On the live stream, @SavageAce said this:
"The reason we switched our service to UTC was to standardize the time zones between our European and North American servers, and make it easier for us to plan out event times and such. Now, we do realize it did cause previous events, previous reset times, to be a little bit inconvenient, so we are looking into that. Future events like 2x, spell trace fever, we've already adjusted the times a little bit, to account for UTC and the different players playing all around the world. But we do want to make it convenient for, not just people in North America, or Europe, specifically, but all of our players all around the world."
This is from January 4, 2017
It's been 11 months.
Kritias Invasions and Flag Races still don't run at convenient times for Americans.
Orchid's phone calling must still be done for 30 days in a row at a time of day that maintenances often overlap, in addition to being in the middle of the school or work day for Americans.
The upcoming Bingo event is still going to run only 14 consecutive hours a day, so people in some parts of the world will have far less availability than others.
And these are really easy changes. How much "thorough discussion and plan" is necessary before you can reschedule some content? More than 11 months' worth, apparently.
So how long do you think it will take to figure out a solution for Reboot's meso shortage?
Longer than that, obviously.
Also longer than it's taking to figure out a way to replace our lost Star Planet Reward Points. Star Planet was removed in October 2016. And no, 2k RP a month in Hot Weeks and Attendances do not make up for up to 1.5k a
day before. They don't even make up for the lost Reward Points from the Monster Collection reward reductions - reductions that were not communicated beforehand nor commented on after the fact, of course.
So, yeah. Sorry, @Arwoo, and sorry, VFMs, but when we doubt SavageAce's memo, we have long and painful experience to justify our skepticism. Our experience clearly indicates that Nexon is very good at instantly breaking stuff, and takes way too long to undo the damage - if it ever does so at all.
and 14 others.
I'm really, really, REALLY, sick of Arwoo's "don't worry guys, we're hearing you!".
Same for reboot. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
You've annihilated all meso income BEFORE implementing another way of farming. Quality management.
And I'm still not getting over the fact that is legal to own two PCs and bish/kish yourself BUT it's not legal to do it on one PC. You legit force me to buy a secondary PC just to efficiently train.
For the love of God. I hope players won't forget nor forgive this.
In the past year, Nexon has done NOTHING to help the player base.
Shame on you.
I wish I can necro that old thread and voice my opinions on it because I agree, PST needs to come back!
( But I won't since it's against the rules and I don't wanna break rules.
I know my timezone (EST) is three hours ahead of PST, but when I look at UTC.. what on Earth is that..?!
Not to mention there is a reset in MIDDLE OF THE DAY!
I don't mean to be a jerk to Europeans, they went through a lot in the merge.
Especially since whenever I hear about them, they described EMS as practically the Garden of Eden.
No hackers, great GMs, no bugs.. until they merged with our sad excuse of a version. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Not to mention I love learning about all the different countries in Europe.
Much more interesting than America in my opinion. So much history and culture..
Oh sorry, went off topic a bit.
If they're not going to take action, I'd rather be told that as opposed to being led on by some fragile false hope.
Most provably if they make kritias invasions suitable for americans tine zone they are making them impossible for the rest of the world to attend sadly, this is GLOBAL maplestory, not america maplestory
It's not rocket science.
They've done it for 2x and Spell Trace Fever, they can do it for Kritias and Flag Race: have them spread around the clock so that everybody can catch some, no matter what timezone they're in.
not rly. it will make to many runs for flag and kirtias so people that no life can beat other
if eu can get own server time and gms their old time will be fine
else we wont ever find perfect mid for all of us , allways will be to late or to early for some
Same with 2x. People who no-life can do all 9 hours. So?
Is it better to have some areas of the world at a permanent disadvantage?
Yes, if the servers could have separate clocks it would be ideals, but apparently that's not technically possible, which is why they decided on a "neutral" timezone to begin with.
i know it someone will come with 2x thing, you right
but thats why we got it rare now unlike before evryweekend for a month or so
but well if we cant get separated clocks then we all have to giveup hour or so early or late to make "neutral" and idal for all
What about monitoring Hard Lucid? 25 Star Enhancements and Flames? We haven't forgotten the claims that the content would be impossible for GMS without the addition of 25 Stars and Flames. Sure, it has been cleared already by a number of Maplers after Arcana and the increase to AF, but is it where we want it to be? Should hard Lucid only be cleared by the less than 1% population?
What about monitoring world population? Ever since the World Leap event, there were many concerns of low population worlds due to many Maplers moving to Bera. Is anything being done to address those who weren't able to leap due to bugs or issues in addition to the wider issue?
What about monitoring Kanna and other class balance? Ever since the changes to Haku's Blessing and even to Kishin, the class was reported by the community to be weak. Are there plans to address Kishin or make improvements to Kanna's current state?
What about monitoring the drop rate changes? Is anything being done to address the reports of low rates on acquiring symbols and droplets? What about Nebulites? Are there plans to make these more accessible? Not through events, but through pure in-game content.
What about the boss changes and KMS maps no longer being effective? What are these long term changes and will you truly make such changes to improve the meso income in Reboot?
Despite the justifiable skepticism, it's not a lie when we say that these issues aren't being forgotten.
Although this very message is the source of community frustrations, we're going to keep up our persistence to communicate these issues to you and the game teams.
I did not list the examples you did, because they are fairly recent and you (or the VFMs) would have countered with "be patient, we are monitoring/considering/discussing, these are complex issues."
I intentionally started with a promise from long ago and of a very simple issue. If Nexon can't deliver even on something that trivial, what hope do the complex issues have?
Any update on any of these issues, because I think the longer you guys don't want to say anything the worse it will be! ;O
We kinda need more runs for kritias anyway
No. They have Luna that can be in their time, they shouldn't force us to convert to UTC.
or Nexon Korea as the Intellectual Property Owner should step in and mitigate, delegate and shake things up
Arwoo, first I just want to say... I hate how much of this backlash is being directed towards you, because I understand the position you're in amidst this current situation. So for that, I'm sorry - please hang in there.
Second, it DOES seem like you understand the game and several of the key problems with it. But like a lot of us have been saying, actions do speak louder than words. If you have the power to do so, please at least forward the fixes of some minor issues (ones that wouldn't take months to deliberate and implement, such as fixing Party Quests such as Crimsonwood Keep, etc.) to the development and decision making teams, just as a show of good faith towards the player base. It would curb the animosity that the players feel towards Nexon America at the moment, which would lead to more constructive criticism rather than venom and insults... do you think that would be possible?