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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Things seem so very lagged today! Simple things like getting things into or out of storage and changing channels are taking forever! Anyone else having such issues? (Mardia)
I can't use any skills like teleport, using teleport doesn't do anything.
Huh, weird. The only problems I've had are with C++ trying to reinstall itself every time I play. I've had no lag whatsoever. What would cause some players to lag and others to be perfectly fine? I'm in Bera, and I use the launcher. Hope that helps? This is so weird.
I've been having problems too (Reboot). However, I think it's just because Reboot's channels are crashing left and right.
Yeah, I took a look at reboot using the status checker, and several channels are slow. Has reboot been like that awhile?