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Think About This when Cheating Online Games

Member Cartoondude135
Reactions: 640
Posts: 54
edited September 2017 in Non-GMS Content Discussion
This is in regards to the dark side of games. And this is a message to all game developers to make sure you think about this when it comes to others. (And this is in regards to all MMORPGS (not just MapleStory).)
Some of us out there actually have other important things to do in life, but we still need to get these games done quickly (and at the same time).

This is a legitimate reason on why we need to use cheats on games. Say EG, it's moving day. So I won't be able to play my wifi-tethered game, (game name), until I get my new modem and router installed at my new house by midnight. Another example is the place I'm currently at has no free wifi source/hot spot. So with a cheat tool, I can get this game done first and now and worry about it later (like as in "Shoot first and ask questions later."). But with newer recent games that are server sided, they actually need an internet connection in order to play them!

I'm actually starting to hate games like this that actually force you to go the distance/waste your time (and real money) just to get them completed!

Because there are these things they host called Limited Time Quests (LTQs) that offer you a special prize if you complete this quest within a certain time limit. Worse case scenario here is that an LTQ pops up minutes before/after an appointment (dentist, doctor, job interview, meeting, etc) begins! By the time I get started on clearing the LTQ, it might already be too late and there's not enough time left to complete it (say EG, I'm currently a level 2 character). Then I might have to spend real life money on it just to complete the LTQ. And recently, I got caught by mom for using food money on things other than food (in this case, Karma Koins for NX, and iTunes Gift Cards for other game in-game currency (over $600CAD for the Karma Koins and over $2000CAD for the iTunes gift cards to get in-game currency in Online Server-Tethered Games for my iPhone 6s+)). Have you ever heard the phrase "Time is Money"? Yeah, this is where it's literally a race against time to beat the clock. I literally had to bring breakfast, lunch, and dinner to my computer desk: any food that's microwavable.

And like before, negative factors inside/outside the game can slow your progress down. Such as a power outage (due to maintenance on the apartment generator/or a lightening storm blows out a transformer), the modem/router (unexpectedly) goes on the fritz, and anything else along those lines!

If your intention here is to delay our time on playing these games even longer (EG, In MapleStory, you decrease the amount of EXP we can get from monsters that we kill at our favourite EXP/Meso/Drop farm sites and rigging the profession gauge (for Alchemy, Smithing, and Accessory Crafting) to drop a certain amount every time we don't craft something after a certain period of time. In Payday 2, you reduce the amount of EXP we get from a stealth job we complete in addition to it's stealth exp bonus. In Zombie Gunship Survival, upon completion of a level (regardless of difficulty), you drop the amount of supplies and metal we can earn to a quarter of what we can usually earn.), than that's being cruel! This tells me your trying to siphon time out of me and/or money out of my pocket! I don't care about the game's ranking system, and I don't care about these rules to follow! I may not be a hacker/cheater (yet), but all that matters to me now is that I get these games cleared (and cleared quickly (without spending another penny on nothingness)). Plus, take this Payday 2 mod for example: https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=14774 It's basically the equivalent of MapleStory's GM account's GM commands or Team Fortress 2's Chat Commands. So it's pointless at this point to put up rules about cheating. Worse still, more and more of these server-tethered games are popping up like weeds! How are we gonna continue playing these games if they were to discontinue or be removed from the App Store one day? Did the developers ever think about that part?

What makes MapleStory worse is that it's rigged so that when you die after losing all health, you lose experience in the process! This is especially troublesome when your over level 200, because if you go AFK in a monster map (due to the safe town being too far away to run to and (in a worse case scenario) your short of mana potions to use your teleport skills) thinking this platform/ladder/rope is safe to stand/hang on and you had to go to the bathroom due to an upset stomach or had to help mom cook dinner, a monster (especially a flying monster) comes out of nowhere and kills you. And unfortunately, we don't always learn from our mistakes or near-misses. Sure, your character ghost animation may look cute, but this is actually a serious matter! Because I already lost a ton of EXP from participating in the boss summon events just to meet the GMs.

With these types of games, LocalIAPStore and all those Jailbreak tweaks (for the iOS) are useless against these types of games!

Wrap your head around this for a minute. Your a kid/teen with elementary/high school or an adult with a full time/part time job; your gone outta the house for almost the whole day. You've got 9 or more favourite character classes and they all have daily quests. By the time you get back, it's almost 4pm or 6pm! You might not have enough time left to clear all the quests on every character before the game server's clock hits a certain time! In this case, MapleStory's quest reset time is 12m (midnight). And sometimes, I stayed up to almost 7am in the mourning just to get 500m mesos and exp during 2x EXP/Drop events that take place 12m-4am (I had to use the time after the event to DL stuff for my pc) without cheating/botting.

Of all the games I like playing out there, these are the games that are the biggest rose bushes I've ever had to tread through (besides MapleStory). Because these online server games actually eat away at my precious time that I could be using for other things (like brainstorming ideas for my animation projects) instead. The catch here is that if I even cheat on these types of games just once, I might be banned from ever playing on them again. Not by my parents, but by the game's moderators. Yet these games have my favourite themes that draw me into playing them. Plus, I actually failed my Excavator Training on Week 5 and lost $20KCAD due to the WiFi not working for my hotel suite and due to the server-tethered games Crime City and Modern War! No WiFi/internet connection=no playing on these types of games. And if I don't contribute to these games' guilds, the guild members kick me out. Yes, I actually got kicked out of some guilds in the past for either playing these games blind or not meeting their requirements. I couldn't afford to be kicked out of a guild again, so I took advantage of the training school's wifi as it was still working. Yes, I was playing MapleStory blind since I first began playing it.

And yes, I actually failed 2 or more biology tests back in high school due to an LTQ MapleStory was hosting that was about expire in 6 hours by the time I got home. This LTQ was giving out a special Ring item that has way better stats than any other Ring in MS.

So yeah, Now do you really think it's worth it to go the distance to get these games done fair and square or is it better to shoot first and ask questions later to get this special event-exclusive item (knowing it will help you kill tougher enemies and bosses) because of the following reasons (and all these reasons will tie in with the LTQ that your this close to completing, but it's about to expire in a few hours or minutes (depending on the situation)):
A: Your on the edge of failing High School because you failed half the math exams in the school year and you need to study hard to pass this final math exam to barely pass High School
B: Your appointment to see your doctor to check why you have a never-disappearing rash on your thumb is gonna take place on the last day this LTQ will stay active
C: Your driving home from work and construction blocks certain roads on your way home. Worse here is that your car unexpectedly breaks down and you have to do repairs to it (as your job here is a mechanic (and no maplestory puns intended there)). Plus, the hard day's work is beating down on you and you just wanna take a nap to ease the pain.
D: Your mother is dying in the hospital and you wanna see her one last time before she passes on (thereby forcing you to forfeit this last quest you need to clear to complete the LTQ to earn this prize)
or E: All of the above (and anything else I might have missed along those lines)?

Plus, as humans, all of these things are totally out of our control! We can't control when our tire will blow out due to a sharp object buried in the dirt road. We can't control when our modem (unexpectedly) shuts down on us (especially in a critical situation), such as downloading our Word Document from our cloud server to a USB stick. And many other things like this!

In a worse case, your homework assignment is so hard to understand that by the time you can finish your homework, it will be 3 hours later. Plus, this LTQ is scripted to expire in a few hours and that prize you came so far for is about to turn to dust due to all these events inside and outside the game that kept slowing you down.

Cheats on video games won't hurt the game at all. After all,
video games are just video games.

PS, here's a little scoop into why I had to chance the star enhancement of my Ghost Ship Exorcist badge even though I knew it was going to be destroyed. Sales in the Free Market were very slow (for me at least). You see, when I first explored the Free Market, I noticed there were Tyrant Gear enhanced to 15 stars and being sold for 9.9 billion mesos. Soon, I came across an interesting item: a Terminus Raider with unique potential of Attack +XX%; sold by IGN siCky911 for 3.9 billion mesos. I managed to talk the offer down to 2.5 billion and I got it off of him. Soon after, this gave me an idea: If I buy a clean equipment from another person and enhance it with whatever stats the equip's class uses (EG, Terminus Chopper for Warrior uses Strength, Terminus Bolter for Wild Hunter (Bowman) uses Dexterity, Terminus Sceptre used by Beast Tamer (Magician) uses Intelligence, and Terminus Orchestrator used by Phantom (Thief) uses Luck), then star force it, and sell it at a bigger price, I'll make more mesos. Because since I did most of the upgrades and enhancements (up to 12 stars), I feel like I deserve more mesos in return. I was just hoping an unsuspecting customer would take the bait. But this hardly worked (and I suspect this is Nexon's handy work), because monsters were dropping less mesos than before from the older versions of the game. So it took more time to farm the mesos needed to get this item from me. So, with so little mesos in hand, I decided to chance it without the extra meso protection checkbox (as I was lucky to get some Chaos Root Abyss gear to 15 stars with no problems as well as the Zero sword to 15 stars). But, soon enough, the badge got destroyed. However, it did leave the badge trace behind.

Also, it was fun and games at first to grind for mesos and EXP during 2X events. But as time went on, I began to get bored of farming stuff by myself. I wanted to call a friend in to play on my character for me so I can do other stuff (like catching up on my animation projects) for once, but sadly I had no friends in real life. Eventually, my meso farming business just ground to a halt like a car just ran out of gas.

And there you have it, now you know why I'm in this pickle.


  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2017
    Think about this:
    In the real world, do you ever feel forced to break the rules?
    "I'm so hungry and the bakery has these delicious-looking cookies in the window, but I have no money. So I'm going to go in and grab some and run!"
    "I'm late for work and the bus isn't showing up so I'm going to steal this car here and go!"
    "I gotta get tickets to my favorite band's show, but the line is so long! I'll cut in line and beat up anyone who doesn't let me be first!"
    "This girl is so hot, I'm going to rape her."
    "My wife is cheating on me. I will kill her."

    No, right?

    People cheat in video games not because they're "forced" to but because it's easy. In the real world you're afraid of cops or other people catching and punishing you. But in your own room you feel safe, especially if the game company is not very good at catching and punishing cheaters. *cough* Nexon *cough*

    Video games are just games. Yes, the company is trying to entice you to play 24/7 and to pay your entire paycheck and then some, but you must resist. Just as you resist the candy at the checkout in the supermarket, which is there to tempt you.
  • Member 엘소드
    Reactions: 775
    Posts: 50
    edited September 2017
    Man, all I needed to read was the first 'paragraph' to realize this would be a "whine-cry-and-complain that they're supposedly entitled to everything" thread.

    And I was proven right in the second paragraph.

    TL;DR for others who are allergic to brick walls: "Waah, using hacks in online video games should be permissible because herp derp I don't got time to play legitimately, and I believe I should get everything handed to me"

    Nexon should just ban your account because of how much this thread resembles the whining of a man-baby. At least it'll save you your precious time because you'd no longer have to feel compelled to log-in when you don't have an account to do so.
  • Volunteer Forum Moderator Neospector
    Reactions: 9,860
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    Volunteer Forum Moderator
    edited September 2017
    Cheats on video games won't hurt the game at all. After all, video games are just video games.

    Cheating hurts the game because you're not playing fair. Please don't try to justify cheating like this.

    If you're "in a pickle" decided whether or not to cheat, I'll save you some time: don't.
  • Member MageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited September 2017
    I think your main issue is your mindset of MapleStory vs. Real life. You're prioritizing a game over things that you need to get done (EX: the fact that you didn't study for biology because you "had" to finish your dailies). No one is forcing you to play. If you don't have time you don't have time, that's the long and short of it. This entire post just means that you need to get more self control. You need to realize that sometimes you simply just won't have enough time to play that day, or do dailies. Yeah you'll miss out on a couple rewards, but you have more important things to do.
  • Member, Private Tester Sparklee
    Reactions: 2,630
    Posts: 161
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2017
    Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. I never read all of this, because lets face it... It's dreadful.

    You cannot justify cheating, especially on a game.
    You use an example of moving, and not having any internet connection for a while afterwards, big deal. Sacrifice the game for a few days until a connection is installed. THAT doesn't justify cheating. It's called "Lets get on with some real stuff like move in to a new place, get unpacked and settled"

    It's harsh what I need to say to you, but there's really no other way to put this in a way where you'd truly understand.

    MAPLE IS JUST A GAME...................................................... FOCUS ON SCHOOL/UNI/WORK, WHATEVER. Without that, you're pretty much stuck with a life of getting nowhere.

    Only games that have cheats available, example, The Sims ... Is where they ALLOW the cheats to be use IF YOU WANT TO USE THEM !

    Nexon has stated on MANY occasions that they don't allow cheaters. So just stop this, and change your mindset. Justifying cheating is not the way.
  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited September 2017
    >you die at 200+ because there is no town nearby
    uuhh.. have you ever heard of the maple guide? have you used it once since they revamped it?
    if I'm going to AFK I pull up the guide and tele strait to town.

    you are just trying to find ways (grasping at straws) to support cheating. No one is forcing your hand to play if you have a busy life, you do not need to use cheat tools.

    People dont buy Terminus equips because they are pretty much garbage. They do not have a joker effect and have no set/ set effect to make them worth owning compared to the much easier to obtain SW gear, not because "mesos were dropping less", it was your fault for not understanding the market, and that you invested in pretty much universally unwanted gear, you never asked the questions any merchant would have, such as " is this equipment desirable?" or "what makes equipment desirable to the masses?" or "what are the current best to second best gears to have?"

    all you are doing is passing the blame of your own failures and problems to the game when you should be looking at yourself, because you are the sole reason for being in this "pickle" you got yourself into. you need to look at and address the real reasons why you have been failing and not achieving what you wanted to achieve.
  • Member PirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
    Posts: 862
    edited September 2017
    Oh poor you, you have to hack in a game because you have to devote time to real life!

    Imagine reversing that logic.

    "I couldn't finish my work/job today, I was running out of time to complete Vanishing Journey dailies!"
    Let's see how long you stay employed with that mindset.
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited September 2017
    If cheating weren't so bad, every martial artist in MMA or UFC would take steroids or P.E.Ds, they can get banned from competing if they do though. Cheating in sports and in games gains one the competitive edge. Even over the ones that poured their money into the game.
  • Member Cartoondude135
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 54
    edited October 2017
    Catooolooo wrote: »
    >you die at 200+ because there is no town nearby
    uuhh.. have you ever heard of the maple guide? have you used it once since they revamped it?
    if I'm going to AFK I pull up the guide and tele strait to town.

    you are just trying to find ways (grasping at straws) to support cheating. No one is forcing your hand to play if you have a busy life, you do not need to use cheat tools.

    People dont buy Terminus equips because they are pretty much garbage. They do not have a joker effect and have no set/ set effect to make them worth owning compared to the much easier to obtain SW gear, not because "mesos were dropping less", it was your fault for not understanding the market, and that you invested in pretty much universally unwanted gear, you never asked the questions any merchant would have, such as " is this equipment desirable?" or "what makes equipment desirable to the masses?" or "what are the current best to second best gears to have?"

    all you are doing is passing the blame of your own failures and problems to the game when you should be looking at yourself, because you are the sole reason for being in this "pickle" you got yourself into. you need to look at and address the real reasons why you have been failing and not achieving what you wanted to achieve.

    Well, ok. The reason I purchased the Terminus Equips in the first place is because in addition to being a Marvel-Exclusive item and a lvl 160 equip, it had a rainbow (ROYGBIV) strip somewhere on the weapon's body (Raider had a rainbow strip on it's barrel and the Scorcher had a rainbow strip near the muzzle). This made me think "To enhance the look of my characters, I'll need to add some colour to their equipment.". Plus, the unique potential (at the time) would increase my attack by 32k. It looked like alot of attack power to me.

    I thought Marvel Machine Equips would be better than anything else. Tyrant Gear comes from Marvel, Fafnir Gear comes from Marvel, and CRA Gear comes from marvel. So I thought Terminus Equips would be no different.
    Sparklee wrote: »
    Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. I never read all of this, because lets face it... It's dreadful.

    You cannot justify cheating, especially on a game.
    You use an example of moving, and not having any internet connection for a while afterwards, big deal. Sacrifice the game for a few days until a connection is installed. THAT doesn't justify cheating. It's called "Lets get on with some real stuff like move in to a new place, get unpacked and settled"

    It's harsh what I need to say to you, but there's really no other way to put this in a way where you'd truly understand.

    MAPLE IS JUST A GAME...................................................... FOCUS ON SCHOOL/UNI/WORK, WHATEVER. Without that, you're pretty much stuck with a life of getting nowhere.

    Only games that have cheats available, example, The Sims ... Is where they ALLOW the cheats to be use IF YOU WANT TO USE THEM !

    Nexon has stated on MANY occasions that they don't allow cheaters. So just stop this, and change your mindset. Justifying cheating is not the way.

    Also, think about it. You are 99% complete on this LTQ and your 1 quest short/1 point away of completing the LTQ (all this done fair and square). You just need to clear 1 more quest to complete the LTQ, but then, an unscheduled server maintenance begins! The game shuts down; you lose connection to your character. Or, your internet modem shuts down unexpectedly due to an "unknown error".

    All that effort you just put into this LTQ in an attempt to get this special prize on one more character out of all the current characters you have just went south (or is it "out the window" or "up in smoke"?), because an unexpected problem arises. Plus, this is an event-exclusive item. This limited time item might never appear again in the future! So it is imperative I get this event-exclusive equipment for ALL my characters, because it could help a long way. EG, the Black Swordsman medal. It is indeed (and literally) a race against time to beat the clock when it comes to server-tethered games. Things just happen, a hacker screws up the map your in, the server needs to undergo maintenance and (due to it being an unscheduled maintenance) it might not appear under the maintenance section early in the forum.
  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited October 2017
    Well, ok. The reason I purchased the Terminus Equips in the first place is because in addition to being a Marvel-Exclusive item and a lvl 160 equip, it had a rainbow (ROYGBIV) strip somewhere on the weapon's body (Raider had a rainbow strip on it's barrel and the Scorcher had a rainbow strip near the muzzle). This made me think "To enhance the look of my characters, I'll need to add some colour to their equipment.". Plus, the unique potential (at the time) would increase my attack by 32k. It looked like alot of attack power to me.

    I thought Marvel Machine Equips would be better than anything else. Tyrant Gear comes from Marvel, Fafnir Gear comes from Marvel, and CRA Gear comes from marvel. So I thought Terminus Equips would be no different.

    if you had asked any long time player what the best gear was, and then asked why Terminus wasn't one of them, they would have told you. You could have even asked the guy you haggled with.

    Also, think about it. You are 99% complete on this LTQ and your 1 quest short/1 point away of completing the LTQ (all this done fair and square). You just need to clear 1 more quest to complete the LTQ, but then, an unscheduled server maintenance begins! The game shuts down; you lose connection to your character. Or, your internet modem shuts down unexpectedly due to an "unknown error".

    All that effort you just put into this LTQ in an attempt to get this special prize on one more character out of all the current characters you have just went south (or is it "out the window" or "up in smoke"?), because an unexpected problem arises. Plus, this is an event-exclusive item. This limited time item might never appear again in the future! So it is imperative I get this event-exclusive equipment for ALL my characters, because it could help a long way. EG, the Black Swordsman medal. It is indeed (and literally) a race against time to beat the clock when it comes to server-tethered games. Things just happen, a hacker screws up the map your in, the server needs to undergo maintenance and (due to it being an unscheduled maintenance) it might not appear under the maintenance section early in the forum.

    Think about this, Nexon will generally extend events if issues arise early in the start of one or in the middle of one, and if you decided to wait too long to finish, that's your fault and don't mean " man, I should cheat this", it means you should wait for the event to come around again or an event that gives similar/same/better rewards (which happens almost all the time)

    I mean if I spend a lot of money at taco bell to get a "Free" Xbox One X , but in the end, do not get one, does that mean I should just break into a store (or someones house) and steal it?
  • Member MageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017

    Also, think about it. You are 99% complete on this LTQ and your 1 quest short/1 point away of completing the LTQ (all this done fair and square). You just need to clear 1 more quest to complete the LTQ, but then, an unscheduled server maintenance begins! The game shuts down; you lose connection to your character. Or, your internet modem shuts down unexpectedly due to an "unknown error".

    All that effort you just put into this LTQ in an attempt to get this special prize on one more character out of all the current characters you have just went south (or is it "out the window" or "up in smoke"?), because an unexpected problem arises. Plus, this is an event-exclusive item. This limited time item might never appear again in the future! So it is imperative I get this event-exclusive equipment for ALL my characters, because it could help a long way. EG, the Black Swordsman medal. It is indeed (and literally) a race against time to beat the clock when it comes to server-tethered games. Things just happen, a hacker screws up the map your in, the server needs to undergo maintenance and (due to it being an unscheduled maintenance) it might not appear under the maintenance section early in the forum.

    You need to realize that sometimes things don't work out the way we sometimes think they will. Sometimes things fall through the cracks. Yeah, it sucks, but that doesn't justify cheating. Besides, Nexon typically will extend events if there's an unscheduled maintenance, so there's not much of an argument there. You said it yourself, "Things just happen, a hacker screws up the map you're in, the server needs to undergo maintenance". Though I mean, there ARE other channels if a hacker enters the map you're in. It's not the end of the world if you don't get that one event item. It's like Catooolooo said, wait for the event to come around again, or a similar event. There is no excuse for cheating, it's best that you learn that now, as opposed to later.
  • Member pandabunnies
    Reactions: 1,955
    Posts: 344
    edited October 2017
    If you are one of those jerks who bots and steals entire maps I hope you get banned. Cheating in an online game is pretty egregious, I don't care WHAT excuses you make. Your several paragraph temper tantrum did nothing to make me feel even remotely sympathetic towards you. If you are cheating I can't believe you were dumb enough to post about it here. Hope you get caught!
  • Member Cartoondude135
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 54
    edited October 2017
    Catooolooo wrote: »
    Think about this, Nexon will generally extend events if issues arise early in the start of one or in the middle of one, and if you decided to wait too long to finish, that's your fault and don't mean " man, I should cheat this", it means you should wait for the event to come around again or an event that gives similar/same/better rewards (which happens almost all the time)

    Uhhhhhhh...... Did I forget to mention that each quest (including LTQs) can cripple you by limiting the amount of times you can clear this quest each day? Yeah. Lets say EG, this quest, (LTQ Name), is giving you a prize called "(Prize Name)" too good to resist if you can complete it within 18 days. You can only clear this quest 5 times a day per character. I have 9 characters to train and upgrade. If you can clear this quest 45 times within 18 days, you get the prize. So this leaves me an excess of 3 days. However, problems arise on the 3 excess days.

    And this is where I have to point out the thing that not everything is my fault. For EG, the lightening storm; a bolt of lightening hits the city's transformer, knocking out power to the whole city. This cuts my connection to the game as I have no power to use my computer! Worse is that if it's a laptop, it has no internet as the internet company has no power either! I wasn't responsible for summoning that lightening storm.

    This brings me to the next thing that isn't entirely my fault: the modem/router. From time to time, the modem randomly stops working properly (even though I ordered a very good modem from my service provider). I was never expecting my modem to go on the fritz at that moment.

    Now onto the real world. I used this dirt road as a shortcut to get to work and home many times before. It never gave me me problems. But one day all that changed; as I drove home on the dirt road, my front right tire unexpectedly pops. I stop to check. Soon, I find an old nail jabbed right into my tire. How was I suppose to know there was a nail hiding in this dirt and mud? It was never even there before!

    So all the above will tie in with the LTQ that I'm 99.99% (1 point/1 quest away) close to completing (still done fair and square), but then, one of these problems cuts my access to my computer or at least delays me from getting home! So after any of these similar problems, all my efforts to get this special equip/prize for 1 more of my characters just went up in smoke.

    I also work part time; 8 hours a day, 3 days a week. By the time I get home, I can hardly stay awake. To get rid of the drowsiness, I gotta take a nap. This cuts my interaction from this game. So what difference does a bot playing the game make compared to my human friend grinding for me?
  • Member, Private Tester PhantomMasterThief
    Reactions: 3,195
    Posts: 480
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2017
    Catooolooo wrote: »
    Think about this, Nexon will generally extend events if issues arise early in the start of one or in the middle of one, and if you decided to wait too long to finish, that's your fault and don't mean " man, I should cheat this", it means you should wait for the event to come around again or an event that gives similar/same/better rewards (which happens almost all the time)

    Uhhhhhhh...... Did I forget to mention that each quest (including LTQs) can cripple you by limiting the amount of times you can clear this quest each day? Yeah. Lets say EG, this quest, (LTQ Name), is giving you a prize called "(Prize Name)" too good to resist if you can complete it within 18 days. You can only clear this quest 5 times a day per character. I have 9 characters to train and upgrade. If you can clear this quest 45 times within 18 days, you get the prize. So this leaves me an excess of 3 days. However, problems arise on the 3 excess days.

    And this is where I have to point out the thing that not everything is my fault. For EG, the lightening storm; a bolt of lightening hits the city's transformer, knocking out power to the whole city. This cuts my connection to the game as I have no power to use my computer! Worse is that if it's a laptop, it has no internet as the internet company has no power either! I wasn't responsible for summoning that lightening storm.

    This brings me to the next thing that isn't entirely my fault: the modem/router. From time to time, the modem randomly stops working properly (even though I ordered a very good modem from my service provider). I was never expecting my modem to go on the fritz at that moment.

    Now onto the real world. I used this dirt road as a shortcut to get to work and home many times before. It never gave me me problems. But one day all that changed; as I drove home on the dirt road, my front right tire unexpectedly pops. I stop to check. Soon, I find an old nail jabbed right into my tire. How was I suppose to know there was a nail hiding in this dirt and mud? It was never even there before!

    So all the above will tie in with the LTQ that I'm 99.99% (1 point/1 quest away) close to completing (still done fair and square), but then, one of these problems cuts my access to my computer or at least delays me from getting home! So after any of these similar problems, all my efforts to get this special equip/prize for 1 more of my characters just went up in smoke.

    I also work part time; 8 hours a day, 3 days a week. By the time I get home, I can hardly stay awake. To get rid of the drowsiness, I gotta take a nap. This cuts my interaction from this game. So what difference does a bot playing the game make compared to my human friend grinding for me?

    Dude just shut up!, and get banned silently, geez i hate you botters you have ruind GMS!
  • Member MageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017
    Catooolooo wrote: »
    Think about this, Nexon will generally extend events if issues arise early in the start of one or in the middle of one, and if you decided to wait too long to finish, that's your fault and don't mean " man, I should cheat this", it means you should wait for the event to come around again or an event that gives similar/same/better rewards (which happens almost all the time)

    Uhhhhhhh...... Did I forget to mention that each quest (including LTQs) can cripple you by limiting the amount of times you can clear this quest each day? Yeah. Lets say EG, this quest, (LTQ Name), is giving you a prize called "(Prize Name)" too good to resist if you can complete it within 18 days. You can only clear this quest 5 times a day per character. I have 9 characters to train and upgrade. If you can clear this quest 45 times within 18 days, you get the prize. So this leaves me an excess of 3 days. However, problems arise on the 3 excess days.

    And this is where I have to point out the thing that not everything is my fault. For EG, the lightening storm; a bolt of lightening hits the city's transformer, knocking out power to the whole city. This cuts my connection to the game as I have no power to use my computer! Worse is that if it's a laptop, it has no internet as the internet company has no power either! I wasn't responsible for summoning that lightening storm.

    This brings me to the next thing that isn't entirely my fault: the modem/router. From time to time, the modem randomly stops working properly (even though I ordered a very good modem from my service provider). I was never expecting my modem to go on the fritz at that moment.

    Now onto the real world. I used this dirt road as a shortcut to get to work and home many times before. It never gave me me problems. But one day all that changed; as I drove home on the dirt road, my front right tire unexpectedly pops. I stop to check. Soon, I find an old nail jabbed right into my tire. How was I suppose to know there was a nail hiding in this dirt and mud? It was never even there before!

    So all the above will tie in with the LTQ that I'm 99.99% (1 point/1 quest away) close to completing (still done fair and square), but then, one of these problems cuts my access to my computer or at least delays me from getting home! So after any of these similar problems, all my efforts to get this special equip/prize for 1 more of my characters just went up in smoke.

    I also work part time; 8 hours a day, 3 days a week. By the time I get home, I can hardly stay awake. To get rid of the drowsiness, I gotta take a nap. This cuts my interaction from this game. So what difference does a bot playing the game make compared to my human friend grinding for me?

    Enough excuses. I don't even know why I'm bothering to reply to you because you'll just pull another excuse as to why you should be allowed to cheat. It doesn't matter who's fault it is, bad things happen.

    But here's my question to you @Cartoondude135 So say that you're right on track to get the event reward, but something happens on those last three days, how is cheating going to solve anything? Botting a map isn't going to let you complete the quest more than the limited amount of times. This is where your excuses fall through. Even if you were to cheat, it wouldn't change anything.

    Now, if you're trying to justify cheating because you don't have enough time? The only person to blame is you. No one forced you to invest your time into something else, no one forced you to apply for the job that's sucking away your time and energy.

    Lastly, none of the excuses you've provided would take up an entire day. Even with your work excuse, you still have time, but you chose to go to bed instead of getting your dailies done. Except for the one where you said your mother was dying? (I really hope that's hypothetical) In which case, I really hope you're not thinking about whether or not you'll be able to finish your dailies when your Mother died.
  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited October 2017
    Catooolooo wrote: »
    Think about this, Nexon will generally extend events if issues arise early in the start of one or in the middle of one, and if you decided to wait too long to finish, that's your fault and don't mean " man, I should cheat this", it means you should wait for the event to come around again or an event that gives similar/same/better rewards (which happens almost all the time)

    Uhhhhhhh...... Did I forget to mention that each quest (including LTQs) can cripple you by limiting the amount of times you can clear this quest each day? blah blah blah..
    none of that matters. If you can't complete it in the given time (which, if not bugged, should give you enough time), too freaking bad, maybe you will be able to do the event if it returns or if they have a different event that gives the same or better rewards. MMO's and events are not made to bend to your every wim or your own personal time schedule. It doesn't matter that in Your life, something unexpected happend (like losing power, internet being down..etc) that's tough luck and not something Nexon or You caused to happen, such is life. None of that means" I should cheat to get what I want".

    "I had to spend all my money to help pay for my fathers medical bills, pay the rent, lights and gas; but I also wanted an Xbox One X, So I broke in and took it. It's not my fault I was put in this situation, where I had to break the law to get what I wanted"

    You also have issues with keeping your priorities straight and want everything that you don't have, handed to you.
    You also seem to think there is an "end", "Completing" or a "Winning the game" in an MMO, which is generally not the case in MMO's, which are online games that are constantly updated with content.

    It sounds, to me, that MMO's are not your type of game and you would be better off playing standard, single player games that you can Complete and cheat at anytime.

    I strongly insist you do not pursue any more MMO's if you want the world to revolve around you and your problems.
  • Member AK712
    Reactions: 1,840
    Posts: 116
    edited October 2017
    Okay, two huge issues here.

    First, for the thread creator:

    You cannot justify doing something wrong just because it is easier, more convenient, or makes you feel better. We have laws in the real world for a reason - to keep people from harming themselves or others. This is physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, etc. This also applies to video games - video games are still real life. You do not "leave" real life just because you're in front of a computer/TV. Right and wrong do not disappear. Rules and regulations are put into games for the same reason they're put into life. Trying to give reasons to break them doesn't work because it ignores the consequences of your actions on other people.

    Secondly, for those replying to the thread:

    Are you doing the same thing he is?

    Are you giving "reasons" for why you can break forum/game rules by harassing other people? Because you don't like them, or because they "hurt you", or because you think it's "justice", you can verbally abuse other people? Aren't you showing your hypocrisy?

    Isn't that far worse than cheating games? Cheating games doesn't cause suicide; verbal abuse does. How many lives have you hurt by letting your emotions get the better of you?

    If you're going to get angry at the thread creator for trying to justify breaking rules, you had better check to make sure you aren't trying to justify yourself doing the exact same thing. "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" - Matthew 7:3
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited October 2017
    AK712 wrote: »
    Okay, two huge issues here.

    First, for the thread creator:

    You cannot justify doing something wrong just because it is easier, more convenient, or makes you feel better. We have laws in the real world for a reason - to keep people from harming themselves or others. This is physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, etc. This also applies to video games - video games are still real life. You do not "leave" real life just because you're in front of a computer/TV. Right and wrong do not disappear. Rules and regulations are put into games for the same reason they're put into life. Trying to give reasons to break them doesn't work because it ignores the consequences of your actions on other people.

    Secondly, for those replying to the thread:

    Are you doing the same thing he is?

    Are you giving "reasons" for why you can break forum/game rules by harassing other people? Because you don't like them, or because they "hurt you", or because you think it's "justice", you can verbally abuse other people? Aren't you showing your hypocrisy?

    Isn't that far worse than cheating games? Cheating games doesn't cause suicide; verbal abuse does. How many lives have you hurt by letting your emotions get the better of you?

    If you're going to get angry at the thread creator for trying to justify breaking rules, you had better check to make sure you aren't trying to justify yourself doing the exact same thing. "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" - Matthew 7:3

    no one is abusing/harassing him/her. It's not as serious as youre making it out to be with the suicide stuff. If he commits suicide because we're saying cheating is a bannable offense, then there are bigger problems at hand.
  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited October 2017
    AK712 wrote: »
    Okay, two huge issues here.

    First, for the thread creator:

    You cannot justify doing something wrong just because it is easier, more convenient, or makes you feel better. We have laws in the real world for a reason - to keep people from harming themselves or others. This is physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, etc. This also applies to video games - video games are still real life. You do not "leave" real life just because you're in front of a computer/TV. Right and wrong do not disappear. Rules and regulations are put into games for the same reason they're put into life. Trying to give reasons to break them doesn't work because it ignores the consequences of your actions on other people.

    Secondly, for those replying to the thread:

    Are you doing the same thing he is?

    Are you giving "reasons" for why you can break forum/game rules by harassing other people? Because you don't like them, or because they "hurt you", or because you think it's "justice", you can verbally abuse other people? Aren't you showing your hypocrisy?

    Isn't that far worse than cheating games? Cheating games doesn't cause suicide; verbal abuse does. How many lives have you hurt by letting your emotions get the better of you?

    If you're going to get angry at the thread creator for trying to justify breaking rules, you had better check to make sure you aren't trying to justify yourself doing the exact same thing. "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" - Matthew 7:3

    No one is breaking forum rules or abusing anyone.
    this is called a debate, and it's a debate about weather doing a bad thing is justifiable because you wanted it really bad.

    no one in here is giving edgy 4chan responses, all responses are well thought out and rational.

    Me and OP may have a bad record but in no way is it because I'm trying to attack them them. Different people could have made all the threads they made and i'm sure everyones responses would have remained the same.
  • Member MageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017
    AK712 wrote: »
    Okay, two huge issues here.

    First, for the thread creator:

    You cannot justify doing something wrong just because it is easier, more convenient, or makes you feel better. We have laws in the real world for a reason - to keep people from harming themselves or others. This is physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, etc. This also applies to video games - video games are still real life. You do not "leave" real life just because you're in front of a computer/TV. Right and wrong do not disappear. Rules and regulations are put into games for the same reason they're put into life. Trying to give reasons to break them doesn't work because it ignores the consequences of your actions on other people.

    Secondly, for those replying to the thread:

    Are you doing the same thing he is?

    Are you giving "reasons" for why you can break forum/game rules by harassing other people? Because you don't like them, or because they "hurt you", or because you think it's "justice", you can verbally abuse other people? Aren't you showing your hypocrisy?

    Isn't that far worse than cheating games? Cheating games doesn't cause suicide; verbal abuse does. How many lives have you hurt by letting your emotions get the better of you?

    If you're going to get angry at the thread creator for trying to justify breaking rules, you had better check to make sure you aren't trying to justify yourself doing the exact same thing. "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" - Matthew 7:3

    ? Maybe try not to make this into something it's not. Please don't put words into my mouth, or suggest that I'm trying to verbally abuse the TC. I may not agree with how CartoonDude's trying to justify cheating, but I still respect him as a person because, I don't know him. I don't know if it's this time and age, or something else, but I've never been accused of verbally abusing someone through a forum post. As far as I can tell, I'm not justifying myself for telling someone that, oh hey, cheating's bad. Sorry if I sound angry, but I am. Since I've started posting on the Maple forums, I've never had my personal character attacked for debating with another forumer. As someone who's talked someone down from suicide, I take that incredibly personally.