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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Kaiser Command Keys made useless/obsolete
If you want to give it a shot:
1. assign your basic "Attack" to a key
2. go to your beginner tab, assign the "Dragon Link" skill (icon is an exclamation mark) to a key
3. press "Attack" then immediately,
4. press the key(s) that come after the plus (+) sign
("SKILL" for Gigas Wave command is whatever key to which you have assigned Gigas Wave)
You have to repeat steps 3 and 4 each time to get the 15% Final Damage bonus and extra Morph Gauge.
It's a slow mashing of two or three keys that doesn't work a large portion of the time, and actually drops your DPS even if you successfully manage to pull it off with certainty.
After this patch [v177.1] I feel the patch has ruined Kaiser's "Dragon Link"Skill.
At this stage I find "Dragon Link" completely USELESS and not necessary to use because you have to use Dragon Slash before you could even activate any "Dragon Link" skills.
On topic: I'm with OP on this. I was used to using the Command Keys/combo and it was already sometimes difficult depending on what you were doing. But now it's difficult AND useless to use the new commands. Did anyone bother to test this at all? I'm seriously wondering if this is something that can get fixed/reverted to how it was ASAP.
and kaisers (as well as every other class) only got 1 new skill but the other cores also matter too, in the grand scheme of things.
Be annoyed all you want, but there really is no other reason for this change to happen Just before the V patch, and also no reason why all other versions that had the non KMS version are also making the change back to KMS versions of thse classes.
the system may be new to us,but it was like this from Launch in KMS.
When I said this is the KMS version of kaiser I meant This IS the KMS version of kaiser, in it's entirety.
Kaiser in KMS has always used this "command" key system that we have gotten.
the non KMS version, Like luminus, used a different system entirely than KMS.
this change is most likely happening to make things compatible for 5th job, because the same change is happening to all other regions that had used the non KMS versions of these classes.
Good, Bad, Dont like it, It doesnt mater, that's the truth of the situation, as there is no other reason to revert the systems to the KMS versions, especially on such a scale for all versions of maple that had non KMS versions of the class.
and As I had said earlier, you will have to either get cozy with these controls, Not use the new system or find a new main, because the system is not likely going back to what we had previously. not saying this to be an ass, just saying this because a change is now very unlikely to happen unless it happens in KMS, be mad all you want.
For anyone curious, video demonstration of how Command Keys now
worksuffice.Aside: I found two instances of when it can still be used as an improvement to regular hot-keying, but the activation is too inconsistent to warrant using it in succession. Still seems useless.