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Don't nerf the drop rate system like KMS did


  • crimson24crimson24
    Reactions: 815
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    edited July 2017
    gms copy and pastes most of kms changes, you have to get gms devs to convince kms to not make certain changes before they are implemented in kms.
  • ManiOhManiOh
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    edited July 2017
    ManiOh wrote: »
    many things are broken anyway + they do copy/paste 90% of the things from KMS and small %just get "edit/change " to fit GMS needs and thats where the mess begins at those "edits/changes"

    you play combat arms too right, i think i saw you on forums

    yea did play the beta and new update

    crimson24 wrote: »
    gms copy and pastes most of kms changes, you have to get gms devs to convince kms to not make certain changes before they are implemented in kms.
    yea in some way and when they do quick rush copy/paste they miss to make changes and we can see them
    (like flames often shows in event list/some not translated parts etc etc )
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
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    edited August 2017
    Unfunded players saying getting nodestones is impossible is sincerelly bull, i got to 2m range in like 3 or 4 months without even spending a single dollar on the game and i managed to get max lv of nodestones on my skills without even having a single piece of drop gear,i just used a spider and 2x events, and with the maple points some events provided us for free i bought every now and then a 2x drop coupon, yes it took me like 3 months to max them out but hey its not impossible,and as others have stated its fair to say that ppl who spend real money on the game should have an advantage over people that doesnt spend any money at all this is a fact, it wouldnt be fair otherwise.
    They should not nerf the drop rate at all in my opinion, it is perfect as it is now and its not impossible for unfunded players to get end game gear or nodestones, you just have to know about the game and work for it and if ure lazy then just spend real money and cube ur stuff for drop.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
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    edited August 2017
    so here's some thoughts on the drop changes:

    If they wanted to for example bring up the base drop rate without nerfing the drop rates of players with drop gear that would be ok.

    Example of how it would work: base drop rates all 4x higher, drop rate increases 0.25x effective.

    Result with 8.5x drop rate:

    1x8.5 = 8.5 (pre-change)
    4x0.25x8.5 = 8.5 (post change)

    This would cause those without drop to have better rates without nerfing though who do.

    The problem is (according to kms players) the post-change drop rates of symbols and nodes are worse for EVERYONE regardless of drop rate amount.
  • RollsRolls
    Reactions: 3,220
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    edited August 2017
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    The problem is (according to kms players) the post-change drop rates of symbols and nodes are worse for EVERYONE regardless of drop rate amount.

    In the changes, drop rate was made to only partially apply to certain drops like nodes, symbols and event drops. Basically everything you would ever actually use it for, aside from bosses. It's atrocious for those who actually bothered to get drop gear. People should be rewarded for being prepared for content, instead of being punished by senseless nerfs like this.

    There's nothing to gain from it for anyone but hackers and botters, who will be free to control the nodestone market. It'd be a huge mistake to bring this to GMS, and it was a disaster in KMS. Nexon should expect nothing short of that here and back off with the nerfs.
  • IvangoldIvangold
    Reactions: 2,985
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    edited August 2017
    The drop rate changed and even the unfunded was getting less nodestones, all they want is people to grind mode and take longer to max skills, i see how my friend quited after he maximized his nodes, if it was a lower drop rate he wouldn't have quited so early and problably would use some nx as well, 5 or even 10nodestones for the cusuals are a LOT, they would easily max their skills and eventually quit after they get bored.

    Lving skills in 5job are like books in old times, you would play more after getting a skill to lv20 or 30, so why would they give a lot of nodestones? It was hard to get books back then, why should it be easy to get nodes now, that's the logic nexon will follow.

    I do agree they shouldn't do that, honestly they should do %drop rate additive like %exp so it's not too overpowered, but it still good to have it, maybe buff the nodestone drop with less drop rate, since you do get almost nothing today without drop gear.
  • LShadow3LShadow3
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    edited August 2017
    I love how nobody mentions Reboot in any of these posts, and how absolutely cancerous droplet farming already is for Reboot players.

    You average 1 droplet/hr if you're lucky right now. That's over 240 hours for an Arcane weapon, not to mention the future release of the set will require even more.

    After droplet nerf, it's estimated to be around 3-5 hrs for 1 droplet. That's potentially over 1 thousand hours! You'll be 250 before you even get over 100 at this rate.

    That's WITH 200%+ drop gear.
  • DaxiDaxi
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    edited August 2017
    Nodestones are being changed to only give you Nodes for your class once opened. Meaning you'll need less Nodestones then before.

    The only thing I can really see being drastically more difficult then before would be Droplets, which are tradeable on main servers (so not an issue) and I already think they're too common as it is for us on Reboot. If it becomes an issue for Reboot then Reboot could always just get a buff to Droplets, but I don't think it will be a problem.

    I'm all for nerfing drop some, it's too easy to farm too much and anything that shrinks the farming potential between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' is usually going to be a positive, from my perspective at least.
  • Nick008Nick008
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    edited August 2017
    Petalmagic wrote: »
    While I really don't want the nerf...I am on the side that "Nexon will change it anyway despite player outcry"

    It's happening....
  • LolaBunnyLolaBunny
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    edited August 2017
    Daxi wrote: »
    Nodestones are being changed to only give you Nodes for your class once opened. Meaning you'll need less Nodestones then before.

    The only thing I can really see being drastically more difficult then before would be Droplets, which are tradeable on main servers (so not an issue) and I already think they're too common as it is for us on Reboot. If it becomes an issue for Reboot then Reboot could always just get a buff to Droplets, but I don't think it will be a problem.

    I'm all for nerfing drop some, it's too easy to farm too much and anything that shrinks the farming potential between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' is usually going to be a positive, from my perspective at least.

    You clearly haven't been aware of how much this change is going to damage Reboot players, have you?

    Well, it's happening, gms doesn't care and will end up screwing their players anyways.
  • RoarRoar
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    edited August 2017
    People in this thread seem to be grossly misunderstanding what these changes are. These changes hurt EVERYBODY'S rates, rich or poor, drop gear or no drop gear. You use a Big Spider familiar? Your rates just went down with this patch. Slightly buffing the base Nodestone drop rate doesn't change that. It's still a net loss for literally every single person who takes this game even remotely more seriously than "Oh I remember this game from when I was a kid, I'll play it for 3 days and then never again!". This change doesn't just affect Nodestones either, it affects Arcane symbols, droplets, event drops, boss drops, etc. Literally anything you could ever want to farm will now be harder to farm. This change is completely whack and it affects / damages endgame Reboot more than any other patch we've had. Reboot is easily the most popular server in GMS and it's about to lose a lot of players because of this change. Do NOT implement this, please. Let's learn from KMS's mistake and not implement a system they decided to do away with because the community there hated it that much.
  • RollsRolls
    Reactions: 3,220
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    edited August 2017
    Daxi wrote: »
    Nodestones are being changed to only give you Nodes for your class once opened. Meaning you'll need less Nodestones then before.

    In that patch that changes nodestones, the amount of EXP needed to level nodes is also being increased to counteract that. In the end it balances out with it taking even a little more to max out a node. Nexon isn't doing crap to make things easier for people.
  • DoughnyDoughny
    Reactions: 320
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    edited August 2017
    perfect time to start playing LaTale lads.
  • thrakkesthrakkes
    Reactions: 2,135
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    edited August 2017
    Rolls wrote: »
    Daxi wrote: »
    Nodestones are being changed to only give you Nodes for your class once opened. Meaning you'll need less Nodestones then before.

    In that patch that changes nodestones, the amount of EXP needed to level nodes is also being increased to counteract that. In the end it balances out with it taking even a little more to max out a node. Nexon isn't doing crap to make things easier for people.

    About that change, it's gonna be in a later patch, when Cadena comes out. Probably this winter. But EXP needed will also change due to fact we will only receiving Nodes for our class.
  • OccireOccire
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    edited August 2017
    Rolls wrote: »
    In that patch that changes nodestones, the amount of EXP needed to level nodes is also being increased to counteract that. In the end it balances out with it taking even a little more to max out a node. Nexon isn't doing crap to make things easier for people.

    They reverted all the changes to the node exp table between the test server and the live server, so, no, the amount of EXP needed to level nodes isn't being increased, and it is in fact easier.

  • ManiOhManiOh
    Reactions: 2,155
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    edited August 2017
    they will we wanted or not its not about drop rate its about their money like all in the world ....its not first time such thing happends
    how you think those cash cards 2,3,4....x cards going to sell ? frenzy totem ? and all that ?

    either die grind/farm or pay for shourtcut

    i dont rly care am not mad, but for those that set money to improve gear in i feel bad
    i know it this will happend and its going to happen on other things aswell cus this trend goes in maple for like 4-5years

    or just enjoy the limited free team content you can have and a nice chat with friends ;)

  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
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    edited August 2017
    everyone brings up money in the drop rate arguments but why are we forgetting people who have played a long time and made drop gear through mcc and meister cubes? Why must they suffer for improving themselves?
  • AsylumAsylum
    Reactions: 880
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    edited August 2017
    In its current state drop rate is broken and has been broken for years. The changes need to go forward if Nexon wants a balanced game, In no game does it make sense for a player to get 8x the chance at loot than an unfunded player. This is coming from someone who had a full set of drop potential accs for almost 3 years. It sucks but it needed to happen sooner or later.

    On the flip-side, item drop rates should now be assigned with a 1x rate in mind. Node drop rate would be dismal without the nerf taken into account.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
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    edited August 2017
    I'd love to know how you managed to get 8x drop rate with only drop rate potentials.
  • TemptationTemptation
    Reactions: 1,575
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    edited August 2017
    The advantage of this nerf for any kind of player is zero, yet botters will be in advantage, does nexon care? Nope...

    This brings zero improvements to the game, I wonder if the developers even enjoy playing this game or they are just mindless machines that only want to receive income at the end of the month. I am leaning towards the second option.

    So many quality of life changes they could implement... node system is already cancer how it is atm, same for legion. They are only increasing the grind of this game not the enjoyment.