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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Only around a week ago Scania had at least one channel "full" but now there's more people in Windia and channels are so barren...
What happened?
even Bera population are 70% bots from what you see in world selection window.
You really don't know what is going on do you? That's what happens when players are fetting banned for no reason, hacked, and victimized only to be given copy pasted responses from customer support.
Also, nexon Calling us hackers when we wernt the ones is doing it is slander and calling for a potential lawsuit. They don't stand with us, they don't care. It's all money.
People are back in school and the current "filler" patch has nothing in it to keep them playing. "Dailies" at most.