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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Anyone else think the wonderoid thing is too hard?
Rhea full:
Aster B1:
As for portions of the jq that I'm seeing most people struggle with, a few tips:
B4 lasers - only cross a laser as its animation is ending - see 1:34 in the Rhea video for non-Aster's equivalent. Note that Aster's rescue has a safe spot after the first laser, and you aren't required to jump onto the next belt. Aster only: I found it easier to pick up Aster rather than have her jump off the end of the conveyor belt. Just make sure not to throw her too soon.
B1 gas - take it easy, particularly for those still struggling with Aster. The top gas has a shorter interval than the bottom gas, so keep that in mind when deciding when to move. Quite frankly, the only way to pass through this section is practice and being able to recognize when and where you should move, and when you should not. Note that the gas for non-Aster rescues is different from Aster's, and that there are 2 variants.
B1 lasers - While I do know that some people prefer going reverse on the conveyor belt, I can tell you that the moving lasers are MUCH easier once you understand how they work. As for how they work, moving lasers have 3 patterns on loop. You need to be able to recognize the different patterns in order to pass. See 10:54 in my Rhea video, I slow down the footage so you can see exactly when it is safe to pass.
(B2 and B3 are relatively straightforward)
1F - if you make it this far, firstly, congratulations. The main thing here is to not get bugged out by dying as you enter the exit portal. If you get bugged out, you will have to restart the entire JQ from B4. How do you avoid this? You kill the guards before they kill you. The guards do not spawn as you trigger the quicktime event at each gate; they spawn when you get really close. See 18:16 in my Rhea video for an example. I also suggest you grab an HP regen familiar such as Mano if you do not have stance and/or natural hp regen. Yeah, familiars do despawn really quickly, but you can continuously summon them until your hp replenishes.
Hopefully this helps those of you who are still struggling.
just git gud guys kappa
no, seriously, it was hellish.
infuriating"thrilling" to take part. But if a large portion of the player base is struggling to complete it or get any sort of enjoyment from it, then I believe that's grounds for modification. Despite having completed a few rescues, I do agree that an event like this shouldn't largely revolve around a nearly impossible JQ for a lot of people and barring them from participating any further if they can't overcome that one aspect.I'll agree in part that it does take some practice and muscle memory for certain instances but some people just lack the reflexes/hand-eye coordination to complete the course. Aside from fixing the bugs,glitches etc. that a lot of people seem to be having, the one thing I would modify is to checkpoint at the end of B1 before having to about face back towards the beginning. It'd mostly be a tremendous time savor from those pesky steam pipes. That and being able to leave from and return to the mission from where you left off.
Good guide Pengy. It helped.
Thanks for this - it showed me that only B4 got changed a lot. (even B1 barely felt different, maybe even slightly easier) Also I didn't know about that thing on 1F
4 HOURS? That's nothing, I spent more than 30 hours on the Jump Quests and finally completed it on the 2nd day. The key is patience.
Still shouldn't be that dang hard. =3=
First time doe....nightmare mode. But still, i find it a tiny bit addicting.
Sorry to dissapoint you but they do have the same silly voice as all other androids, which is a real shame, i bought the Rheadroid and was very dissapointed after hearing that voice.
Ill probably buy a male one too, just to check if the voice is the same.
And for everyone complaining about the difficulty. I think the difficulty is just fine, after all before this the only option to get a similar heart was to spend billions of mesos or get lucky with marvel after spending real money, i had been using the STAR heart from the zombie infection event so im glad i get the chance to do this and get an excellent heart for free, however, there is still an important complaint i have, actually 2 complaints:
- There are a lot of bugs, from falling to the floor to dying after completing a stage and getting stuck in limbo, you can't expect people to deal with the harsh difficulty and a whole lot of bugs at the same time
- Some of the insta-game overs for the wondroids have no way of actually predicting or avoiding them, this is specially true for Aster, which is cruel considering Aster is the "tutorial" part of the jq and its the most cruel with its wondroid game overs (you literally get a game over in B4 just for walking into the goal portal without any way of knowing that would happen) imagine all the people that are busting their butts to do the first level of the jq, and when they finally succeed at avoiding the spiked wall they get returned to the begining without them being able to do anything about it.
Mind you, after you finish the JQ for the first time, you get used to the crap the game throws at you and become very profficient at staying one step in front of the game
i've already completed the JQ 7 times, yesterday alone i did 2 entire runs in less than an hour, dying only once in each run. if you manage to overcome the difficulty spike of B1 you will see that the JQ gets dissturbingly easy on further attempts. i know most people can do this, you still have time, keep trying! watch some of the video guides, you will succeed! i know you guys can do it!
Honestly...i wanna get the Damage skin on my Bowmaster or something...but I am NOT doing that JQ again =3= I legit cry through this event because I need to relieve the stress.
Even if some people like this event because they like this kind of jump quests it still shouldn't have been the main part of the event with everything locked behind it.
Most people don't like jump quests or find this one way too difficult.
What's even worse is that even if you spent 20 days doing the other quests to get to 1000 coins you still can't get the android you want unless you did the jump quest and saved it so everyone who can't do the jump quest still won't be able to get the androids.
I hate this event because of that and unlike you I'm not happy when the whole event is locked behind this jump quest.
They should at least make it so you can get the android you want as long as you got the coins.
Yah i see where you're coming from, being unable to get everything because of it does seem a little harsh, though at the same time it does give those that managed to complete it something special to show off. Hard work pays off!
Basically this, I've really enjoyed having something a little harder. I hope Nexon doesn't nerf it.
:T -as I am still in misery over Rhea- and I can't JQ to save my dang life.