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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Closed Suggestions for Royal Hairs/Faces & Perm NX Covers
I got extremely lucky today, I got all 6 of the faces I wanted with my 6 All Star Face Coupons!
I'm very grateful for such a satisfying All Stars run.
Male hairs and faces though, are really ugly... and female hairs are too outdated. Female faces are pretty nice this time.
Anyways, really wish them to update their DB so that new styles can be added in the cycle. Many many nice new styles that are already in their DB are still not available to us. So are many NX perms such as the spring scene set. For some mysterious reasons they decided to separate the overall and the hat.
Please bring back Nue's Hair.
Sadly...I agree.
I used to create male characters once in a while, but I got discouraged to do so from the limited, not-so-stellar hair and face selection for male characters. I hope it gets better down the line.
make all items be purchasable perm.
add nx shields and nx face/eye items.
But... yeah, males are still suffering a bit. I got Jay Face, which is exciting since I wanted that for awhile, I tried to get Magnus Hair but no luck after three tries... Hope to see good male Royals next week!
Edit: i second damien hair omg!!!! so hot
Also, why can't we use @ anymore to call people to a thread?
This eye patch was just out 3 months ago. I personally ended up with about 8.
On a side note however... summer is .. well here.. and it would be REALLY nice to see the mermaid suits again
Looks like they were only released once last year on 8/17 LF> a round two please.
would still love to see the following hairs...
It'd help if you gave the original name and possibly the server (CMS/TMS/JMS/KMS) it came from.
Yes please I would love to have the mermaid pack and Time World Alice Hair
I figured I should throw some feedback regarding the PSSB recycler.
While it is nice to see the recycling system being updated more frequently, it would be quite sad to see our NX cover suggestions solely being put in there. The items in there are too overpriced. Currently it requires 30+ stamps (= 30+ premium surprised style box items.) for one item. I can see it working in Reboot with trading being unavailable (but even there it's quite overpriced), but in normal servers you would get much more value by just straight out selling the items to other players.
As of right now, I find it hard to believe players can buy more than one item from the recycler every now and then.
The system would be great if the prices were to be slightly reduced.
It came out in CMS this week I believe.