Hello folks.
I've just noticed something that most of you probably noticed as well.
When I was about to enter Bera, I've seen that it's really active and lively, ch 1 is totally full and ch 2 is almost full.
But what bother me is that everytime I see that, and then I enter the game, the game itself is very DEAD! I mean it aint 100% dead, I do see a few people around sometimes, like maybe 3-4 (they're all afk of course, lol) but that aint including the 3-4 botters who spam 24/7 xD so I guess I'd say it's 99% dead?
Nevertheless, everywhere I go, whether it's Henesys, Leafre, Chu Chu, or even the FM, every single place is completely DEAD! and YET, it shows that Bera is VERY active!
So how is that even make sense? like WHAT in the world is going on? does people decided to play seek and hide? it clearly shows that Bera is SUPER active.....
I literally went to TON of places and it's like the entire game is dead, but then again, why it show that Bera is SUPER active and lively when in reality... it's NOT even close!!!!!
Recently, I talked about it with MANY people and we all reached the same conclusion.....
When you click on Bera and it show you the population and how active/or not it is, it'll show you that is active because it is BUT..... it's active and FULL because of the AMOUNT OF BOTTERS/HACKERS which are hiding in many training places (including popular places as well, they know nothing can stop them anyway) and MOST of them have the "Auto CC" hack, so basically, nobody can see them (MOST of them, not ALL of them) so that's why Bera seems to be very "Active" because it is active but active thanks to ALL those botters/hackers which are hacking literally 24/7 (that's why Bera is almost always active, thanks to hackers which can stay with their computers hacking 24/7)
So yeah, that's the only satisfactory answer! just think about it! this is literally the ONLY satisfactory answer!
also wanted to say a botter stole my map, was training and minding my own business then he came outta nowhere and brought all the monsters to him
I'd say about 60%, no, even 70% to be honest, 3rd thought, 75%-80%.
No, it's not 50-60% of the population are botters, it's at least 70% I'd say, even 75% maybe, and yes Nexon will never get rid of them, zehahahahahaha
no doubt zehahahaha!!
We wish it was 60%, but in reality, there's a lot more, I'm training a lot and trust me, there's a LOT more than just 60%.
Huh? who the hell voted "You're Wrong, Nexon banned most of the hackers, the game is fine"
Dude, for real? and the game is NOT fine at all.....
Huh? who the hell voted "You're Wrong, Nexon banned most of the hackers, the game is fine"
Dude, for real? and the game is NOT fine at all.....
Huh? who the hell voted "You're Wrong, Nexon banned most of the hackers, the game is fine"
Dude, for real? and the game is NOT fine at all.....
However I will say Bera after the world transfer got a major boost in population (noticeably) You might be on during times of school which is far less active than say after reset when people come on to do dailies/train and such.
I'm disagree with you.
Alantin has a point, I also barely see people around (I'm in Bera as well) and yet, it shows the game is actually active, and that makes no sense.
Now if we don't see people around, and yet the game is "active", how is that make sense? it means that, at least (probably more for sure) 50% are botters.
We don't really pulling numbers out of nowhere, we looked at the reality, unlike you. I ain't being blind.
And this reality is the biggest proof ever, because you can not deny the reality.
Yes, after the world transfer, Bera did get a major boost in population, but that's including all the botters who decided to come to Bera in order to bot 24/7 (farm mesos) and sell it, and again, while everyone are busy in real life, college, work, etc, they can not log on for too long and yet, the only ones who can stay 24/7 online are the botters
This is a very simple logic, if you do not understand/agree this then you have a problem sir (probably ego/pride, or in other words the "I am always right" problem, which is the same thing basically, or could be another problem).
Also, I'm from Canada, and I'm online quite a lot, especially at the time when everyone are online, including holidays of course.
Speaking of college, I'm busy in real life right now, so please do not quote me at all, I will not see your message anyway.
Have a lovely day sir
You're right, it's not 70%, it's 80%!
Jokes aside
The whole world (Bera) is so dead and yet it says Bera is almost as active as reboot.... so yeah, it's definitely 70-80%.
No worries if you do not see this post, but really no need to bash me of being blind, or having an ego problem, both of which I can determine to be false, so rather than stating your point and washing your hands and being done with is very immature from my eyes. (more so of flame bait and trying for aggravation)
I never stated that there was NOT a problem of botters, (nor am I denying reality) I agree there are botters, tons, way more than it should be. There has ALWAYS been an issue with botters affecting the game, look at the game economy, a state which has been caused by botters. (Again I am not denying reality as you say, nor blind)
However that doesn't justify a numerical percentage which was being spewed out (60/70/80..) you nor I or anyone else other than potentially Nexon can have data to even confirm that. (which was my sole point in which you have seem to taken quite personal for a reason I cant understand
regardless if you do happen to see this, and want to respond, I kindly welcome you do so.
I don't get it though, why Nexon won't take action and take those hackers down? or at least most of them, or maybe just half of them.
Lol ignore this little dipshat. This guy is so egotistic that he actually felt the need to message me and ask "why are you bashing nexon"?
The fact that so many people on the forum complaining about how frequently they're seeing hackers every time they play this game kinda gives you a good sense of ballpark percentage of hackers in this game. But nooooooooo unless you know for certainty and have actual data, it's all just a bs and no one can bash nexon.
They just told you why. 60-70% of player base are hacker/botters. Why on earth would Nexon want 60-70% of their player base to disappear? So those 30% lowly legit players can enjoy the game? Are you crazy or something?
haha, You seem to have misunderstood (ironic how you call me egotistical when its quite the opposite, but I digress..) I just think that you have nothing to contribute to the community by doing nothing other than bashing Nexon. If you are so adamant on change why not show it in a meaningful way? Instead of pretending to care and spout childish remarks which honestly, like i said to you, are part of the problem of the toxicity in this community. And don't spout the nonsense that "they never listen"
I'll tell you why, its because reading posts that have zero intelligence to contribute gets overlooked every time.
never once did I say Nexon is a perfect company, I have many gripes with them myself, but I can make my views heard properly, and in a civilized manner, not by spamming and swearing on the forums. Which seems to be all you can do by seeing a majority of your posts.
And yeah if you have the solid numbers and facts, please by all means prove me wrong, other than that, yeah those numbers are just an assumption
Lol. Sanjay sounds like Nexon's lawyer xD
I tried to Vote for the 2nd option.
I would say yes, except he's too dumb to be any kind of lawyer. I seriously doubt he can even get into Devry law school.
Here I will add you and others to this dumb little conversation that Sajay started with me. See for yourself. It's pretty hilarious and cringy at the same time. It's great.
does it even matter to any of you