offer you that extra plate with our
support. To finally convince you the time has came for an old school Maplestory server to come into the works & have every player re-live
the good old days. For every younger generation player to be able to try MapleStory back in it's prime golden era once again! & FYI, this isn't just for you Sharpy this is for everyone willing to read it. I'm gone, take care all!
Games without progression tend to die off.
If Maple remained the same...we'd never get 5th job, 250, an easier way to get from 1-200.
No one wants to spend years of their life just trying to get to 200, there was no praise because most of the "pros" back in Pre-BB were just account sharing, so on and so forth.
Because GMS is never, and I repeat.... NEVER going back.
Also PS: The only good part about old maple was wizet, and the community.
This guy who actually still has their original account from 2003-2005, and 2005-present.
Moderator note: Private server discussion is against the rules. Don't encourage others to break the rules.
yeah but even after you reach lvl 200 u can barely kill jack **** without funding
This guy in the video have all the best options for lving, you are getting the extreme of lving, do you think in pre-bb pros wouldn't lv super fast if they could? They would level super fast, and do ''speedruns'' of lving.
Today 1million is a joke, it's been years since Big Bang uptate, and the game changed a lot, most of the time the ''pre-bb people'' see the top players, but most of the game isn't only that.
It's been a while since the game changed to this more powercreep than before, the know some people won't come back, but what i notice how a lot of people expect the game to stay the same even tought they quited for years and years, the game changes.
Moderator note: Private server discussion is against the rules. Don't encourage others to break the rules.
that's a separate topic, but a valid point that makes getting to 200 even less significant than OP is trying to make it seem.
Matt, the guy in the video trained in maps that mobs was 40+ lvls above him ^^ only way to do that is with funding.. and this take time.
And that was the problem.
You should try to attempt to level to 200 before you complain about a leveling being "too easy". I would be surprised if you even made it to level 200 within a week let alone a month w/o anyone guiding or helping you do so.
Also nobody these days has time to spend 1 year to reach lvl 70.
Maple has changed and we need to accept it.
Also you can find the most nicest people between lvl 100-250.
Honestly grinding 1 month for reaching 30 wouldn't be worth too.
I honestly like how the game is now.
Ps: Try reaching lvl 250 without exp boosts. Thats hell.