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World transfer disaster. Huge screw up by Nexon.

Member Peep
Reactions: 3,950
Posts: 355
edited October 2017 in General Chat
This world transfer event is an absolute disaster and has ruined so many servers that were already in desperate need of a world alliance merger. I have never ever seen any other MMO publisher handle such a thing so poorly with so little disregard for anyone. Nobody could have ever anticipated that Bera would be flooded like it was but nothing was done to stop this from happening either.

Servers/Server alliances like MYBCKN, Khroa, Windia and GRAZEYARD have all been hit hard with this World Leap event. Not only is the market on these servers suffering, but events that require a number of players can no longer be participated in as often. There are times flag race does not happen anymore because of the lack of players on and are in guilds willing to participate. To put it bluntly, Nexon you have turned all these servers into ghost towns. You have screwed all of us yet again. First it was ignoring feedback related to the drop rate changes that fared very poorly in Korea and yet were still brought over into our version but now you have once again failed to act on the feedback regarding population and mergers. The list obviously goes on.

People have been asking for world alliance mergers and mergers in general for a very very long time. Not transfers Nexon. MERGERS.

Now with how poorly this was handled let me offer a suggestion or two as to how you should have proceeded with this event.

First off you should have done mergers to stabilize the population on servers that desperately needed it rather than allow transfers.

You should have disabled transfers to certain servers after a certain population was reached. You should have made it clear in advance if you were going to do this and when so a group of friends thinking about transferring would all be able to transfer rather than a few getting stuck and left behind.

Sadly you didn't think ahead and do these things and as a result the player base once again has to suffer. Do you even have any apology to offer for the damage you have done to these specific servers and it's players? This was beyond pathetic and as a loyal veteran who has played for years I am incredibly disappointed, probably more than I have ever been especially with the way things have been going this year.

Your only course of action at this point is to merge the servers I mentioned and open up transfers down the track to these servers only as Bera is flooded. Scania may also need help in the future. Not completely sure.
and 23 others.


  • Member JoseCh
    Reactions: 580
    Posts: 12
    edited October 2017
    I can understand your feeling. I, myself, also feel the pain when my friends argues, we have to stand still and only can watch our server lose populations every single day. And everyday of mine is all about answering question like:
    "Let's leap to Bera! NX've ignored our server!"
    "So boring! FM like a cementary!"

    Really disappointed. But now I write these word, I'm not sure they can reach to NX!
  • Member 엘소드
    Reactions: 775
    Posts: 50
    edited October 2017
    Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  • Member AznboiE
    Reactions: 3,445
    Posts: 519
    edited October 2017
    JoseCh wrote: »
    "So boring! FM like a cementary!"

    The funny thing is Bera was more or less dead before the world transfer event as well; roughly 5-10 people in Henesys and almost all of them are afking. An FM6 spot was easily available to anyone with a shop permit.

    I understand Bera is still more populated that those with world merges, but it's how players decided to loophole around Nexon's ignorance to just merge all the worlds (except reboot/luna) into 1 server: by having everyone just jump into Bera.
  • Member Gomenasai
    Reactions: 1,295
    Posts: 78
    edited October 2017
    I know your feeling.

    But you must understand that Nexon actually gave us a chance for a world merge, if we ALL moved (and that's what happened at the end :) to Bera, we can literally make our own merge world, and that's what happened, now Bera is even more active than Scania.

    Thanks God I moved to Scania along with my guild, ally, friends.
  • Member, Private Tester Unforgivennn
    Reactions: 1,555
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2017
    Shouldn't have bothered with so many servers in the first place lol

    could've just kept it clean and simple with 3 servers at the most

  • Member TerrorStreak
    Reactions: 2,320
    Posts: 500
    edited October 2017
    Peep wrote: »
    Sadly you didn't think ahead and do these things and as a result the player base once again has to suffer. Do you even have any apology to offer?
    They dont need to give any one an apology especially when the fact is they gave everyone the chance to move to Bera. You chose to ignorantly stay behind and now u are upset that there is no one left on your server. You made your choice the only person that deserves any blame is looking right back at you in the mirror. I would like to take the time to thank nexon for the world leap event, they did a good job!
  • Member pandabunnies
    Reactions: 1,955
    Posts: 344
    edited October 2017
    I'm just glad I finally moved before it was too late. Some people might be ok in the dead worlds, but I was not.
  • Member PirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
    Posts: 862
    edited October 2017
    The refugees have flooded into our server! #buildawall

    On a serious note though, Nexon's lack of foresight and competence is really shameful, especially considering they blocked off Windia to transfer into because reasons. At this point, a server merge (NOT an alliance) is necessary to save the dying worlds.
  • Member dudki
    Reactions: 380
    Posts: 8
    edited October 2017
    so nexon currently blocking transfer to Bera and some accounts are stuck in the middle, half characters in the original server and half in Bera.
    Another bad mistake !
    they will never apologize, they permanently banned legit accounts that were holding arcane weapon for their friends for 10 minutes tagged the accounts as EXPLOIT and never investigated while lying to the community about it.
    I expect nothing from nexon and its employees. the job requirements are probably very low and the players pay for it.
    scania is dead, FM is empty. there are 3-4 groups left there fighting each other with free smegas.
  • Member Arwoo
    Reactions: 17,755
    Posts: 498
    edited October 2017
    Thank you for putting together this thread as there is indeed much to discuss on the topic of how the World Leap event was handled and a world merge.

    The World Leap event gave power to the Maplers on which world to leap to. Maplers were never forced to move to a specific world and it was a community effort to populate Bera. As a result, a number of worlds saw a decline of population and this is something we've taken notice to as well.

    Could it have been anticipated that the community would select a single server to move to? Could we have been aware that this collaboration would cause the world to hit a limit? From what the initial announcement details entail, we didn't, and for that we apologize.

    At this point it can't be helped with what should've been done, however, we can focus on what needs to be done. There are players who are unable to leap to Bera due to an issue that wasn't foreseen with the introduction of this event. Players aren't the ones to fault for this and we will be investigating if anything can be done to resolve the issue.

    Now onto the topic of world merges, we hear you guys.

    Everything is being taken into consideration as a world merge is no easy decision and task. We want to make sure we have all the data which means looking at the number of active Maplers on each world on the surface, internal, and seasonal. While it may be clear to many that a world merge should be in order right now (especially with the world leap event affecting population) the leap event makes it difficult to get a concrete data pull with the dust still being kicked and Maplers still moving. Once the dust settles and we have a firm grasp of the final data, we can take direction from there.
  • Member MageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017
    Peep wrote: »
    Sadly you didn't think ahead and do these things and as a result the player base once again has to suffer. Do you even have any apology to offer?
    They dont need to give any one an apology especially when the fact is they gave everyone the chance to move to Bera. You chose to ignorantly stay behind and now u are upset that there is no one left on your server. You made your choice the only person that deserves any blame is looking right back at you in the mirror. I would like to take the time to thank nexon for the world leap event, they did a good job!

    That's the issue I have, "They gave everyone the chance to move to Bera". This is what happens when people bandwagon without any regard for what happens afterward. This is why Peep's right. There should've been a server merge before a transfer, it's the only thing that would've made sense. Instead, we got this botched attempt at players trying to make their own server merge. But you seem so stuck to your "Bera supremacy" that you can't see that this entire thing was a mistake. This is such an enormous blow to the stability of population, that the effects are going to be seen months from now. As of this transfer, Maple is completely fragmented.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2017
    Thank you for responding and reassuring, Arwoo.

    One thing I would like you to communicate to the team, is that careful thought should be given to the decision whether to merge or ally worlds.


    - Easier to create. GMS has had several of them created, and I assume the relevant teams still retain the knowledge of how to do it and how to handle an alliance.
    - The process is nearly transparent to the users: they keep logging in to the same world (or worlds), seeing the same characters on their character selection screens, the same items in their storage, and so on. The only thing that visibly changes is guild names (in case of duplicates). And the population suddenly increases, because the players from one world can see, and interact with, players from all the other worlds in the alliance.

    - Requires a hierarchical world-select page. On the first page, select "the alliance", and then another page or sub-menu opens with the worlds of the alliance.
    - Players can't have characters, who originated in separate worlds, share storage, legion, monster collection, etc.
    - Players can abuse certain content that is supposed to be "once per world per account" and do it multiple times on multiple worlds in the alliance. Note that this is also possible with the existing alliances, and presumably considered by Nexon to not be a big issue.


    - The result is "cleaner": a single world which behaves like all other worlds (or almost so - some accounts might have more characters than the cap, for example).

    - GMS has no experience with world merges, except the EU one, which was confounded with the migration. Anything that is done for the first time is more likely to be buggy.
    - For accounts that have more than the cap of such things as characters, storage slots, or cash items, allowances need to be made that make cause bugs. For example, during the EU merge, some accounts became glitched so that they could not use Character Slot Coupons despite not having anywhere near the cap of slots in use.
    - Users have to be aware of what is happening and possibly even cooperate with the process (by selecting characters and collections to keep). Users that happen to be on hiatus while the merge is happening, might return and become very confused as to what world they are supposed to log in to, and where all their characters and items are.
    - The EU merge/migration caused all guilds, buddy lists, and marriages to be broken. I hope this was only due to the migration, and a full world merge would not do this. But if it's an inevitable part of a merge, then it is, of course, undesirable.
  • Member, Private Tester JushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2017
    If they believe they can do a merge without problems that's fine. My only real concern is potentially losing storage/cash storage/legion/monster collection and any other thing I may have forgotten that's connected to the "world" and not your "character"

    Aside from those concerns I really don't care personally if they do alliance or true merge, both are fine. I know some people are getting a bit concerned with the idea of having 15 servers but they're actually one server on the selection page...

    As for who we get merged/allied with: obviously I don't have the data but we've been concerned with the low population on bellocan/mybckn since BEFORE the transfers. Now with the tiny amount of players left on grazed-broni-mybckn... even that may not be a healthy population size anymore. Consider adding windia as well. I only have what I hear from windans (I don't play there) but they claim it's rather small now post merge.
    Could it have been anticipated that the community would select a single server to move to? Could we have been aware that this collaboration would cause the world to hit a limit? From what the initial announcement details entail, we didn't, and for that we apologize.

    I think you're probably right that this scale of transfers was likely unforeseen. I do believe however that it should have been expected that a significant amount would move to the largest server. We've been asking for alliances/merges as long as we've been asking for transfers after all...
  • Member dudki
    Reactions: 380
    Posts: 8
    edited October 2017
    Arwoo wrote: »
    Thank you for putting together this thread as there is indeed much to discuss on the topic of how the World Leap event was handled and a world merge.

    The World Leap event gave power to the Maplers on which world to leap to. Maplers were never forced to move to a specific world and it was a community effort to populate Bera. As a result, a number of worlds saw a decline of population and this is something we've taken notice to as well.

    Could it have been anticipated that the community would select a single server to move to? Could we have been aware that this collaboration would cause the world to hit a limit? From what the initial announcement details entail, we didn't, and for that we apologize.

    At this point it can't be helped with what should've been done, however, we can focus on what needs to be done. There are players who are unable to leap to Bera due to an issue that wasn't foreseen with the introduction of this event. Players aren't the ones to fault for this and we will be investigating if anything can be done to resolve the issue.

    Now onto the topic of world merges, we hear you guys.

    Everything is being taken into consideration as a world merge is no easy decision and task. We want to make sure we have all the data which means looking at the number of active Maplers on each world on the surface, internal, and seasonal. While it may be clear to many that a world merge should be in order right now (especially with the world leap event affecting population) the leap event makes it difficult to get a concrete data pull with the dust still being kicked and Maplers still moving. Once the dust settles and we have a firm grasp of the final data, we can take direction from there.

    does anyone still believe to what you say ? you were lying here since your day 1.
    where are all the scanians who got perm banned for buying arcane weapon ? you and GM were lying on live stream and here saying that only those who obtained the weapons are perm banned. such a lie ! how can you sleep at night ? I hope that life will teach you a lesson or too.

  • Member TerrorStreak
    Reactions: 2,320
    Posts: 500
    edited October 2017
    Arwoo wrote: »
    Could it have been anticipated that the community would select a single server to move to? Could we have been aware that this collaboration would cause the world to hit a limit? From what the initial announcement details entail, we didn't, and for that we apologize.

    Your apology on Nexon's behalf would appear to the public as more sincere and welcomed, if that apology wasn't just a simple statement and more of an apologetic display in the form of releasing Violet Cubes for sale on their own in the cash shop for a short period of time or releasing 5 purchasable bonus potential cubes in the reward shop permanently. Trust you and me if you did that you would instantly be forgiven and a lot of people would be very happy =)

  • Member Precisly
    Reactions: 680
    Posts: 23
    edited October 2017
    Arwoo wrote: »
    Could it have been anticipated that the community would select a single server to move to? Could we have been aware that this collaboration would cause the world to hit a limit? From what the initial announcement details entail, we didn't, and for that we apologize.

    Your apology on Nexon's behalf would appear to the public as more sincere and welcomed, if that apology wasn't just a simple statement and more of an apologetic display in the form of releasing Violet Cubes for sale on their own in the cash shop for a short period of time or releasing 5 purchasable bonus potential cubes in the reward shop permanently. Trust you and me if you did that you would instantly be forgiven and a lot of people would be very happy =)

    Yikes. Why do you guys always want compensation in form of gifts? Just give us a good PQ or some worthwhile events.
  • Member Rowland
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 5
    edited October 2017
    Judging by the World Selection Screen, it feels like all the non-Scania/Bera worlds combined would still look pretty empty.

    Since Bera looks more populated than Scania, the best options would be to alliance the remaining servers with Scania or go Scania-Windia-Khroa/Bera-GRAZED-MYBACON coz theyre in that order in the selection screen anyways.
  • Member JoseCh
    Reactions: 580
    Posts: 12
    edited October 2017
    Arwoo wrote: »
    Everything is being taken into consideration as a world merge is no easy decision and task. We want to make sure we have all the data which means looking at the number of active Maplers on each world on the surface, internal, and seasonal. While it may be clear to many that a world merge should be in order right now (especially with the world leap event affecting population) the leap event makes it difficult to get a concrete data pull with the dust still being kicked and Maplers still moving. Once the dust settles and we have a firm grasp of the final data, we can take direction from there.

    We've been waiting for 2 years, and this World Leap event is not enough information for merging? Do we need to wait till 20th anniversary?
  • Member, Private Tester Food
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 19
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2017
    I do not think this World Leap event was an absolute disaster. I do think the Nexon team could have done better though. They were very limited on which worlds were available to leap to. I believe Scania and Windia should have been opened up to leap into. I understand the population of Scania and Windia are higher compared to Bera (which I still am surprised by), Broa, Bellocan, and Demethos. However, if they allowed Bera to be on the list, they might as well should have let Scania and Windia be on there as well. Of course once everyone saw Bera was an option to leap to, they jumped right to it. On the list of worlds available to leap to, only Bera has not had a world merge with any other world yet. Thus, drawing more attention enough already. Once worlds have been merged together and still open to leap into, it does not sound appealing. The population is very low (that is why they had a merge to begin with) and the economy is likely to be low compared to the more populated worlds. Which is basically why I am sure the number of players that transferred into Broa, Bellocan, and Demethos is low.

    What I think Nexon could do is have ANOTHER World Leap event, and this time include Scania, Windia, Bera, BK, MYBCKN, and GAZED to be open up. This will give players more option, which may or may not lessen the whole "bandwagon" deal. It will allow those who have left to return back to their home world if they wanted to as well. The more options there are, the more spread out the population will be. This is just my opinion on all of this.
  • Member JoseCh
    Reactions: 580
    Posts: 12
    edited October 2017
    I still have friends not online this time, they'll be back at November. If I leap, so when they're back, whom play with them? They'll see a dead server. Will they play anymore? So merging servers is a positive move, not even once more leap.
This discussion has been closed.