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Poor maple anniversary

Reactions: 530
Posts: 10
edited April 2018 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Every anniversary has his own set to commemorate this event, so im wondering why the 13th anniversary does not have its own ?, and why there is not maplestory leaves?? they are the symbol of this game, practically my happyness, get back my happyness!!, no seriously i want them :'(


  • deidaraheideidarahei
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 10
    edited April 2018
    Get Back The Maple Leavesss !!
  • RyoManRyoMan
    Reactions: 1,230
    Posts: 103
    edited April 2018
    I want them back too. Nexon is stripping the away the soul of the game. Plenty of areas need changing... just not this :{
  • deidaraheideidarahei
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 10
    edited April 2018
    yea :'( please, get back the spirit of anniversary ~~ nexon
  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,860
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    edited April 2018
    The set item is the group of cash items called the Maple Galaxy items, themed like a space suit. The items themselves are permanent, the stats are temporary. This was the same as last year's anniversary, where the cash set (the Noble set) was themed after a king/queens outfit:
    (12th anniversary)
    (13th anniversary)

    Nexon has been leaning off of anniversary events that use mob drops, such as Maple Leaves, for a long time now. If past updates are any indication, this is because people would spend a majority of their time grinding mobs for anniversary leaves/coins, rather than participating in the events themselves. The tradeable nature of leaves additionally led to complaints of rampant botting. In past anniversaries, for example, even those who were not hacking would spend hours upon hours grinding in Evolution Lab, collect thousands of coins in a short span of time, and buy out the anniversary shops very quickly, then typically demand that the shop subsequently be restocked
  • TerrorStreakTerrorStreak
    Reactions: 2,320
    Posts: 500
    edited April 2018
    Neospector wrote: »
    Nexon has been leaning off of anniversary events that use mob drops, such as Maple Leaves, for a long time now. If past updates are any indication, this is because people would spend a majority of their time grinding mobs for anniversary leaves/coins, rather than participating in the events themselves. The tradeable nature of leaves additionally led to complaints of rampant botting. In past anniversaries, for example, even those who were not hacking would spend hours upon hours grinding in Evolution Lab, collect thousands of coins in a short span of time, and buy out the anniversary shops very quickly, then typically demand that the shop subsequently be restocked

    Well most people loved the past anniversaries and the fact that getting a lot of good stuff was made super quick and simple and now it is not, you can say whatever you'd like but the fact is now u have to really put in a good amount of effort to get anything, i am prolly skipping participation in this event aside from playing a few mini games. Other past players may look at the situation and feel like nexon is just being stingy, as ever since 9th anniversary where they rewarded the players greatly with much popular sought after stuff, (9th anniversary prime scrolls) and arguably the anniversary events rewards have gone down hill from there.

    I on the other hand thank Nexon Greatly for making these unpopular changes and releasing these once thought to be crazy to be missed anniversary events due to the awsome rewards and easy non time consuming acquisition of said rewards. but now they are watering down the rewards enough and making it more time consuming to earn them to the point that i could care less if i miss it, and carry on as business as usual cause i am lazy LOL.

    Kinda upset our 2X exp events are not making an appearance as per usual, must be part of the down ward spiral of unpopular changes this anniversary. If Nexon wants to get rid of the 2X exp events that we have all come to know and love, it would of been nice to be given a final one with a notice that it will be our last 2X and to enjoy it while u can kinda thing.

  • deidaraheideidarahei
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 10
    edited April 2018
    Thanks comrades for your answers, but i know the botters take advantage of "drop events", but rid off those events is detrimental for players who likes leveling while participating in the anniversary, and im still thinking if there is problems with bots, then they must update more often their anti hack system, and do not affect players while fighting them, because im still pretty sure, even if nexon rid off "drop events" the hakers will find the way to hack anniversary's mini games to farm them too.

    And about king and galaxy sets, i really cant belive they are from anniversary, because for me they do not match with the "maple anniversary" thematic.
    well thats what i think as a player who usually loves maple anniversaries.
    thanks again for yours answers.
    PD: I really was expecting a new set for maple aniversary, like the player called "Ozone" was showing off in the "Blast Off With Anniversary Events!" page (http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/29000/blast-off-with-anniversary-events), because that would be awsome.
  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,860
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    edited April 2018
    deidarahei wrote: »
    PD: I really was expecting a new set for maple aniversary, like the player called "Ozone" was showing off in the "Blast Off With Anniversary Events!" page (http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/29000/blast-off-with-anniversary-events), because that would be awsome.

    That character is equipped with the level 200 Arcane Umbra set and, from the look of it, a (level 60/70) Heavenly Katara.
  • deidaraheideidarahei
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 10
    edited April 2018
    lol i didnt knew, thanks <3
  • ACMBlackCipherACMBlackCipher
    Reactions: 1,690
    Posts: 104
    edited April 2018
    You've already made a thread about this in the suggestions thread. What's the point of making another one here in the general section? Maple leaves were annoying and all people did after buying out the shop (or not participating in the event at all) was sell them for exorbitant prices.

    Edit: This was from a merged thread.
  • XiangTuXiangTu
    Reactions: 1,225
    Posts: 59
    edited April 2018
    You've already made a thread about this in the suggestions thread. What's the point of making another one here in the general section? Maple leaves were annoying and all people did after buying out the shop (or not participating in the event at all) was sell them for exorbitant prices.

    Grinding and/or trading is a fundamental part of this game, I don't understand how playing the game while simultaneously participating in an event by farming drops is annoying. Buying items is a fundamental option in nonreboot servers, if you don't like the prices you were entirely capable of farming them yourself. I personally enjoy the mini games, but I cant 'grind' for long periods of time playing them because I simply don't enjoy them as much as training or bossing, and I don't think that's unreasonable considering I as a fan of maple (as i'm sure many agree) don't play maple for the mini games (despite the fact that i generally enjoy them to an extent).

    and LOL to the rationale of "But the hackers exploited the maple leaves so getting rid of it made sense". By this logic, lets just get rid of everything in this game, because hackers exploit leveling, farming and nx cash too.

    In terms of being able to buy out the store(atleast the enhancement tab) - I don't see how this is a bad thing if you're willing to put the time into grinding and farming. I've honestly played so much reverse recently I was too burned out to take advantage of the doubled 400 coin limit today.

  • 26002600
    Reactions: 735
    Posts: 93
    edited April 2018
    I swear MapleStory 9th anniversary was the best one at least we didn't have to pay real money to get prime scrolls...
    This is MapleStory's worst Birthday so far.
  • ACMBlackCipherACMBlackCipher
    Reactions: 1,690
    Posts: 104
    edited April 2018
    XiangTu wrote: »
    You've already made a thread about this in the suggestions thread. What's the point of making another one here in the general section? Maple leaves were annoying and all people did after buying out the shop (or not participating in the event at all) was sell them for exorbitant prices.

    Grinding and/or trading is a fundamental part of this game, I don't understand how playing the game while simultaneously participating in an event by farming drops is annoying. Buying items is a fundamental option in nonreboot servers, if you don't like the prices you were entirely capable of farming them yourself. I personally enjoy the mini games, but I cant 'grind' for long periods of time playing them because I simply don't enjoy them as much as training or bossing, and I don't think that's unreasonable considering I as a fan of maple (as i'm sure many agree) don't play maple for the mini games (despite the fact that i generally enjoy them to an extent).

    and LOL to the rationale of "But the hackers exploited the maple leaves so getting rid of it made sense". By this logic, lets just get rid of everything in this game, because hackers exploit leveling, farming and nx cash too.

    In terms of being able to buy out the store(atleast the enhancement tab) - I don't see how this is a bad thing if you're willing to put the time into grinding and farming. I've honestly played so much reverse recently I was too burned out to take advantage of the doubled 400 coin limit today.

    Never did I say that grinding was not a part of the game. To be fair, I should have clarified that pet loot lag still hadn't been patched then and lagged the ever-living hell out of me. It may be fixed now but I don't see what the problem is in doing something different from other anniversaries. You can still hunt and grind event currency. After picking up the three skills you can get even more stardust by hunting. You're still doing the same thing but you don't have to loot every single leaf. I'd argue that's an advantage to every player who doesn't have a pet.

    I made no remark about hacking/botting so I'm gonna assume you were replying to someone else.

    Also did not say that buying out the shop was bad. Merely that there was no POINT to the leaves after buying out the shop. Selling is a part of the game, yes, but it doesn't add any significance to the event in general after the shop is empty.

    My point is, having an event without the leaf drop is only an issue with some because of nostalgia, as with many other things that have been removed from the game.
    Hunting with boosted EXP? - Subzero
    Hunting and grinding for fast stardust (including booster skills for stardust drop)? - Normal hunting grounds within your level range
  • RyoManRyoMan
    Reactions: 1,230
    Posts: 103
    edited April 2018
    Nostalgia is very important. This is not a game that just hit the market. Maplestory have been around over 13yrs, and some people have spent the majority of their childhood-into adulthood playing this game. Nostalgia is an important issue that have kept some people from coming back to maple, because everything they knew and love have been removed/changed/altered. It seems like nothing about Maple has stayed, its like their trying to recreate a new game, when the blueprint to major success have been in their face all along. There are few things about Maple's history that are still in the game. Maple traditions are more and more wiped out.

    Maple Leaf event is more than just an event to some people, it is tradition just like the 2x event was. I miss trying to catch the maple leaves in the falling maple leaves event. I miss the custom weapons and designs set, eager to see how they will out do themselves next time. With anything that spans over a decade people will always remember how things was, and traditions that came to be. You can't expect people to forget that overnight.
  • deidaraheideidarahei
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 10
    edited April 2018
    guys you are going to make me cry, Maple traditions must be improved, not wiped out. thanks <3
  • ACMBlackCipherACMBlackCipher
    Reactions: 1,690
    Posts: 104
    edited April 2018
    I suppose this is a point where we'll have to agree to disagree. I see your point, I really do. Being a longtime player there were changes made that I absolutely hated. The dumbing down of the maps that came about after the Big Bang patch. Much of the fun (or grind) came from exploring and getting lost in the maps. Sleepywood especially.

    In the grand scheme of "nostalgia" I would consider this a small point.

    With regard to "improving tradition," the whole point of tradition is that it's stagnant. It becomes stale, where people begin to complain that the events are the same year after year. People leave during those repetitive events and only see them fondly once they're either gone or they come back after a long time away.

    If you continue to "improve" upon tradition then people complain that it's no longer what it was. . . in the opposite direction that the event has taken now (one big example for me was when they improved leveling. I complained a lot that the spirit of the grind was gone, "back in my day" style).

    Consider my opinion an unpopular one if you will, and I apologize for the long posts.


    Bringing back the leaves is NOT an inherently BAD idea. I personally like the direction recent events have taken.
  • FluorescingFluorescing
    Reactions: 590
    Posts: 19
    edited April 2018
    XiangTu wrote: »
    You've already made a thread about this in the suggestions thread. What's the point of making another one here in the general section? Maple leaves were annoying and all people did after buying out the shop (or not participating in the event at all) was sell them for exorbitant prices.

    Grinding and/or trading is a fundamental part of this game, I don't understand how playing the game while simultaneously participating in an event by farming drops is annoying. Buying items is a fundamental option in nonreboot servers, if you don't like the prices you were entirely capable of farming them yourself. I personally enjoy the mini games, but I cant 'grind' for long periods of time playing them because I simply don't enjoy them as much as training or bossing, and I don't think that's unreasonable considering I as a fan of maple (as i'm sure many agree) don't play maple for the mini games (despite the fact that i generally enjoy them to an extent).

    and LOL to the rationale of "But the hackers exploited the maple leaves so getting rid of it made sense". By this logic, lets just get rid of everything in this game, because hackers exploit leveling, farming and nx cash too.

    In terms of being able to buy out the store(atleast the enhancement tab) - I don't see how this is a bad thing if you're willing to put the time into grinding and farming. I've honestly played so much reverse recently I was too burned out to take advantage of the doubled 400 coin limit today.

    Never did I say that grinding was not a part of the game. To be fair, I should have clarified that pet loot lag still hadn't been patched then and lagged the ever-living hell out of me. It may be fixed now but I don't see what the problem is in doing something different from other anniversaries. You can still hunt and grind event currency. After picking up the three skills you can get even more stardust by hunting. You're still doing the same thing but you don't have to loot every single leaf. I'd argue that's an advantage to every player who doesn't have a pet.

    I made no remark about hacking/botting so I'm gonna assume you were replying to someone else.

    Also did not say that buying out the shop was bad. Merely that there was no POINT to the leaves after buying out the shop. Selling is a part of the game, yes, but it doesn't add any significance to the event in general after the shop is empty.

    My point is, having an event without the leaf drop is only an issue with some because of nostalgia, as with many other things that have been removed from the game.
    Hunting with boosted EXP? - Subzero
    Hunting and grinding for fast stardust (including booster skills for stardust drop)? - Normal hunting grounds within your level range

    Just because one thing affects you, doesn't mean it affects the remainder of the community. Leaves were highly economical, and they allowed for an alternative methods to get rewards. Which in turn, motivates people (especially newer and less funded) to farm out the leaves and sell them. With an already dying economy, maplestory has made it harder to buy rewards by forcing them to grind/play minigames that are repetitive. You know, not everyone needs those coins? Lower funded people lack interest in most items in the shop since they dont really have an impact. When they could still sell leaves, they could still benefit both people of a trade without any going to waste.

    You say after you buy out the shop, leaves become useless. Um? If you're capable of buying out the shop, you'd be capable of doing it on multiple characters. Possible with leaves, but no one is going to grind multiple characters just for the sake of obtaining coins. They're making the real worlds of maplestory become more and more like reboot with lack of trade and economy.

    This anniversary is poorly done. Nexon is consistently removing the good aspects of the game one by one and ultimately deterring players from the already dying game lmao. (eg.?
  • ArgentArgent
    Reactions: 3,090
    Posts: 272
    edited April 2018
    I don't think that this event is bad necessarily, but I can't really see it as an anniversary event. Nothing really calls back on the history of Maplestory, there's no reflection nor is there anything that is more forward-looking. Right now the event only feels like a loosely space themed event, which at any other time would be fine.

    Oh and @Neospector since you brought up the Noble set, could you tell me if the Maple Galaxy equipment set is similar in that you can't move the items to the cash shop? I'd love to get them, but if they only clog up my inventory I'll probably pass.
  • NeospectorNeospector
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    edited April 2018
    Argent wrote: »
    Oh and @Neospector since you brought up the Noble set, could you tell me if the Maple Galaxy equipment set is similar in that you can't move the items to the cash shop? I'd love to get them, but if they only clog up my inventory I'll probably pass.

    I don't know as I haven't bought the items; I'd work off the assumption that they can't, similar to the Noble set.
  • AKradianAKradian
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    edited April 2018
    Argent wrote: »
    Oh and @Neospector since you brought up the Noble set, could you tell me if the Maple Galaxy equipment set is similar in that you can't move the items to the cash shop? I'd love to get them, but if they only clog up my inventory I'll probably pass.

    They can be moved to Cash Shop storage.
  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    edited April 2018
    The mini-games are fun and there are nice damage skins in the coin shop. I think they did well :)