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Feedback: Maple Athenaeum Ep. 4 “Winter Bard”

Reactions: 3,315
Posts: 314
edited December 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
The latest addition brought to us by Nova features the tale of a forgotten hero playing a vital turning point in El Nath's history. For those who played through the dungeon already, I wanted to get a sense of how well everyone liked it.

Points of Discussion
  • Overall, what do you think of the new episode introduced this week?
  • Did you enjoy some of the new lore told in this story? Why?
  • What parts of the story you thought could have been expanded upon better and why?
  • What other stories or tales n MS would you like to be explored upon more elaborately in future updates?


  • clockworkmachinaclockworkmachina
    Reactions: 675
    Posts: 21
    edited December 2017
    I really enjoyed the new story, it had a good storyline, decent voice acting, and it made you feel for the character. as a bonus it didn't have any cancerous jump puzzles nor cancerous stealth puzzles either. I'll admit the bridge defense part I channeled my inner Gandalf and was all "you shall not pass"

    in my opinion i rate the storylines 1 winter bard, 2 empress in training, 3 the white mage , 4 the black witch

    also I can't wait till the 5th story zero's story comes out along with the ARK class release.
  • YinYangXYinYangX
    Reactions: 3,995
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    edited December 2017
    1. QQ these memories always take me on the Feels Train. Was interesting liked how it got tied to Ryude. Was a bit confused about the "Ark" and Tower of Oz relation. Some of the 200 quests were a bit iffy imo cause of bad map/low spawn.
    2. Yes, I just enjoy lore in general, especially things that link different parts of MS together.
    3. Hmm, maybe a bit more on Alicia?
    4. Well, we've had a story about the Transcendent of Light and one semi-related to the Transcendent of Life......so what does that leave us? The Transcendent of Time! Also maybe memories from Grandis/Tynerum?
  • YinYangXYinYangX
    Reactions: 3,995
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2017
    I really enjoyed the new story, it had a good storyline, decent voice acting, and it made you feel for the character. as a bonus it didn't have any cancerous jump puzzles nor cancerous stealth puzzles either. I'll admit the bridge defense part I channeled my inner Gandalf and was all "you shall not pass"

    in my opinion i rate the storylines 1 winter bard, 2 empress in training, 3 the white mage , 4 the black witch

    also I can't wait till the 5th story zero's story comes out along with the ARK class release.

    Oooh, didn't know that there's a Zero story (don't really pay attention to KMS/orangemushroom, though I check it occasionally)
    Love the Gandalf comment, totally did the same thing. xd
  • SherriSherri
    Reactions: 3,375
    Posts: 309
    edited December 2017
    No I'm not crying at all.
    N-Not at a-a-all..
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited December 2017
    It was definitely a great story, most of my guildmates think the same way.

    The only thing that I didn't exactly like was that the drop rate for some of the quests was super low for not much reason, same way with some of the spawn rates the monsters had.

    But I loved that we finally got some more lore on what was an otherwise information-less part of the story. If I had to rank the stories, I would rank Winter Bard first, White mage second, Empress in training third, and the Black Witch last.
  • scholar624scholar624
    Reactions: 3,315
    Posts: 314
    edited December 2017
    Thank you everyone for your comments. Still plenty of time to share your thoughts for those who haven’t done so already.
    The only thing that I didn't exactly like was that the drop rate for some of the quests was super low for not much reason, same way with some of the spawn rates the monsters had.

    Totally agree, the low rate was mentioned during last Friday’s Twitch livestream. Poor Arwoo had to pop a precious lucky winter buff because the firewood quest was taking too long.
  • RenniRenni
    Reactions: 3,085
    Posts: 64
    edited December 2017
    I honestly did the episode at first for just the chair reward, so I was planning on racing through it. However, the story was very engaging and memorable, and it was great to know more about Ryude. Personally, it's the best episode so far, and really surprised me. I even liked the cheesy relation of snow to love.
  • SherriSherri
    Reactions: 3,375
    Posts: 309
    edited December 2017
    It was definitely a great story, most of my guildmates think the same way.

    The only thing that I didn't exactly like was that the drop rate for some of the quests was super low for not much reason, same way with some of the spawn rates the monsters had.

    But I loved that we finally got some more lore on what was an otherwise information-less part of the story. If I had to rank the stories, I would rank Winter Bard first, White mage second, Empress in training third, and the Black Witch last.

    My list is the same.
    Renni wrote: »
    I honestly did the episode at first for just the chair reward, so I was planning on racing through it. However, the story was very engaging and memorable, and it was great to know more about Ryude. Personally, it's the best episode so far, and really surprised me. I even liked the cheesy relation of snow to love.
    . . .
    *starts sobbing again*
    waaahhh Ryude come baaaack