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Duplicated Item Removal


  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
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    edited June 2017
    Smadar wrote: »
    TacoLOL wrote: »
    This wouldn't have been an issue if Nexon removed these items WHEN THEY WERE DUPED instead of YEARS later.

    When an item has been a duplicate for so long, it becomes hard to tell whether it's duped or not.

    And what about the cubes spent on these equips? Thousands of dollars down the drain. Complete bullshit.

    Hope you're happy nexon, you've lost a customer.

    I lost 12 years of legit work, a level 250 kaiser and thousand of $ for buying a level 200 weapon from a hacker.

    NEXON DO NOT CARE if they lost you.

    They represent the opposite of truth and justice.

    the difference is that you bought an item that was clearly not obtainable by any other means if you do basic math, the other items have been obtainable for the public for at least a year or more considering that CRA gear is among the duped gears.

    you had to know the 200 item was hacked as there was no way to legit get it, it was not in any of the gamble boxes or Marvel but you "somehow" came by someone selling them a little over a month before anyone would legitimately obtain them, but the CRA and other items hav been around for soo long that people could unknowingly obtain it easily.
    AK712 wrote: »
    "Nexon, you never do anything about hacking. We hate you."

    "Well, now you did, but we still hate you."

    That's basically the gist of this thread. You demand that Nexon does something about hacking, and they do, but instead of being glad, you through a tantrum on HOW they did it.

    I laughed so hard on the "Nexon is the opposite of truth and justice" post. You don't even know what truth and justice is.

    I think the problem is that they "fixed" the issue but also left real legit players that had been given duped gear either through trading for stats or buying in the FM, with nothing, But this is one of the many reasons why I make/ obtain all my gears myself and never buy pre scrolld, potted anything.

  • Member boompower1x8
    Reactions: 840
    Posts: 21
    edited June 2017
    July wrote: »
    Smadar wrote: »
    wow !
    buying duped items for $ and holding 'end game' duped items that give advantage on others =/= perm ban.
    buying a level 200 weapon from a hacker OR HOLDING IT FOR FEW MIN = perm ban !

    double standard, NOT equality of opportunities / punishments.

    If you were only holding the weapon then Nexon either banned you by mistake (in that case go take it up with them) or you are lying since Nexon said only people directly involved in the generation of the item are banned. I don't see any double standard at all. People who directly generated the item should be banned, any others who got their hands on it should have the item deleted.

  • Member Moolahe
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 7
    edited June 2017
    Sparklee wrote: »
    Good that Nexon have finally been proactive in removing duped items (Now can we deal with these pesky meso sellers in-game?! They're everywhere!)

    As for the punishment, good that all people got perm banned. "Knowingly or unknowingly". You see an item that seems 'way too good to be true' then guess what?! DUPED/HACKED/ILLEGITIMATE ! Whatever you want to call it.
    You may see it as 'unfair', but you know what? LIFE IS UNFAIR! You just get back up after being punched down, and play by the rules. It's so simple!

    Sorry, but I'd have to disagree with you. It's not that "simple."

    I lost one of my prized possessions during the item deletion. I got an outlaw heart from marvel few months ago, which I cubed to 30% STR using meister cubes and red cubes. Being a mage class however, I needed INT % rather than STR % so I traded my heart with another player's who had 30% INT.

    I'm pretty decent at spotting duped items since there are same copies of them being sold in different fm shops. The stats and item potentials of duped items are also very distinctive, because we've seen it circulate in the fm for many months and shown off by players through item megaphone. I tend to stay away from obvious duped items because I kinda foresaw this shady Nexon move to happen sooner or later.

    Nonetheless, I was speechless when I logged on after the maintenance to see that they've deleted my outlaw heart. Either they made a mistake or the the outlaw heart that the guy traded me was duped. So it all comes down to this question; how is this our fault? How tf are we supposed to know which items are duped or not? For example, if someone duped a 30% Dex earrings, sold it off to someone, and that someone decides to recube the item to 30% Int, how are we supposed to keep up with this? If nexon clears duped item every couple maintenances as someone in this forum suggested, they could've prevented this unfair situation.

    So basically, not only did I unknowingly traded my legitimate outlaw heart with someone's duped outlaw heart, but I also lost hundreds of hard earned dollars to scroll it, bonus cube it, and so on. Sure there are people who knowingly purchase godly duped items to show off, but I just want to inform you that there are people like me who unknowingly becomes the victim.

  • Member StephanFischer
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited June 2017
    i didnt like to say this but nexon from time to time makes more and more mistakes even they dont care about legit players or so (im legit player) so yeah in any way i got my ticket answered by this post so they just dont care good luck maplers anyway i will continue playing but demotivated by this *awsome gms* which dont care or so.
  • Member AKannaMain
    Reactions: 355
    Posts: 5
    edited June 2017
    Nexon is trying to give players a reason to waste money on dmt. How very thoughtful.
  • Member Dominikos
    Reactions: 625
    Posts: 68
    edited June 2017
    gg nexon you did it again... thats why you are losing ppls... and making more alliances...
  • Member Skywrit
    Reactions: 310
    Posts: 16
    edited July 2017
    Thank you Nexon for doing something totally productive for the game. Its going to make so many people mad but only those who know they did wrong and I say its about dang time! I've played this game totally "legit" for years and years its not hard just follow the TOS its really pretty simple and yes I've refused to take part in exploits and anything like that, when somethings wrong just because you can do it, certainly doesn't mean you should do it.
    Again Thank You NEXON ! me and my friends are glad to see positive actions taken place for this game. It shows just how serious you are about helping the game. I for one appreciate it. Just don't bend to all the criers who took part in these things, do not give in! Stick to your actions! You gained a whole lot of respect from so many of us.
  • Member, Private Tester L4d2jpn
    Reactions: 2,060
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2017
    Dear Nexon,

    One single question and one that you should really consider. Are you planning on deleting duplicate items in a set interval (daily, weekly, at worst biweekly)? If you are then this deletion was a positive blow to the community, one that will lose some current playerbase but will be positive to the community going forward.

    If instead this was a one time deletion, then you are proving to the community that all you care about is the cash flow. The timing on this deletion could not have been the worst time to do this. Today is double miracle time and the deletions occurred 2 days before.

    At this point in time, might as well refer to this game as massively single player online rpg because you morally can't even trade with others in a server which allows buying/trading with others.
  • Member Asylum
    Reactions: 880
    Posts: 63
    edited July 2017
    If you were aware of the time of purchasing or receiving stolen goods, you can get jail time. http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/receiving-stolen-property.html

    dont want to get sidetracked on this but had to correct you, with all due respect.

    Objectively speaking, nonetheless, Nexon did good with removing duped/hacked items, doesnt matter what level the people were, how much they spent on the game, they showed no bias and did their job.

    Key word "usually." Almost all of the cases invoking that law are ones in which defendant colluded with the thief, was profiting from selling, or bought a high profile item which I suppose you can liken to the argument. I would say it's more analogous to purchasing items from hacked players in which there is no penalty for.

    I get irked at the fact that people are focusing on dopes who buy dupes and get screwed over and not the hackers who profit from duping since they win no matter what happens to them in game. Hopefully dupe removals can come sooner to mitigate damage if that already isn't the case.
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited July 2017
    Asylum wrote: »
    If you were aware of the time of purchasing or receiving stolen goods, you can get jail time. http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/receiving-stolen-property.html

    dont want to get sidetracked on this but had to correct you, with all due respect.

    Objectively speaking, nonetheless, Nexon did good with removing duped/hacked items, doesnt matter what level the people were, how much they spent on the game, they showed no bias and did their job.

    Key word "usually." Almost all of the cases invoking that law are ones in which defendant colluded with the thief, was profiting from selling, or bought a high profile item which I suppose you can liken to the argument. I would say it's more analogous to purchasing items from hacked players in which there is no penalty for.

    I get irked at the fact that people are focusing on dopes who buy dupes and get screwed over and not the hackers who profit from duping since they win no matter what happens to them in game. Hopefully dupe removals can come sooner to mitigate damage if that already isn't the case.

    ok and the person in question had knowledge that the items were duped.
  • Member, Private Tester Sorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2017
    Ignorance is not innocence.
  • Member ZephyrusSpring
    Reactions: 1,325
    Posts: 123
    edited July 2017
    On the bright side, my fafnir 1h sword wasn't deleted and I was 99% sure it was duped seeing as some guy dropped it on the ground in leafre one day. Nexon you should take a second look at my account before I make a buck out of it. No shame.
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited July 2017
    Asylum wrote: »
    If you were aware of the time of purchasing or receiving stolen goods, you can get jail time. http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/receiving-stolen-property.html

    dont want to get sidetracked on this but had to correct you, with all due respect.

    Objectively speaking, nonetheless, Nexon did good with removing duped/hacked items, doesnt matter what level the people were, how much they spent on the game, they showed no bias and did their job.

    Key word "usually." Almost all of the cases invoking that law are ones in which defendant colluded with the thief, was profiting from selling, or bought a high profile item which I suppose you can liken to the argument. I would say it's more analogous to purchasing items from hacked players in which there is no penalty for.

    I get irked at the fact that people are focusing on dopes who buy dupes and get screwed over and not the hackers who profit from duping since they win no matter what happens to them in game. Hopefully dupe removals can come sooner to mitigate damage if that already isn't the case.

    Nexon tackles anyone that participates in hacking or buying hacked/duped items. Hackers/dupers may just have clever ways to stay incognito. People buying items obviously stand out more so theyre easier to catch.
  • Member, Private Tester chooz
    Reactions: 1,815
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2017
    AK712 wrote: »
    "Nexon, you never do anything about hacking. We hate you."

    "Well, now you did, but we still hate you."

    That's basically the gist of this thread. You demand that Nexon does something about hacking, and they do, but instead of being glad, you through a tantrum on HOW they did it.

    I laughed so hard on the "Nexon is the opposite of truth and justice" post. You don't even know what truth and justice is.
    When people complain about hacking, it's usually map hackers. Other types of hacking are more rare. In this case, timing is everything, because they neglected to act until the latest possible time, affecting the largest possible pool of innocent people. If you can't understand that, then you'd better stay out of society, because the lack of reasoning and understanding nuance frightens me.

    If Nexon doesn't immediately stop dupes, then there is no reason to remove them ever.

    Have fun literally having your money stolen from you while Nexon hides behind the "no refunds!" TOS
  • Member DirtyThieves
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited July 2017
    Nexon has failed to act against dupers for years... My Nightlord lost 5 items. 3 of which I've had for over two years!!!

    Even if the items were duped the meso and items traded for them were not. On top of the NX used on those same items Nexon took away... For instance I lost Hat / Bottom CRA Gear. I traded for both items two years ago and spent around $200 dollars on NX just those items to get the best cube roles possible.

    Nexon failed to anything about he dupers for years and now you punish the community for your lack of effort. How could anyone tell what was being traded was duped... ITS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS!

    The smart move would to have just made the new gear more easily attainable... All the old items would be useless over time a shorter time. Then all Nexon would have to do is stop the hackers from duping new items.

    Nexon, you have betrayed your community! I will never spend another dollar on this game and will not even purchase Lawbreakers since your name is tied to it. I've played since beta this is complete bull. I've spent hundreds of dollars on this game and you've just stolen over $500 dollars in NX cubing from me let alone the meso and items traded to get these "duped" items...

    Trade an Outlaw Heart for another Outlaw Heart just to get mine removed. What a joke... The list goes on...

  • Member Lilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited July 2017
    Nexon has failed to act against dupers for years... My Nightlord lost 5 items. 3 of which I've had for over two years!!!

    Even if the items were duped the meso and items traded for them were not. On top of the NX used on those same items Nexon took away... For instance I lost Hat / Bottom CRA Gear. I traded for both items two years ago and spent around $200 dollars on NX just those items to get the best cube roles possible.

    Nexon failed to anything about he dupers for years and now you punish the community for your lack of effort. How could anyone tell what was being traded was duped... ITS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS!

    The smart move would to have just made the new gear more easily attainable... All the old items would be useless over time a shorter time. Then all Nexon would have to do is stop the hackers from duping new items.

    Nexon, you have betrayed your community! I will never spend another dollar on this game and will not even purchase Lawbreakers since your name is tied to it. I've played since beta this is complete bull. I've spent hundreds of dollars on this game and you've just stolen over $500 dollars in NX cubing from me let alone the meso and items traded to get these "duped" items...

    Trade an Outlaw Heart for another Outlaw Heart just to get mine removed. What a joke... The list goes on...
    yep its sad and nexon america have always been this way.... i remember years ago we used to have gm patroling 24/7 to combat hackers,botters,dupers like example: if a botter appear in the map, the gm would punish that botter for making the game unfair for players and i remember there is something strange going on in the game a gm appear in the game to combat a hacker but the gm lost and the hacker laughed i know its hard to understand.

  • Member, Private Tester Sorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
    Posts: 314
    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2017
    Nexon has failed to act against dupers for years... My Nightlord lost 5 items. 3 of which I've had for over two years!!!

    Even if the items were duped the meso and items traded for them were not. On top of the NX used on those same items Nexon took away... For instance I lost Hat / Bottom CRA Gear. I traded for both items two years ago and spent around $200 dollars on NX just those items to get the best cube roles possible.

    Nexon failed to anything about he dupers for years and now you punish the community for your lack of effort. How could anyone tell what was being traded was duped... ITS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS!

    The smart move would to have just made the new gear more easily attainable... All the old items would be useless over time a shorter time. Then all Nexon would have to do is stop the hackers from duping new items.

    Nexon, you have betrayed your community! I will never spend another dollar on this game and will not even purchase Lawbreakers since your name is tied to it. I've played since beta this is complete bull. I've spent hundreds of dollars on this game and you've just stolen over $500 dollars in NX cubing from me let alone the meso and items traded to get these "duped" items...

    Trade an Outlaw Heart for another Outlaw Heart just to get mine removed. What a joke... The list goes on...
    Nexon removed all duped items, which was the right thing to do. Allowing some duped items and not allowing other duped items to be removed would have been unfair. They have no intent to restore removed duped items, so the outcome will be the same regardless of what you say.
  • Member DirtyThieves
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited July 2017
    Nexon removed all duped items, which was the right thing to do. Allowing some duped items and not allowing other duped items to be removed would have been unfair. They have no intent to restore removed duped items, so the outcome will be the same regardless of what you say.

    Lol the right thing? Again like many others Nexon has stolen hundreds of dollars from my pocket because they were to lazy and negligent to combat hackers. No other company in the world lets something slide for two years and then does something moronic like this two year delayed roll back on items. Diablo 2 was plague with these same issues and they never did a mass 2 year roll back. If they didn't catch it that same week they let the items hit the market. Over time the market will always fix itself. There is no reason to piss off your player base who unknowingly purchased duped items.

    The hackers already made their money and flooded the market long ago. Duped Prime Scrolls etc. Reacting after 2 years is the wrong freaking move.
  • Member WimpGMS
    Reactions: 730
    Posts: 8
    edited July 2017
    Sparklee wrote: »
    Good that Nexon have finally been proactive in removing duped items (Now can we deal with these pesky meso sellers in-game?! They're everywhere!)

    As for the punishment, good that all people got perm banned. "Knowingly or unknowingly". You see an item that seems 'way too good to be true' then guess what?! DUPED/HACKED/ILLEGITIMATE ! Whatever you want to call it.
    You may see it as 'unfair', but you know what? LIFE IS UNFAIR! You just get back up after being punched down, and play by the rules. It's so simple!
    Sparklee wrote: »
    Good that Nexon have finally been proactive in removing duped items (Now can we deal with these pesky meso sellers in-game?! They're everywhere!)

    As for the punishment, good that all people got perm banned. "Knowingly or unknowingly". You see an item that seems 'way too good to be true' then guess what?! DUPED/HACKED/ILLEGITIMATE ! Whatever you want to call it.
    You may see it as 'unfair', but you know what? LIFE IS UNFAIR! You just get back up after being punched down, and play by the rules. It's so simple!

    Really Sparklee? already from your post I can tell you dont spend much on this game. Maybe it doesnt hurt so much to you since you werent the victim of it. I personally was very shattered. I lost my frenzy totem, outlaw heart primed godly earrings and superior pendant. But like others said Nexon "How are we meant to know our items are duped"? You clearly do not know what you are talking about Sparklee since you have never even experienced this before. You claim that we buy items for cheap so its duped? let me tell you that duped items are not cheap and you know why? because what is the point of duping items and selling it if the dupers dont get their profit? I completely disagree with you on the part that we should have been punished. I have primed my own outlaw, cubed at least 500k nx on it and most of my other gears too. Do you really think its easy to tell whats duped and what isnt? why dont we make a bet and if I win you give me your whole savings that there is no way you can tell which items are duped in FM or not...

    Moving onto the main point, I feel like Nexon is losing its playerbase just because of how little they care about them. Look at last week...we werent even informed that duped items would be deleted let alone even know that the items we had were duped and we spend so much money to buy duped gear without knowing and Nexon in return just deletes it and says bad luck? That sort of attitude personally from my experiences with nexon is disgusting. By doing this nexon you are showing how careless you guys are and just care about money. Right now in maplestory, over 50% of gears are duped. People have wasted thousands of dollars buying your cubes to perfect their gear and in return once you guys get the money all you do is just click delete, wiping away everyones hard work and money. Not everyone can afford to replace gears as easily as you delete them. And the fact that you guys dont compensate any of us for buying your cubes to work on our gears and in return you just simply delete them and tell us bad luck already shows how corrupted you guys are. Ive been a long time fan of maplestory and never have I ever been so disappointed in you guys. I invest a lot of money into this game and have been a massive fan for years but last week seeing the way you treat us fellow maplers, especially the ones who spend a lot for the community to keep this game free and active to play is just appalling. Please dont blame us if your players start quitting and stop buying anymore nx.
  • Member lalala12345
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 16
    edited July 2017
    AKannaMain wrote: »
    Nexon is trying to give players a reason to waste money on dmt. How very thoughtful.

    Some people choose to spend, some don't. That's your choice and if you know it's a waste. Don't do it. Simple.
This discussion has been closed.