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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
so, i keep seeing these male kanna bots everywhere i go (recent sighting in fantasy theme park 1 in the malaysia location) and everytime i'd change the channel, i keep seeing these bots. i can tell they're bots bc of their gibberish names and not replying to me when i said a little "hello" to them.
Hell I might as well go bot at this point appears they take this long to ban people so why not!
Nexon is too busy trusting their ban bot to ban hackers and botters, even though they have banned very few bottters or hackers with it and have banned many legit players.
ikr Nexon logic right?
Ban legitimate players rather then banning people who abuse the game...
I mean really Imagine them banning every one who buys stuff from botter shops but they will ban you for being in a map where a botter is.
I've been counting the day's that I end up getting banned for being in a map with a botter I'm trying to report...
I mean really ?
imagine they reported you for harassment and then they punished you. that wouldve been the icing on the cake, ridiculous how they just hang around