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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Closed Suggestions for Royal Hairs/Faces & Perm NX Covers
I'm begging you
Upload that Oz set to Cash Shop
Yeah that was me for Sweet Kitty... honestly didn't expect it to be available at all but this is a huge slap in the face
Do I have to clarify how a GOOD CS update should look like? Read this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/6o6usf/cash_shop_update_for_july_19/
That's how the feedback should look like every week. That's how you make money, Nexon.
Step up your game. Seriously.
Thank you Nexon for giving me the hairstyle I requested :-) !!!! I'm very happy with the male hairstyles!!!!
I will die if I do not become an elephant!
that cs update you linked wasn't all that great to me, the hairs and face were good but that was it ;p
Look at the feedback I linked, not the CS update. Jesus.
Please can we have the Shiny Ribbon Hair in the next rotation? And the Flutter-Bell Suit please!
it's an old nx from cash shop.. but i found it really nice and match with any outfit.
PREACH IT!! I do not get why our feedback clearly means nothing to this company. I will give you that *some* of the suggestions for a short period of time made it into the Royals rotation, and for that I'm glad. But i really do think that brief moment in the sun was short lived. As far as I can tell, if this is a free to play game (in theory at least) then the cash shop would be where the company gains it's income as I do not see many adds or other sources of income. That being said, why is more focus not being put on upgrading the cash shop to please the general outcry? I really do not get it.
PREACH IT!! I do not get why our feedback clearly means nothing to this company. I will give you that *some* of the suggestions for a short period of time made it into the Royals rotation, and for that I'm glad. But i really do think that brief moment in the sun was short lived. As far as I can tell, if this is a free to play game (in theory at least) then the cash shop would be where the company gains it's income as I do not see
It looks really nice!
honestly. We got a got dam bear and rabbit costume package this week. who on earth is in charge of these decisions? they could make so much more money (off me alone) if they just released the right items.
I also want the Elephant costume for non-reboot worlds. It´s so cute
If you guys need to hire a male hair designer soo we can get styles that actually look like from an anime.
This please!! I doubt the emilia hair will come back because it was a cross over event, but one can only hope. I like all of them especially the odette tutu and shiny ribbon hair.