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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
great work guys, come bring the crashes and more maintenance please...
Yea... unbelieveable
Pretty much lol
How lucky..
Reboot is Crashing Aswell..
At least Combat Arms will be more True Free to Play after their maintenance is done.
MapleStory with their Pay to Win crappy servers like someone has to ask, the hell is up with that?
Way too long..
Maintenance at 8:10pdt
Maybe add "Must have half a brain" as a requisite to join the almighty Nexon staff. Sound good there bud?
Yep.. Rushers.
At the same time, though, all I want is to just play the game peacefully.
They actually have some pretty tough hiring requirements... =3=" I would join as a GM but they expect a lot of experience and knowing some programs that I never heard of...I know where I see hackers. I know how to recognize patterns. Only thing I don't know is programming. :T =3= -still salty about being rejected-
Please don't end early if you're not finished.