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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Closed World transfer disaster. Huge screw up by Nexon.
Appreciate the reply and I hope you guys do the right thing moving forward. Sorry if the post came off a bit rude but like many I was a bit frustrated with how things played out. Most people understand a merge isn't an easy task but a lot of people in the lower pop servers are expecting one at this point. World alliances or mergers I just hope that it happens.
This is why they needed to have caps in place to make sure population stays stable. There didn't seem to be one in place until a unintended cap was reached recently preventing some players from finishing their transfer for multiple characters.
Even with all servers open to transfer to there's still no telling where people will bandwagon to. I know out of the current selection Bera was the most appealing and I agree with you on that but there's always the possibility that anouther server gets flooded which is why I would have preferred world alliance mergers first.
The people that had the hacked weapons knew what they were dealing with, considering they were not even meant/ could not have possibly been legitimately obtainable at the time, stop trying to defend it. knowing how to get the items is not a spoiler as it has noting to do with the story and everyone already knew Lucid was a boss. It's like if someone offered to sell you S rank nebs or let you hold an S rank neb for account transfer, it's obviously not legitimately obtained. the people involved just assumed nexon wouldn't do anything (because of how inconsistent they are with how they handle cheaters/Hackers)
Back on topic
I agree that this world transfer was terrible, would have been a much better Idea to do a world alliance or server merge, I also do not agree with the decisions made that prevented the opening of Windia and Scania as selections to world leap as that just further discouraged people in those worlds from staying in those worlds with hope of newer people to the server and just ensured a decrease in populations of those servers.
If not world merge just world alliance further
I somewhat agree with you on putting cap on the world population, however, doing that will only worry players who think they will not be able to land a spot in the world they are aiming for. Once the world is capped out, players will start to cry and whine about it. Then they will demand Nexon to expand the world cap. Or there will be excuse of "my friend who is new to Maple wants to join the same server as me, but can't because there's a server cap!" Something along the lines of that.
I also agree with you on how they should have had a world alliance merge first before doing the World Leap event. But do you think if they did the world alliance merge first, would it have stopped players from moving to Bera?
In KMS, World Leap events just shuffle the population a little between the worlds, because they are all healthy.
I want to believe that, in GMS too, if everyone were living in a world with a decent population (due to correctly-applied world alliances), people would be far less desperate to go wherever there was a chance for more people.
But I suppose that if, for some reason, a lot of top streamers and bossers and merchants (and CM and VFMs) decided to go to the same world, then that could snowball into the same mass hysteria as we just saw.
This also leads to my next question, and the key question that could have prevented this mess in the first place. Why does MapleStory in its current state still need this many servers? I know that when you break it down into alliances there's technically only 6 + Reboot, but a new player doesn't know that, they still see an abundance of worlds to choose from. Wouldn't it be much better, especially now that it's pretty much inevitable, to merge all these small allied servers into one so that we end up with a cleaned up serverlist that's much more manageable?
And I know this will require a lot of work but wouldn't the best case scenario be to just take Grazed, Mybckn and Khroa and squeeze them all into a fresh new world without the literal dozen of separate servers that all lead to the same place anyway.
That's rough, dude. Hope there's a merge soon!
We're already experiencing that issue regardless of having a manually set cap. At least with a manually set cap, and having a real time population counter, people would know if there's actually room or not to transfer their characters. As it is now, we have all the issues of having a manually set cap and more.
Let us unite and make Nexon a dead company shall we?
Crusading is against the rules of these forums. Don't do it.
This was not Nexon's fault. The fault lies squarely on TerrorStreak and his absurd "Everyone Leap Into Bera" threads and pushes, and everyone who hopped on the bandwagon for the sake of fame and fortune. Him and his pals basically broke what should have been a perfectly healthy event by causing false mass hysteria. We've already heard numerous reports of people from Bera coming into other worlds and trolling/attacking people for not moving. And then we get his forum pals going around saying how "great Bera is" and how "every other server is dead" and crap like that, even just copying and pasting replies into multiple threads, in order to cause more panic of "If I don't move into Bera everything will be bad".
Then we get all the people who claim "Oh, everything is dead, because I don't see anyone in FM. Seriously? Since when is FM a reliable way of measuring population? As I said before, FM is just the rich people who sit around all day trying to make more money. You won't find them doing PQs, bossing, etc. with anyone but their alts/bots. I'd actually consider the FM as a negative population measure, because they just draw people away from actually playing the game.
In short, blaming this on Nexon is like someone chopping their hands off on a table saw and blaming the manufacturers of the saw. You can't make a game stupid-proof.
I'm sorry, but you are completely wrong. You cannot put blame on a player for making posts and threads trying to get people to come to Bera. He didn't force them to come. There are always threads asking people to come to their server every world leap event. As many have mentioned already in this thread, they didn't open up all servers to transfer to and they didn't have caps in place to make sure servers were not flooded. These problems lie with Nexon for not properly preparing, not with some players telling everyone to go to Bera.
Just try to picture it. With a limit, even if everyone decided to go to Bera they'd eventually be met with a cap that isn't too much higher than the current populations of other servers. They'd close off Bera and leave access open to other servers until the populations stabilize. I know this works because NCsoft did it with Aion multiple times when I used to play it and none of the servers ended up devastated like some of the Maple ones are now (at least not while I was playing). If people can't go to Bera they'll go somewhere else or just stay in their own server but Nexon should have had all servers open to transfer.
People aren't solely judging population decrease on the free market. The free market does show a bit, but it is more or less an accurate showing of the market and the current state it's in on the server. If you actually play on these servers I mentioned though, there's no false claims. You can have a look around yourself and you'll see the population is far lower than what it used to be. It's indisputable at this point even without the population data Nexon has.
I agree they didnt force anyone to move,but they did make a bunch of BS propaganda posts, one of which was "Scania Is dead, the population is a lie because bots!! Move to bera XD" on top of a bunch of trolls doing basically the same thing in ch1 or Ardent and maybe a couple smeggas, and did this purely to propagate their "make Bera a huge mega server" idea.
the fact that they couldn't count on the population of people moving to bera without making false statements and stupid propaganda really sour'd my opinion of the whole idea.
I'm fine with people who feel they are in a dead world moving to bera due to the situation, but you do not need to make up BS propaganda and make posts trying to sell the idea that every server is dead if you're not in bera.
It's just the fact that each player has their own threshold where they feel their world's population is "too low". It started with the people who have been crying for years that their world is "dead" and needs a merge, but instead of a merge, Nexon gave them a ticket out. Of course they decided to take it, saving themselves because they could no longer wait for Nexon to save their world. And as more and more people left, more and more people reached their own limits and decided to leave too. And guilds/alliances with several people feeling they must go, got convinced to leap en masse.
I don't think placing limits would have prevented the snowball effect. If anything, it would have accelerated it, because everyone who was on the fence would be pressured to leap before they lose their chance.
It didn't help that high-profile players (streamers, as well as top merchants, bossers, and henehoes) and Community Team members were leaping.
I saw one person saying on Discord, "I wouldn't have left Windia, but I saw that Arwoo leaped to Bera, and I guess he knows what he's doing."
Other people voiced similar sentiments on seeing Slatymate (from MYBCKN) and AlexF (from GRAZED) transferring too. "They're VFMs, they must have insider knowledge. They know a merge isn't coming anytime soon. We better go too if we don't want to be stuck in this already-dead world forever."
Yes, the proselytizers share some of the blame, but they are definitely not the sole or even main cause. The main blame lies on Nexon for copying an event from KMS without thinking what it would do in a service with completely different server population issues.
I wasnt saying that was a big reason or the sole reason, it was just scummy as all hell and entirely unnecessary due to the reasons you already mentioned. There was no need to lie or try to sell this idea further than the basic idea of "lets get all the players that feel they are in a dead world to move to bera" as most of those players were into the idea anyway, the rest of what was done was just scummy. no need to lie or make propaganda, no need to attack people who dont want to move.