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Your Earliest/Fondest Memory of MapleStory

Reactions: 740
Posts: 33
edited January 2018 in General Chat
For the heck of it, what's your earliest/fondest memory of MapleStory? Whether it's completing a certain quest, admiring a certain map, defeating a certain boss, or maybe acquiring a rare piece of loot? :)

For starts, mine was seeing Alishar (from Ludibrium tower PQ) for the first time, and calling it out as a 'Fat Seal'! Both in-game and in real-life, haha. :)


  • InvulgoInvulgo
    Reactions: 4,620
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    edited January 2018
    One of them was rolling stats.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
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    edited January 2018
    my earliest memory is on a blaze wizard, some guy was trying to hook up with me xD i deleted the character cuz he was stalking me everywhere. remade it later on with a new name.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited January 2018
    Getting to 120 upon release of 4th job on my night lord
  • GhostAinaGhostAina
    Reactions: 740
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    edited January 2018
    Here's another one for the table.
    I remember when I first started playing pre-Big Bang during one of their anniversaries, and I had no idea what class I wanted to become, but before I left Southperry, I broke open one of those wooden boxes and got a Maple Wagner (dagger), and that influenced my decision to make a Bandit lol.
  • foussiremixfoussiremix
    Reactions: 2,335
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    edited January 2018
    I remember when i got that free hairstyle ticket and used it and got that ugly hairstyle.
    After that i deleted my mage.

    Also i remember when i fought against these giant tomatoes in the towns.
  • GlirotusGlirotus
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    edited January 2018

    There are so many.

    One that still is in the back of my mind is going in blind (sort-of-speak) and make a mage. That wasn't the odd part, the odd part was, I wanted the mage to be strong so I upped my Str as his main stat and Int as my secondary. I waited and rolled the stat dice until Str and Int were stronger lol

    At that time the only game I played before Maple was Runescape and Kingdom of Loathing, but both of them I never had a mage in so I had no idea how to do one lol

  • ArlongArlong
    Reactions: 4,645
    Posts: 424
    edited January 2018
    Probably the first cake and pie event. I think was max level on my nw which was my main at the time and when 120 was max. I hadn't yet made the decision to change mains so I had a lot of time to collect pie pieces. I still have the lotus leaf chair and the musical note chair from that event.

    I also liked when grandis was first released and I know most people find it a grind but I liked exploring the new area. It was so beautiful and the bgm was amazing.

    Not anything specific but I just fondly remember all the times I just had fun in my own weird way with buddies. I still do it now but it peaked in 2015/2016 and hasn't really been the same.
  • GhostAinaGhostAina
    Reactions: 740
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    edited January 2018
    Arlong wrote: »
    Probably the first cake and pie event. I think was max level on my nw which was my main at the time and when 120 was max. I hadn't yet made the decision to change mains so I had a lot of time to collect pie pieces. I still have the lotus leaf chair and the musical note chair from that event.

    I also liked when grandis was first released and I know most people find it a grind but I liked exploring the new area. It was so beautiful and the bgm was amazing.

    Not anything specific but I just fondly remember all the times I just had fun in my own weird way with buddies. I still do it now but it peaked in 2015/2016 and hasn't really been the same.

    I remember the first few cake/pie events! Getting those restorative cakes in my inventory was a such a joy, they looked good and restored a good amount in your earlier levels. Then resorting to King Slime and Lord Balrog just to get those cakes was the only way. I think Nexon even cut out cake drops from Lord Balrog recently, unless I have been super unlucky not getting them.
  • PizzaaPizzaa
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    edited January 2018
    I would probably say that one of my earliest memory was to complete the old Maple island quests back in 2005 when you were too weak to kill orange mushrooms because you chose to become a mage :)
  • GhostAinaGhostAina
    Reactions: 740
    Posts: 33
    edited January 2018
    I would probably say that one of my earliest memory was to complete the old Maple island quests back in 2005 when you were too weak to kill orange mushrooms because you chose to become a mage :)

    It was always those Orange Mushrooms and Horny Mushrooms that gave me the most trouble as a beginner, back then. :(
  • Traveler5577Traveler5577
    Reactions: 1,995
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    edited January 2018
    exploring the old classic hard Sleepywood, u cannot enter or go through without a healer. and hunting down Zombie Mushrooms. that place held alot of good memories for me, even the forest area, and Perion.
  • GhostAinaGhostAina
    Reactions: 740
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    edited January 2018
    Old Sleepywood, those Evil Eyes were the bane of my existence back then! But it sure was a popular place to grind, then later creepy when you had to get Evil Eye eyes, and cursed (or undead?) charms from Zombie Mushrooms to make the Pig Mask in order to find Astaroth. *shudder*
  • YoshumariYoshumari
    Reactions: 2,175
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    edited January 2018
    two come to mind

    The first was when i first started playing. A friend of mine introduced me to it JUST after 4th job had become a thing, a lvl 50 warrior meant everyone wanted to be your friend for the Oh so sweet Rage, and before rolling the stats. I remember when I made me very first character that i wanted to make a Warrior/mage. so from levels 1-38 i split all my stats between Str, Dex, and Int. My character was SOOOOOO messed up that I couldn't even make the first job advancement until like lvl 13 because the requirement to become a warrior at the time I think was to have like a 30 minimum strength.

    The second was after I made what is now my main on Broa when it was still Shezokna, now Yoshumari. It was when Pig Beach was still i thing. I think I had just hit level 52 at the time and I was just hanging out there, giving up that sweet sweet rage when, *GASP* and Iron Pig appeared!. Everyone ran for cover because they were all like lvl 28-32's and NO ONE could touch it. But BEHOLD! The brave warrior stepped forth and vanquished the foul beast! I got like 15 fame and like 2k meso out of it just for that. It was awesome. LOL

  • DaenerýsDaenerýs
    Reactions: 300
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    edited January 2018
    I think the best was stalking people in kerning PQ so you and your party would get in when they get out
  • SlayerJSlayerJ
    Reactions: 1,090
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    edited January 2018
    When I visited Orbis for the first time, I didn't know how to use the teleport platforms to get back up to the Orbis boat, to get back to Victoria Island. I was stuck for maybe half an hour before I decided the only way to get up was to make my character suicide nonstop until he respawned at the top platform near the boat. I also realized changing channels also did this, so I murdered myself a dozen times for nothing. D:

    Guild party quest was always fun too.
  • ThessarThessar
    Reactions: 510
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    edited January 2018
    Killing slimes @ Amoria just for Claudia's free random haircut.
  • nr666nr666
    Reactions: 475
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    edited January 2018
    Grinding in slime tree.
  • WetAndColdWetAndCold
    Reactions: 865
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    edited January 2018
    Getting to 70 on wind raiders and doing my first 3rd job advancement and having to use Dark Crystal for the questions.
  • MewBlueberryMewBlueberry
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    edited January 2018
    Being so broke that I walked around Victoria Island instead of taking the cab. By habit, I still don't take the cabs because I keep forgetting they don't cost money anymore, haha
  • GhostAinaGhostAina
    Reactions: 740
    Posts: 33
    edited January 2018
    Being so broke that I walked around Victoria Island instead of taking the cab. By habit, I still don't take the cabs because I keep forgetting they don't cost money anymore, haha

    I remember being so broke before big-bang, that I had no money for potions, so when I needed healing, I just sat in a chair and let enough time pass. :P