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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Why do patches make us worry?
Every patch we get something always goes wrong. Extensions are common with this game and bugs too after a patch.
Is it because Nexon sucks terribly at doing their job?
or is the coding really that difficult for MapleStory?
What do you think?
It seems that the black mage is trying to get out maple and into the real world by using the nexon maintenance because there's no way that it couldn't be any other way I could see them having so many problems. Black Mage is the true end game since day one
OK back to real talk tho there has to be some mis-communication and laziness happening somewhere, like it's been months and Rose Carte Finale still hasn't been fixed? Simple stuff like that shouldn't remain unsolved and unfixed, and if they can't fix that adequately I don't see them fixing anything with mediocrity especially the big things
Why does it make us worry? this been a repeating cycle for 5+ years.
Seriously this is unacceptable lol every god damn time, and you even shifted the maintenance to avoid problems and still receive problems. What kind of slave wages do you pay that they don't care behind the scenes? This is a mockery at this point. They need a new staff or hardware or maybe both. They should elaborate why does this happen often. And by often I mean all the time.
Does this happen in KMS and MSEA, does anyone know? Oh well at least we get 30 power exilers.
but the servers were up when it was postponed
yeah no one is denying they, however they postpone it to avoid extended maintenance because they found a "technical issue" according to a mod. So it just happens to be a double fail.
That could of honestly could of just been someone being mis-informed at the time, I also play BNS which this is had happened in livestreams about patches as well, but again nexon was totally unprofessional about updating the playerbase about it though.
And IDK how they could do that, other parts of nexon the company that is on different games are a lot smarter about these things though, which is why I said nexon isn't dumb, it's partly that the community here is used to this kind of treatment. Unlike BNS if the maint is 30m longer there is already compensation ready for the players unlike here where it's the normal for the maint to carry and hour later.
Sometimes everything is working fine then when you run a last test, nothing works.
(This literally happens to me every time ..... )
They probably have to recheck everything from start to finish every time that happens. They don't suck at what they do, things just happen.
i highly doubt if 80% of the people in the game or forums and the people that becth about the delays, can even write a bat file or an exe file.lolol
People complain all the time and now that I have experience in coding... boi does it suck when you get a bug..
You could spend daysssssssssssssssssss looking for it and then find that it's only a semi-colon or something...
Well, I doubt it's that small of a issue for Nexon but you get my point
I don't know how bad you are messing up your functions but that is not true in the slightest. If you actually knew anything about game DEV then what you said is just dumb, nothing just works fine then stops working unless you change something or rewrite a function or condition heck maybe you just had a memory leak or dead locked your code either way things don't work then just break in coding with out cause. Also if they wrote in notes on things that they "FIXED" and or changed then this issue shouldn't happen as they would be able to sift through the code easier readings notes to find where the most recent change was and go from there. Not to mention 98% of GMS code is just copy paste translate of KMS code the 2% being GMS exclusive content ofc. But this isn't an issue with coding this is an issue of communication cause clearly internal communication is non-existent. If they had better communication this wouldn't be an issue also wouldn't kill them to properly test there source code before releasing.
Things don't just happen 95% of the time. I don't need to be a software engineer to know that bugs suck, but I am well aware that they either get fixed in under a few hours (not counting test server) or if they take too long they get fixed the following patch, unless it's gamebreaking. But that's the problem, most maintenance prolonging bugs are gamebreaking and a multi-million dollar company shouldn't be experiencing this 52 times every year.
if you're taking days to find a missing semi-colon, then you're doing something wrong. I've done python and some C and I know that syntax errors can be scanned in seconds/minutes and be rectified immediately. At best, you'll only need a few hours if the compiler attributes the error in another line. With a game like maplestory it will obviously take longer since it's 10gb worth of lines but definitely not 12 hours.
I am a Developer currently working on multiple games that I'm making alone and can confirm that while creating games and fixing issues isn't as easy as people think it also isn't as hard as long as you know and care about what you are doing. If I can fix a game bigger than MapleStory and 10x smaller in file size (MS Files Size is broken...) alone from the ground up in less than 2 days then a TEAM of people at Nexon should be able to handle a smaller game. I know just as much as the next person on the Forums about what goes on at Nexon, But whatever it is it shouldn't take nearly this long for a short update.
While I don't know how much the MMO part impacts issues I do know that even as a Multiplayer Game that shouldn't cause this many issues and take this long. The most obvious case to me is that the Nexon Team is probably full of people that know coding but just don't care about MS as a whole <<< This is the root of most issues with games that are starting up and getting bigger and fail.
Making a game isn't only about making a game, you have to have compassion for it and want it not just *Make It*. You think anyone can make a game like Ori and have the Fan Base cry when playing it? It takes more than just making a game to make a game. Most companies fail to realize this and as it stands it seems like Nexon works on the premise of *it's just a game*. I can bet you anything that if you take a group of people that have played MS since launch until now (Like Me) that actually know coding and would care enough about MS to work on the game then we could fix almost every issues the game has in less than a month since we would actually care about seeing the game grow for the better. It is obvious that Nexon doesn't see it that way or not anymore at least. You can see moments where they try to want to fix things like (A Better Maple) then you see things like (Skill Bugs that exist for 4months).
Just what I think about the matter. I wouldn't mind helping Nexon fix the game if they actually reached out to the community. But there is no way in hell I'm doing it alone. I am working on 2 games alone already... possibly a 3rd.
Yes it probably would take awhile but somehow the other versions of the game don't have this issue with the same amount of coding, so then what's their excuse for more bugs and longer maintenance every single patch? It's fair to say it's become inexcusable at this point.