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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
The new maplestory achievements and goals thread
Oz is going to be one pain in the neck! Oh right, my achievements...
Got a Kinesis and Kanna to Level 100+ on Reboot. My Kinesis is Level 113 now. Also registered a few Elite Mob on the monster collection.
Yeah, the Bosses and Elite mobs are going to be one of the biggest pains to getting 100% on Monster Completion.
I decided to start work on Bellocan - I deleted a bunch of Lv1 noobs that I created while I was on mushrooms and naming characters after Sailor Senshi.
I'll still use my Evan look though probably.
And barely before it gets harder in
I got 20% boss on my inner. I think I'll wait for the saturday perk when it's half off for the other 2 lines
88.14% my dream goal is 235 so I can use all my boost nodes, my skill nodes, and still have one left for decent HS / Binding.
Also, trying to get my nodes to level 25 will take forever. ;o
Lvl 214. Bishop.
IGN: Aerieth in Scania. I have an old comp, hoping to upgrade soon/later to do more party things, since it lags so much lol yes even tried low settings.
Feel free to add though and ask about things, just don't go overboard.
Short -term goals:
Get to level 100 on everyone I created on the server I play on.
Zak Helm on everyone I created on the server I play on.
Long-term goals:
Get to 300 on any of my characters.
Get guild emblem for my guild.
Get max legion character slots open.
EDITED: Yay narrowing in on my short-term goals. F2
*Note: this is my first solo with a boss over lvl 140.*
Thunderbreaker level 203
DemonSlayer level 201->207
Got 3 items perfect gollux scrolled, starting with my 4/5th now.
I think she has almost 100k damage range now, if that is what that 'xxxxx ~ xxxxx' damage thing is..
Will try again tomorrow