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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Your Earliest/Fondest Memory of MapleStory
For the heck of it, what's your earliest/fondest memory of MapleStory? Whether it's completing a certain quest, admiring a certain map, defeating a certain boss, or maybe acquiring a rare piece of loot?
For starts, mine was seeing Alishar (from Ludibrium tower PQ) for the first time, and calling it out as a
'Fat Seal'! Both in-game and in real-life, haha.
I remember when I first started playing pre-Big Bang during one of their anniversaries, and I had no idea what class I wanted to become, but before I left Southperry, I broke open one of those wooden boxes and got a Maple Wagner (dagger), and that influenced my decision to make a Bandit lol.
After that i deleted my mage.
Also i remember when i fought against these giant tomatoes in the towns.
There are so many.
One that still is in the back of my mind is going in blind (sort-of-speak) and make a mage. That wasn't the odd part, the odd part was, I wanted the mage to be strong so I upped my Str as his main stat and Int as my secondary. I waited and rolled the stat dice until Str and Int were stronger lol
At that time the only game I played before Maple was Runescape and Kingdom of Loathing, but both of them I never had a mage in so I had no idea how to do one lol
I also liked when grandis was first released and I know most people find it a grind but I liked exploring the new area. It was so beautiful and the bgm was amazing.
Not anything specific but I just fondly remember all the times I just had fun in my own weird way with buddies. I still do it now but it peaked in 2015/2016 and hasn't really been the same.
I remember the first few cake/pie events! Getting those restorative cakes in my inventory was a such a joy, they looked good and restored a good amount in your earlier levels. Then resorting to King Slime and Lord Balrog just to get those cakes was the only way. I think Nexon even cut out cake drops from Lord Balrog recently, unless I have been super unlucky not getting them.
It was always those Orange Mushrooms and Horny Mushrooms that gave me the most trouble as a beginner, back then.
The first was when i first started playing. A friend of mine introduced me to it JUST after 4th job had become a thing, a lvl 50 warrior meant everyone wanted to be your friend for the Oh so sweet Rage, and before rolling the stats. I remember when I made me very first character that i wanted to make a Warrior/mage. so from levels 1-38 i split all my stats between Str, Dex, and Int. My character was SOOOOOO messed up that I couldn't even make the first job advancement until like lvl 13 because the requirement to become a warrior at the time I think was to have like a 30 minimum strength.
The second was after I made what is now my main on Broa when it was still Shezokna, now Yoshumari. It was when Pig Beach was still i thing. I think I had just hit level 52 at the time and I was just hanging out there, giving up that sweet sweet rage when, *GASP* and Iron Pig appeared!. Everyone ran for cover because they were all like lvl 28-32's and NO ONE could touch it. But BEHOLD! The brave warrior stepped forth and vanquished the foul beast! I got like 15 fame and like 2k meso out of it just for that. It was awesome. LOL
Guild party quest was always fun too.
I remember being so broke before big-bang, that I had no money for potions, so when I needed healing, I just sat in a chair and let enough time pass. :P