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reset 1 hour earlier or changed reset time?
I assume it's because of daylight savings time but the game reset 1 hour before it used to.
It's daylight savings. UTC doesn't have daylight savings.
evrything moved back -1h for us in luna
8-10-11-12 its the times now
was this announced?
I havent been playing much so I just found out today
If you mean was it announced that the game follows UTC, yes, that was announced back when they first implemented it. If you mean did they announce that UTC doesn't observe daylight saving, no, since it's not Nexon's job to tell you that. >.>
No, I know about UTC, I meant was it announced that it'd be one hour before recently, it is their job to say if there's a change to reset time, no one is asking them to say if UTC observes day light savings, dont think I would have to explain this much details.
our Europe time turned -1 and we are not EMS anymore so we are like leftout a bit and they dont follow our changes and things
we are GMS now ;(
If you're saying that it's their job to say when they change something, then they're doing their job, cause they didn't change anything. You're the one who changed your clock. Didn't think you were so self-centered that you think you're not the one making the mistake. >.>
whatever, not going to get into this bickering
It's really not that much of importance since i dont really play anymore, I had just noticed it.
however since UTC doent observe Daylight savings, in the winter, midnight UTC is 1 hour earlier for every timezone and in the summer it's 1 hour later in every timezone (because for all the other timezones, we turn clocks back an hour in the winter, and turn them forward an hour in the summer due to daylight savings)
that's why everyone keeps mentioning the fact that it's in UTC.
I understood when Neo said it. Everyone that followed just added more to something that was already answered.
Strictly speaking, there wasn't any change to the reset time; unlike when the game ran in Pacific time, the game's server time is constant, and we no longer require a 4+ hour maintenance to switch the clocks. When you combine this with the fact that different parts of the globe actually observe Daylight Savings time at different times of the year, not having to switch is a very good thing. They could make an announcement, but the announcement would only be true for players in North America, whereas the time may have not appeared to change at all from the perspective of Australia. At least, that'd be true in Melbourne or Sydney; Queensland, Western Australia, and the Northern Territory do not observe DST. And for those players in Israel, the server time changed on October 29th, whereas America's reset time didn't change until November 5th. It just gets more complicated from there.
In short reset time is and will remain 12:00 AM UTC, the only difference is you're now waking up slightly later.
Basically, I was looking for confirmation since I had already guessed it was due to day light savings, but thanks.
Get off your high horse. You acted like Nexon's not doing there job when everyone's saying that Nexon changed nothing.
The only thing I'm "bickering" about is how you expect the Maplestory game / Nexon Company to make a whole announcement because you changed your clock one hour and then act like you're the one being smart.
ok, nothing you say makes any impact, this thread was answered already, I even posted in the initial comment that It was due to daylight savings. I just needed confirmation, no idea why youre making this a spectacle.
Like I said a couple times, I havent been on since september, and I noticed the reset was an hour early. All this youre doing, trying to lecture me, exactly what are you trying to prove or get out of it?