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Where's the rest of Jett's Nodes

Reactions: 3,445
Posts: 519
edited April 2018 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Starfall has no enhancement node.
Strikeforce Showdown has no enhancement node.

KMS and JMS classes have included nodes for any skill that does damage excluding the ones that does reflect/counter damage (like Rage) but Jett has been half assed from the start.
also: 3% final damage to Starforce Salvo doesn't cut it for the lack of having a node for Strikeforce Showdown. 4th job skills should intentionally have a 2% final damage per level node respectively for those skills, so either increase it to 4% damage or reduce it to 2% and give Strikeforce it's own node.

During that time, please work on fixing the error of Vortex Cross's 3rd job enhancement skill not doing an additional attack when using it in the air/downwards or a 2nd time.

Vortex Cross also no longer works as an animation cancel for half of the skills unless used as a hotkey, or not at all when Jett job advances.

Jett is probably not GMS's decision to work on as the OX quiz recently said it was created along side Zen, and Jett was just the regional variant for GMS. But please forward this to the team that is responsible for the mess called Jett.


  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited April 2018
    Jett and BT are the 2 classes that get really shafted when it comes to updating them to current standards
  • bootlickerbootlicker
    Reactions: 1,475
    Posts: 158
    edited April 2018
    I used to main Jett and gave it up. It's a joke how poorly that class is maintained.