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Add Fairy Bros’ Daily Gift to GMS!

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edited October 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Please add Fairy Bros’ Daily Gift to gms, kms get's up to 28 gifts per month.

stop shafting us NA Players from getting the good stuff.

we we'll always call you upon your lies!

KMS have gotten this upadate at the : Zakum Reborn, Zakum Revamp update.

Every region has this feature: KMS/JMS/TMS/CMS/MapleSEA, and THMS soon well have it as well.



Edit: Added where the button for daily gifts is supposed to be located in. (Image from MapleSEA)
  1. Should we get the daily gift39 votes
    1. Yes
       97% (38 votes)
    2. No
       3% (1 vote)


  • ClawStaffClawStaff
    Reactions: 2,950
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    edited October 2017
    I didn't even know this was a thing, but I agree, we should get this. It's quite overdue, and the fact that other versions of the game besides KMS, except us are receiving this makes the fact we don't have it even more ridiculous.

    I would also suggest the flames be replaced by a nebulite box (since we don't get flames), this should have happened every other time flames were originally supposed to be rewards as well.
  • LightningSparkLightningSpark
    Reactions: 575
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    edited October 2017
    As always nexon just hates us. :(
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
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    edited October 2017
    This is very frustrating to hear about this. Why haven't we gotten this? I don't see much reason as to why we shouldn't have. I really hope that we get an answer as to why they decided not to bring this over.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
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    edited October 2017
    Why don't we get >15 stars?
    Why don't we get flames?
    Why don't we get x?

    spin spin spin
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
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    edited October 2017
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    Why don't we get >15 stars?
    Why don't we get flames?
    Why don't we get x?

    spin spin spin

    Okay, this isn't called for.

    First off, there are reasons for why we don't have your two examples, regardless of their legitimacy. I frankly don't care about the other two options.

    This is a something that literally every other Maplestory seems to have. Seeing as KMS has it, and GMS is very nearly a copy and paste, I find it very strange that we didn't get it, especially because it gives away cash shop items and Reward points. I really don't see this being entitled or anything similar, simply for the fact that we seem to be the only version that doesn't have this. Heck, I don't even care if we get this or not, as long as they tell us why it wasn't brought over.

    Also, @Jushiro why are you complaining, when you yourself said this on the Flames thread:
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    add >15 star so that new high level gear is actually relevant to the game.

    Currently some people use the weapon as a minor upgrade and everyone can use the shoulder when the second boss is added but other than that the 200 gear is mostly junk and the absolab set is 100% junk.

    Did I just not pick up on sarcasm or something?
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited October 2017
    The answer is simple: mule accounts.

    GMS ToS does not restrict the number of accounts per person, and some people have really large numbers of them.
    With the removal of direct launch, switching accounts has become far more tedious, but still I could see people dedicating an hour a day to farm these gifts on 10 or 20 accounts.
    And that's just the legitimate players. The hackers who have hundreds, if not thousands, of accounts and can log them in a dozen at a time through counterfeit launchers, can farm these gifts effortlessly in vast amounts.

    We do get these same sorts of gifts from attendances and Hot Weeks. I suppose Nexon has weighed the possibility for abuse against the benefit to legitimate players, and found it acceptable, but decided that daily gifts would be too much.
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
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    edited October 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    The answer is simple: mule accounts.

    GMS ToS does not restrict the number of accounts per person, and some people have really large numbers of them.
    With the removal of direct launch, switching accounts has become far more tedious, but still I could see people dedicating an hour a day to farm these gifts on 10 or 20 accounts.
    And that's just the legitimate players. The hackers who have hundreds, if not thousands, of accounts and can log them in a dozen at a time through counterfeit launchers, can farm these gifts effortlessly in vast amounts.

    We do get these same sorts of gifts from attendances and Hot Weeks. I suppose Nexon has weighed the possibility for abuse against the benefit to legitimate players, and found it acceptable, but decided that daily gifts would be too much.

    I can accept that. I just wish that Nexon would be more transparent on their decisions. Give us reasoning as to why things will or will not be implemented. That's all I ask.
  • chaoscauserchaoscauser
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    edited October 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    The answer is simple: mule accounts.

    GMS ToS does not restrict the number of accounts per person, and some people have really large numbers of them.
    With the removal of direct launch, switching accounts has become far more tedious, but still I could see people dedicating an hour a day to farm these gifts on 10 or 20 accounts.
    And that's just the legitimate players. The hackers who have hundreds, if not thousands, of accounts and can log them in a dozen at a time through counterfeit launchers, can farm these gifts effortlessly in vast amounts.

    We do get these same sorts of gifts from attendances and Hot Weeks. I suppose Nexon has weighed the possibility for abuse against the benefit to legitimate players, and found it acceptable, but decided that daily gifts would be too much.

    They could easily fix mule accounts by putting restrictions on it like how hot times boxes have restrictions.. We should have this and replace the flames with some half decent nebulites.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited October 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    The answer is simple: mule accounts.

    GMS ToS does not restrict the number of accounts per person, and some people have really large numbers of them.
    With the removal of direct launch, switching accounts has become far more tedious, but still I could see people dedicating an hour a day to farm these gifts on 10 or 20 accounts.
    And that's just the legitimate players. The hackers who have hundreds, if not thousands, of accounts and can log them in a dozen at a time through counterfeit launchers, can farm these gifts effortlessly in vast amounts.

    We do get these same sorts of gifts from attendances and Hot Weeks. I suppose Nexon has weighed the possibility for abuse against the benefit to legitimate players, and found it acceptable, but decided that daily gifts would be too much.

    They could easily fix mule accounts by putting restrictions on it like how hot times boxes have restrictions.. We should have this and replace the flames with some half decent nebulites.

    How do Hot Week boxes have restrictions? (Hot Time is when you have to be on at the exact minute to get the box - surely you don't mean these daily gifts should work that way?)
  • chaoscauserchaoscauser
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    edited October 2017
    Hot time hot week same difference they all come out the same UI option... The main point being they can easily limit mule accounts with restrictions like they do with other content/features. We may have other bosses where we can get reward points. But KMS can get reward points from this and also they can get them from killing elites. Instead of being level 13 maybe you would have to be say level 100 or more.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited October 2017
    Hot time hot week same difference they all come out the same UI option... The main point being they can easily limit mule accounts with restrictions like they do with other content/features. We may have other bosses where we can get reward points. But KMS can get reward points from this and also they can get them from killing elites. Instead of being level 13 maybe you would have to be say level 100 or more.

    My point was that there is no restriction. When there's a Hot Week you can get all the rewards on all your accounts, be they 1, 3, 10, or 9000. The only limiting factor is how fast you can relog.
    A level 100 restriction might help against legit players who have dozens of accounts, but those who "only" have 10 or 20 might put in the effort to level them all to 100 (just a couple of hours each, at most). It probably won't stop the heavy exploiters, since they bot all their accounts to 100 and beyond anyway. It might raise a cry of "but new characters need these gifts the most!"

    Just to make it clear, I want free gifts just as much as the next Mapler. I'm just explaining why (in my opinion) Nexon America decided to hold back on this particular content.
  • pandabunniespandabunnies
    Reactions: 1,955
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    edited October 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Hot time hot week same difference they all come out the same UI option... The main point being they can easily limit mule accounts with restrictions like they do with other content/features. We may have other bosses where we can get reward points. But KMS can get reward points from this and also they can get them from killing elites. Instead of being level 13 maybe you would have to be say level 100 or more.

    My point was that there is no restriction. When there's a Hot Week you can get all the rewards on all your accounts, be they 1, 3, 10, or 9000. The only limiting factor is how fast you can relog.
    A level 100 restriction might help against legit players who have dozens of accounts, but those who "only" have 10 or 20 might put in the effort to level them all to 100 (just a couple of hours each, at most). It probably won't stop the heavy exploiters, since they bot all their accounts to 100 and beyond anyway. It might raise a cry of "but new characters need these gifts the most!"

    Just to make it clear, I want free gifts just as much as the next Mapler. I'm just explaining why (in my opinion) Nexon America decided to hold back on this particular content.

    Am I the only person who has only made one account? ;>.>
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017
    Am I the only person who has only made one account? ;>.>

    I only have one. Well, I have two, but I never use the second (I'm not even sure why I still have it honestly)
  • ZephyrusSpringZephyrusSpring
    Reactions: 1,325
    Posts: 123
    edited October 2017
    I don't think multiple accounts is their reason for blocking this. Just about the only thing that would be tradable would be the spell traces and its clear they have no qualms with giving them out in large quantities all the time. As usual there'll be some kind of technical issue that's too much for them. It'll likely be the same reason we didn't get the updated cash shop.
  • PhantomMasterThiefPhantomMasterThief
    Reactions: 3,195
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    edited October 2017
    I don't think multiple accounts is their reason for blocking this. Just about the only thing that would be tradable would be the spell traces and its clear they have no qualms with giving them out in large quantities all the time. As usual there'll be some kind of technical issue that's too much for them. It'll likely be the same reason we didn't get the updated cash shop.

    or, another answer called: Greed.

    you sure sound like you don't know what your talking about, go visit the official discord, or watch the official livestreams, they have so much info.

    then you wouldn't be so negative about everything.

    as for the cash shop, gms revamped theirs before kms did, but then kms mopped the floor with gms's outdated cash shop, kms took longer to revamp but made it 100x bettter in my and pretty much everyone else's opinion, gms have stated they won't keep our current outdated cash shop interface, and revamp it to be excatly like it's kms counterpart (don't know when it will happen, i hope soon), so it's not a: "technical issue", they are just being lazy about it.

    *All of your info seems to be terribly outdated.

    do you even play MapleStory, or do you only rant about it ?

    Also FYI: all the good things that gms misses from kms, came to kms in the R.E.D Update. which was in 2013!

    so gms had plenty of time to revamp, or fix stuff, which just proves again, how lazy they truly are.

    and only care about grabbing our cash.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited October 2017
    I don't think multiple accounts is their reason for blocking this. Just about the only thing that would be tradable would be the spell traces and its clear they have no qualms with giving them out in large quantities all the time. As usual there'll be some kind of technical issue that's too much for them. It'll likely be the same reason we didn't get the updated cash shop.

    The gifts aren't tradeable, but they can be used on tradeable items.
    The people who take advantage of events on multiple accounts, don't equip their items until they're done passing them around between mules for scrolling or cubing.
    And of course there are those who scroll/cube items for sale, and of course they won't equip those.
  • PeepPeep
    Reactions: 3,950
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    edited October 2017
    EDIT: Just re-read and it's per ID.
  • AKradianAKradian
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    edited October 2017
    Peep wrote: »
    They could just make this account wide for our version.

    How does that prevent abuse by multiple accounts?
  • ZephyrusSpringZephyrusSpring
    Reactions: 1,325
    Posts: 123
    edited October 2017
    You feel better Phantom? Lol
    AKradian wrote: »
    The gifts aren't tradeable, but they can be used on tradeable items.
    The people who take advantage of events on multiple accounts, don't equip their items until they're done passing them around between mules for scrolling or cubing.
    And of course there are those who scroll/cube items for sale, and of course they won't equip those.

    Yep didn't think of that. That's just the way games with heavy equipment upgrading work unfortunately. Not much good 4 cubes per account per month is going to do them though. They might get 1 item to legendary per month. The horror.
  • PeepPeep
    Reactions: 3,950
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    edited October 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Peep wrote: »
    They could just make this account wide for our version.

    How does that prevent abuse by multiple accounts?

    It doesn't but look at the rewards given. So many games have daily checks like this one here and they give way way better rewards. There's barely anything to gain by abusing this daily check. I don't think it's OP at all.