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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Closed MapleStory 2 release date please?
Anyways, any updates yet on NAMS2?!?!?!?!? (NA means North America.)
BTW, https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/7bidwt/lets_make_maplestory_great_again/. Thats right! He's going to Nexon America's HQ! Rant as much as possible to him (via his youtube video and this reddit link) to get him to be our insider! You heard me! HE'S OUR INSIDE MAN NOW! This could be our only chance to finally get leaked info on when MS2 will finally be released in the West!
Also, why are we the "west"? Because California, USA, is east. Seoul, Asia, is in the west.
he's not really an "Inside man", he's not working at nexon, he's just going to be asking questions to Nexon, which means they could easily give the same responses they have in the past to any of the questions. "When will MS 2 happen?" could easily get a "we're working on it" or "we plan to have it sometime in the near future", since it's a Q&A for maplestory they might have some answers for maplestory related content but I doubt they will have any MS2 info to share.
also take a good look at the world map for why America is called the west
As for why we are the west, well.. here;
I can't believe I overlooked that bit of detail for all this time! I see that map alot of times. The reason I deem SoCal East and Seoul SKR West is because if I were to fly from Nexon NA HQ to Nexon KR HQ, the closest route is to go to reach Seoul SKR is fly west.
So far, I only heard it was out in Korea and China. No word on if Japan has it yet (or anywhere else)?
Ohhhhh..... NO! I'm not giving up on hope that easily! I'm gonna find all the four-leaf clovers, rabbits' feet, and horseshoes that I can get my hands on! So many in fact that I could put them into a swimming pool and drown in them!
Heck yeah, I won't stop dreaming of playing MS2 with my friends. I'll definitely buy NX for the game.
Then if u want to play it rn then just go get a kms account <_< it can access kms2. Also you Alot of the stuff in kms2 will be nerfed in When its out for gms so alot of the good stuff will be just like reg gms. all p2w
You obviously do not know anything about MS2. yes the community isn't as big as it was but that was bc the content updates were extremely slow which then made the playerbase die down. Also there have been multiple things already foreshadowing an English version coming over "soon". Job applications and multiple English files already. The fact that China had received the game already and I believe other regions are getting there's as well. The game will indeed come out to NA it's just a matter of when. I highly doubt it will be that much longer anyway seeing as there have been plenty of hints at MS2 already. I say a late 2018 at the most. Remember how long MS1 came over after it was released in Korea. About 2 years or so. MS2 has been released in 2013 so it hasn't been that much longer as of yet. NA will be stupid not to bring in MS2 as it will be indeed a very "hot" game for this region which will bring in more money for them.
I bet my Japanese Drowzee Pokémon card we will get MS2.
I don't care for them though, I want the Korean VA.
Care to explain how you can tell the future of a new game? Again just because you choose not to like the 3D style of MS2 does not necessarily mean that everyone will hate the style as well. MS2 will definitly not be a flop when it comes to NA. Will it be more popular than MS1? Maybe not but that can not be told yet until the game comes out. Even if MS2 isn't as popular as MS1 does not mean it will be short lived. Nor does it mean it will shut down right away or be a flop of a game. it's still doing decent in Korea not as great as once it came out but still pretty decent game to play. Point is MS2 will indeed be a popular game and there will be an audience large enough for that game that it will bring in enough money for Nexon to not shut down. The amount of popularity that MS2 will have is yet to be determined though and that will need to wait until it releases. Again stop trying to state your opinions as facts. No one can tell the future.
Agreed. Not to mention, if they advertise it right when it starts coming over, there will probably be quite a few people.
Perhaps offer free goodies to people who join up for GMS2 beta? Everyone can help out with reporting bugs, etc.
Though with Nexon NA and how they've been lately, there is no way this will happen.
Care to explain how you can tell the future of a new game?
Again stop trying to state your opinions as facts. No one can tell the future.
First of all mocking someone's comment because it upsets you is a bit childish imo. Especially for someone that who was a private tester in this game. Second of all it's logical that any MMO out there that's brand new will bring in some money for a company. Just by being brand new already attracts a good amount of a player base. For a game that is already widely popular a sequel will do even better. As I stated in my last post there is no way to tell how well MS2 will be or if it will be greater than MS1 until the game comes over. However, what can easily be known is that MS2 will definitely not be a flop or shut down anytime soon when it comes to NA. We already know that NA will also bring in MS2 seeing as they are already higher for employees for that game and multiple English files. It's just a matter of when it will come not will it will come. Anyways though unless you're going to be a bit more mature with your replies and not get all bent out of shape for someone not agreeing with your opinion please stop replying back to me. Thank you.
I wasn't even replying to you you little kid. Also you absolutely no nothing about mmos in general especially MS if you actually think GMS2 will shut down in 6 months or less when it comes out. The population may not be as great as MS1 is but the game definitely will have a decent size playerbase.