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Server merge>Server change

Reactions: 1,560
Posts: 70
edited December 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
There is clearly not enough players to evenly distribute among all the servers gms has, even with the merges we already have. before and after the last 2 world change events, we saw Scania, then Windia, and now Bera have the bulk of non-reboot players. While changing populations should be expected considering people are switching worlds, the disproportionately low amount of people left in these servers after a new one takes the bulk is too low to not have another world merge.

The event a couple years ago pretty much killed the Broa-khaini populations, and hurt Bera pretty bad. After the most recent one, Windia was gutted too, along with a relatively significant amount of Scanians for Bera to take the highest population. We now have Broa Khaini and Windia as near ghost towns (3 of the og servers) and Scania relatively dead (even right now, Bera is packed and Reboot is full each channel, yet Scania doesn't have a full channel 1. That is crazy). It is so obvious how useless these server changes are at the moment. The masses moving from one server to the next. I suppose the only luxury we have from these events at the moment is choosing whether you prefer a highly populated server or a dead one. This is way too polarized. It needs to be moderated so if you choose not to be in the most popular server, your alternative isn't ghost towns. I hope a world merge comes soon, forget this constant world change idea.


  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited December 2017
    This has been an ongoing debate and there’s a split vote. Three main reasons against it:
    1. Servers are already unstable (especially during 2x and miracle times)
    2. Crowdedness and lack of maps to accommodate
    3. One may argue the economy but even separately in less populated worlds, economy is trashed. It’d be worse in one world server. All in all, there’s no immediate need to merge worlds into one.

    Why exactly do you need to play in a full world? If there’s already bera and reboot
  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited December 2017
    This has been an ongoing debate and there’s a split vote. Three main reasons against it:
    1. Servers are already unstable (especially during 2x and miracle times)
    2. Crowdedness and lack of maps to accommodate
    3. One may argue the economy but even separately in less populated worlds, economy is trashed. It’d be worse in one world server. All in all, there’s no immediate need to merge worlds into one.

    Why exactly do you need to play in a full world? If there’s already bera and reboot

    they arnt saying to merge all worlds into 1 but merge some of the worlds with eachother so there are like 3~4 worlds to choose from excluding reboot, something like, Bera (highly populated), Scania (semi populated), (merged server) semi populated, (low population server), instead of doing what they have been doing. These world leap events, where they choose to block certain servers from being transfered to, prevents people moving to a server of their choosing, which forces people who want to move to a server with their friends or move to a populated server to do something like we saw with the last world leap event, it forced players to decided to move into 1 server to have the populated server they wanted.

    GMS honestly does have an unnecessary amount of servers to select and merged under an "alliance"

    they should do their next transfer event after they have done some real merges and not the alliances

    KMS had alliance servers too, but after RED they decided to merge all the allianced servers properly
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited December 2017
    windia-bacon-bk-grazed in one
    Scania/bera/reboot each individual
  • LunaaaaaLunaaaaa
    Reactions: 430
    Posts: 8
    edited December 2017
    merge to save mybckngrazedbkdia

    the FORBIDDEN one
  • ninestrokesninestrokes
    Reactions: 565
    Posts: 8
    edited December 2017
    And we can then call the new merged server Winmybacongrazedbk

  • TransformingThunderTransformingThunder
    Reactions: 1,620
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    edited December 2017
    +1 for grazedbacon
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
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    edited January 2018
    I hope there's progress on this on nexon's side. Dead servers aren't fun.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited January 2018
    we heard they wanted to monitor world populations over the nova update. Nova is over.

    What are the results? Alliance/merges in our future?
  • TrystarrTrystarr
    Reactions: 1,560
    Posts: 70
    edited January 2018
    Sorry i'm so late I forgot about this post*
    This has been an ongoing debate and there’s a split vote. Three main reasons against it:
    1. Servers are already unstable (especially during 2x and miracle times)
    2. Crowdedness and lack of maps to accommodate
    3. One may argue the economy but even separately in less populated worlds, economy is trashed. It’d be worse in one world server. All in all, there’s no immediate need to merge worlds into one.

    Why exactly do you need to play in a full world? If there’s already bera and reboot

    Its not as if Bera and Reboot are simply viable options for me at the moment, I've invested in a dozen characters in Windia, this is not a logical option. I don't remember saying I needed to play in a full server, I would just like moderation with the server options, not polarization. Crowdedness is heavily a problem in Bera right now, don't you think we should spread that around so it is dealt with proportionately among all the servers? Windia is so dead I can pretty much get any map I want. Again with the polarization here. Windia could afford a heavier population without maps becoming a problem. Yea the economy is not a valid point here I don't think. If anything the economy is a huge problem for underpopulated servers again, as I can't even find people to do trades with. Also like to clarify I never said 1 world, but definitely getting rid of acouple is a good idea to remedy all of these problems I mentioned.
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    we heard they wanted to monitor world populations over the nova update. Nova is over.

    What are the results? Alliance/merges in our future?

    I'm hoping we get some results real soon, maybe they were reluctant to made changes so quickly after the last merge. but its been like 4 months now, we are due for some results.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited January 2018
    Trystarr wrote: »
    Sorry i'm so late I forgot about this post*
    This has been an ongoing debate and there’s a split vote. Three main reasons against it:
    1. Servers are already unstable (especially during 2x and miracle times)
    2. Crowdedness and lack of maps to accommodate
    3. One may argue the economy but even separately in less populated worlds, economy is trashed. It’d be worse in one world server. All in all, there’s no immediate need to merge worlds into one.

    Why exactly do you need to play in a full world? If there’s already bera and reboot
    Its not as if Bera and Reboot are simply viable options for me at the moment, I've invested in a dozen characters in Windia, this is not a logical option. I don't remember saying I needed to play in a full server, I would just like moderation with the server options, not polarization. Crowdedness is heavily a problem in Bera right now, don't you think we should spread that around so it is dealt with proportionately among all the servers? Windia is so dead I can pretty much get any map I want. Again with the polarization here. Windia could afford a heavier population without maps becoming a problem. Yea the economy is not a valid point here I don't think. If anything the economy is a huge problem for underpopulated servers again, as I can't even find people to do trades with. Also like to clarify I never said 1 world, but definitely getting rid of acouple is a good idea to remedy all of these problems I mentioned.

    I havent been part of this conversation for some time now. I don't think wht I said is relevant if I'm not part of the thread anymore.

  • 9gag9gag
    Reactions: 270
    Posts: 17
    edited February 2018

    But, let's be honest whoever is running the show cares more about stupid events and cash shop items(that no one is around to buy). They don't read posts here that they disagree with. The forums are where we circle jerk hoping they'll interact, but they won't. Improving the game would mean removing a head out of their butt. The day after forums releases I had a top post for days about server merge. No response. They are so incredibly out of touch with us. [REMOVED]

    First off their isn't much Nexon can do other then to possibly start doing 'TV' ad's to try and get new players.
    A lot of you, fail to realize that the decline of the game as to do with many factors...

    The main reason being is that a lot of the player base have grown up and have to work and get a life.
    The other reasons would be the so-called 'bans' legitimate players claim they've had so that is spreading fear to many others so they don't wanna play.

    As for a world merge you will be making a huge mistake by merging a lot of servers together.
    The KS wars would start all over again.

    As the the Legacy server it's a waste of time, and money for Nexon to do that.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited February 2018
    Mathematically speaking, Maplestory can't compete with games like overwatch, or other favorites and even console games anymore. And the company itself can't compete with other game companies with customer service and how they actually handle hackers in game.

    Maplestory will continue to live on for a few years, but the game itself has reached its peak and left its peak a few years ago, and Nexon is already in its maturity, no more growth as a company.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited February 2018
    Developing maplestory doesnt take much talent or money.... that's foolish to think. Funny how i make valid points they delete it and ignore the good points because i just brought up their more successful competitors whom sell their own product better than they do. Give maps map owners so no one can KS if someone gets their first. More channels so we have room. Simple WOW!
    Legacy servers pay for ads on youtube and make profit. Just saying. The market is pretty big for unnofficial servers, cant imagine an official.. go ahead sensitive insecure moderators delete this comment as well.

    theyre not competitors, in a sense theyre stealing code, that's why you shouldn't talk about legacy servers or private servers on the official forum. none of the money goes to nexon yet they profit off their game, that's also illegal.
  • LolaBunnyLolaBunny
    Reactions: 2,785
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    edited February 2018
    Developing maplestory doesnt take much talent or money.... that's foolish to think. Funny how i make valid points they delete it and ignore the good points because i just brought up their more successful competitors whom sell their own product better than they do. Give maps map owners so no one can KS if someone gets their first. More channels so we have room. Simple WOW!
    Legacy servers pay for ads on youtube and make profit. Just saying. The market is pretty big for unnofficial servers, cant imagine an official.. go ahead sensitive insecure moderators delete this comment as well.

    We don’t allow private server discussion. Stop spamming and avoid derailing the thread any further. Thank you.
  • ShadEightShadEight
    Reactions: 3,110
    Posts: 381
    edited February 2018
    Trystarr wrote: »
    Give maps map owners so no one can KS if someone gets their first.

    I agree with bringing a legacy server but this is a garbage suggestion.
  • LolaBunnyLolaBunny
    Reactions: 2,785
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    edited February 2018
    This derailed quickly and has nothing to do with the current topic, so i’ll just stop it here. Please do not make posts related to legacy server.

    Close Reason: Thread was derailed and discussion of legacy server which is against the rules.
This discussion has been closed.