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Let's Share our Embarrassing moments

Reactions: 7,250
Posts: 1,028
edited November 2017 in Off-Topic Discussion
Please me a story of the most embarrassing moment in your life (if you want.)


  • foussiremixfoussiremix
    Reactions: 2,335
    Posts: 365
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2017
    When I was in the cinema with friend and I ate nachos with salsa sauce and there was a man in the seat next to me and because it was dark I thought he was one of my friends.
    So like i talked to randomly to him and than it happened, i accidently got salsa sauce on my whole hand without noticing and put my hand on his leg because i wanted to say something but than the sauce was all over his pants.
    When the movie was over i turned my head to the right I actually saw my friend i wanted to talk to, well we got fast as we could out of the cinema.

    So embarrasing, i still can remember it.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,250
    Posts: 1,028
    edited November 2017
    When I was in the cinema with friend and I ate nachos with salsa sauce and there was a man in the seat next to me and because it was dark I thought he was one of my friends.
    So like i talked to randomly to him and than it happened, i accidently got salsa sauce on my whole hand without noticing and put my hand on his leg because i wanted to say something but than the sauce was all over his pants.
    When the movie was over i turned my head to the right I actually saw my friend i wanted to talk to, well we got fast as we could out of the cinema.

    So embarrasing, i still can remember it.

    You are girl, and you got salsa got a random dude's leg?
  • foussiremixfoussiremix
    Reactions: 2,335
    Posts: 365
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2017
    Daxterbeer wrote: »
    When I was in the cinema with friend and I ate nachos with salsa sauce and there was a man in the seat next to me and because it was dark I thought he was one of my friends.
    So like i talked to randomly to him and than it happened, i accidently got salsa sauce on my whole hand without noticing and put my hand on his leg because i wanted to say something but than the sauce was all over his pants.
    When the movie was over i turned my head to the right I actually saw my friend i wanted to talk to, well we got fast as we could out of the cinema.

    So embarrasing, i still can remember it.

    You are girl, and you got salsa got a random dude's leg?

    I am actually a guy
  • ArlongArlong
    Reactions: 4,645
    Posts: 424
    edited November 2017
    In high school I once put a not fully closed bottle of pepsi in my bag and it spilled over a library book and my essay. I think I was wearing jeans because it wasn't that noticeable but my pants were wet and I had to hand in a dark and wet assignment and pay 10 bucks for the library book. To this day I haven't had pepsi again.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,250
    Posts: 1,028
    edited November 2017
    Arlong wrote: »
    In high school I once put a not fully closed bottle of pepsi in my bag and it spilled over a library book and my essay. I think I was wearing jeans because it wasn't that noticeable but my pants were wet and I had to hand in a dark and wet assignment and pay 10 bucks for the library book. To this day I haven't had pepsi again.

    Do you drink Sprite instead?
  • ArlongArlong
    Reactions: 4,645
    Posts: 424
    edited November 2017
    Yea sprite is ok but I mostly prefer water or juice. I try to avoid junk food unless I'm moody.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,250
    Posts: 1,028
    edited November 2017
    Okay, Story Time with Daxxy. Brace yourselves.

    A few years ago, I was taking my SATs in another high school in Great Neck. During the break everyone was allowed a 10 minute bathroom break so I went to the restroom. Even in new locations, I was assuming I didn't need help getting directions. I saw a door that had a women's sign on it. It was the women's toilet. Next to it was another restroom that had no door. I took the door next to women's bathroom because common sense told me. Men's room are always next to the women's bathroom.

    I took one of the stalls very quickly, and I was about to take a leak when I saw someone's Uggs boot in the next stall. I also didn't hear any heavy breathing, but instead trickling sounds instead. I then realized two other weird things. There were no urinals and the walls were pink instead of being light green or light blue. I then realized I was in the GIRL's toilet. I mean, you would expect a Men's toilet near the Women's toilet, but no, it was the Girl's toilet for students.

    I was freaking out silently. There was a girl peeing next to me and if I let my voice out, I would be caught and possibly arrested. If I exited while someone is in, I would be in a heap of trouble. I faced the door while I was thinking. I was wearing Converse sneakers and my legs didn't have so much girth back then so I could blend in before dashing out as long I don't do something "manly." I chose a moment in run out of the stall while my neighbor was still doing her business. I went out through the doorway (there was no door the girl's toilet) and I was lucky no one was in the area. I then found the Boy's room near the Men's room on another floor. After I entered, I saw some urinals so I immediately confirmed I was in the correct bathroom this time. I then went back to the classroom when I was done.

    Do you think the bathroom layout is weird?

    What should I do if I were caught by a girl in the bathroom or outside the bathroom?

    What should I say if a staff member caught me exiting the wrong bathroom?

    I could had been in a lot of trouble that day. :/
  • DaisukeHarutoDaisukeHaruto
    Reactions: 1,935
    Posts: 243
    edited November 2017
    This one is one that is of no fault of my own.

    When I was in Junior High (grades 8 and 9), the boy's locker room for PE (Physical Education) was actually the weight room. There was two actual locker rooms but the boy's was exclusively used for the Football team. So we got changed in the weight room.
    This worked most of the time since we usually did aerobic exercises. Well a few of us were changing into our gym clothing for PE when the girl's coach took about ten of the girls into the weight room early so that all the girls get a chance to use the equipment without confirming that the boys were out. There was a scream from one of the girls, the girl's coach runs in and sees us in various states of dress and begins yelling at us. I was currently nude since I was wearing long underwear to combat the winter weather and had to change into briefs. We were all taken to the principal's office in our various states of dress. with me only wearing the briefs I had half way up my legs.
    Boy's coach then walked into the principal's office and told him that the girl's coach ignored the fact that the weight room was the boy's changing area and didn't bother checking first. We were still forced to take a Detention for indecent exposure to the girls to make the girl's coach happy, but Detention for that day was test out all the sports balls and sort them into piles of inflated, under inflated and flat, even checking pressure with the gauges which we all liked to do.
  • pandabunniespandabunnies
    Reactions: 1,955
    Posts: 344
    edited November 2017
    Daxterbeer wrote: »
    Okay, Story Time with Daxxy. Brace yourselves.

    A few years ago, I was taking my SATs in another high school in Great Neck. During the break everyone was allowed a 10 minute bathroom break so I went to the restroom. Even in new locations, I was assuming I didn't need help getting directions. I saw a door that had a women's sign on it. It was the women's toilet. Next to it was another restroom that had no door. I took the door next to women's bathroom because common sense told me. Men's room are always next to the women's bathroom.

    I took one of the stalls very quickly, and I was about to take a leak when I saw someone's Uggs boot in the next stall. I also didn't hear any heavy breathing, but instead trickling sounds instead. I then realized two other weird things. There were no urinals and the walls were pink instead of being light green or light blue. I then realized I was in the GIRL's toilet. I mean, you would expect a Men's toilet near the Women's toilet, but no, it was the Girl's toilet for students.

    I was freaking out silently. There was a girl peeing next to me and if I let my voice out, I would be caught and possibly arrested. If I exited while someone is in, I would be in a heap of trouble. I faced the door while I was thinking. I was wearing Converse sneakers and my legs didn't have so much girth back then so I could blend in before dashing out as long I don't do something "manly." I chose a moment in run out of the stall while my neighbor was still doing her business. I went out through the doorway (there was no door the girl's toilet) and I was lucky no one was in the area. I then found the Boy's room near the Men's room on another floor. After I entered, I saw some urinals so I immediately confirmed I was in the correct bathroom this time. I then went back to the classroom when I was done.

    Do you think the bathroom layout is weird?

    What should I do if I were caught by a girl in the bathroom or outside the bathroom?

    What should I say if a staff member caught me exiting the wrong bathroom?

    I could had been in a lot of trouble that day. :/

    Why would someone design a bathroom like that?
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,250
    Posts: 1,028
    edited November 2017
    Daxterbeer wrote: »
    Okay, Story Time with Daxxy. Brace yourselves.

    A few years ago, I was taking my SATs in another high school in Great Neck. During the break everyone was allowed a 10 minute bathroom break so I went to the restroom. Even in new locations, I was assuming I didn't need help getting directions. I saw a door that had a women's sign on it. It was the women's toilet. Next to it was another restroom that had no door. I took the door next to women's bathroom because common sense told me. Men's room are always next to the women's bathroom.

    I took one of the stalls very quickly, and I was about to take a leak when I saw someone's Uggs boot in the next stall. I also didn't hear any heavy breathing, but instead trickling sounds instead. I then realized two other weird things. There were no urinals and the walls were pink instead of being light green or light blue. I then realized I was in the GIRL's toilet. I mean, you would expect a Men's toilet near the Women's toilet, but no, it was the Girl's toilet for students.

    I was freaking out silently. There was a girl peeing next to me and if I let my voice out, I would be caught and possibly arrested. If I exited while someone is in, I would be in a heap of trouble. I faced the door while I was thinking. I was wearing Converse sneakers and my legs didn't have so much girth back then so I could blend in before dashing out as long I don't do something "manly." I chose a moment in run out of the stall while my neighbor was still doing her business. I went out through the doorway (there was no door the girl's toilet) and I was lucky no one was in the area. I then found the Boy's room near the Men's room on another floor. After I entered, I saw some urinals so I immediately confirmed I was in the correct bathroom this time. I then went back to the classroom when I was done.

    Do you think the bathroom layout is weird?

    What should I do if I were caught by a girl in the bathroom or outside the bathroom?

    What should I say if a staff member caught me exiting the wrong bathroom?

    I could had been in a lot of trouble that day. :/

    Why would someone design a bathroom like that?

    How many freshmen got tricked by the toilet trap?
  • JacaruJacaru
    Reactions: 1,265
    Posts: 63
    edited November 2017
    Recent embarrasment I recall was this week. I usually do not get that feeling, so it's not common for me. This also may sound stupid to you.
    I was angrily (you know people sometimes get nervous in traffic, or traffic is nervous, idk) riding my bike to a place where the city gives money for those who need it, it was snowing and despite my bike having winter tires I pulled an epic drift and fell on my stomach, hitting my right knee in the process. Some nearby people gathered around and made sure how much of okay I was. It made me angry, frustrated and embarassed because I was on the ground and they were standing. Eventually an ambulance came in, by then only 1 guy remained for the help and then I got to ride a wheelchair to the doctor's because they didn't want to risk hurting my knee any futher. Sad thing is I walked to the place I was bicycling to, without a stick whatsoever, crippled. Not bad enough to need a stick, but not good enough to walk normally. It's still recovering. There will be a bill from the doctor, and that will cost me extra wich is bad because I probably can't even afford to pay any of my bills without help let alone buy food. Mom probably can't spare me anything so I can look forward to extremely poor christmas. I kind of hate myself for being so stupid, and using money without doing the math. Then again, without any debts that came from earlier this year I would be in a better situation now. Also the worker that called me sounded like "yo ain't getting any money"... I should seriously consider taking this useless organization entirely apart. I want to ... do some seriously bad things. But I should calm down and try the brain method.

    This came out rather negative, and I've become bitter like this because life has been kicking me in stomach for a few years now. I can argue it is my fault, but the way I've been treated by some people has been really disrespective. I hate that. And I've been in bed, crying by myself. I'm getting tired of it, and I want to show those pukebrains they messed with the wrong person. When they see me at the top, they can come crawling, crying to me. And I can just kick them, and they will fall. There are many ways to have revenge, and there are ways to have not. I will remain on standby about it until I make up my mind... but those people have probably died of old age by then.
  • Lucsean99Lucsean99
    Reactions: 1,565
    Posts: 195
    edited November 2017
    This one is one that is of no fault of my own.

    When I was in Junior High (grades 8 and 9), the boy's locker room for PE (Physical Education) was actually the weight room. There was two actual locker rooms but the boy's was exclusively used for the Football team. So we got changed in the weight room.
    This worked most of the time since we usually did aerobic exercises. Well a few of us were changing into our gym clothing for PE when the girl's coach took about ten of the girls into the weight room early so that all the girls get a chance to use the equipment without confirming that the boys were out. There was a scream from one of the girls, the girl's coach runs in and sees us in various states of dress and begins yelling at us. I was currently nude since I was wearing long underwear to combat the winter weather and had to change into briefs. We were all taken to the principal's office in our various states of dress. with me only wearing the briefs I had half way up my legs.
    Boy's coach then walked into the principal's office and told him that the girl's coach ignored the fact that the weight room was the boy's changing area and didn't bother checking first. We were still forced to take a Detention for indecent exposure to the girls to make the girl's coach happy, but Detention for that day was test out all the sports balls and sort them into piles of inflated, under inflated and flat, even checking pressure with the gauges which we all liked to do.

    Heck what school board allowed you to walk semi-nude towards the principals office? Not to mention the bystander students seeing you.